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Posts posted by JP76er

  1. So when will we have a "Generation Kill Campaign" ? 8-)

    Touring thrue iraq in 4 humwees solving recon and small skirmish contacts :)


    I don't want it unless there is absolutely no "Hollywood" influence to it at all. So far to me, it's "All American Military Bad, All The Time". I was excited at first, but my elation has dropped considerably as the show goes on. I'll still watch with very little hope it improves. [sarcasm]Does Oliver Stone have anything to do with this?[/sarcasm]

  2. I remember reading a post by Steve some time ago where he told a story about a javelin being fired on a real life sniper in Iraq. I particularly remember this anecdote as he mentioned that there wasn't much left of the sniper but the building was left intact. At that time in CMSF's development, a building hit by a single javelin was usually destroyed too. So, yes, it would appear that the US army use their javelins as portable artillery in real life too.

    I wonder what that sniper's thoughts were when he saw/heard that missile coming. I'll check out the You Tube too.

  3. Given that a standard Stryker infantry platoon wth standard ammo, or even a scout platoon, has 12 javelins at their disposal the suggestion that increasing the number of enemy tanks to rebalance the game is simply absurd for two reasons...

    the first is that you would need to endow the enemy side with an absolute minimum of 12 tanks per stryker platoon. And if there were a full US Stryker Company, you're talking about more than a battalion of tanks. Now, if we follow c3k's logic, these tanks are merely included in the game to soak up the javelins that we can't otherwise delete from the game. Yes, you can reduce the US ammo supply but even with the lowest settings you still get 1 and that means a minimum of 4 tanks per platoon that are just there as cannon fodder. After you've blown those dozens of tanks up, you've then got potentially dozens of frame-rate killing burning wrecks scattered all over he battlefield before you can get down to the REAL action.

    (Yes, you can argue that it's not a given that 1 javelin equals 1 dead tank but it's pretty close to that when they're being used by a competent US player who knows how to deploy his javelin teams)

    the second is that, without any other AT assets, ie Stryker ATGM's or tanks, when the US Stryker force runs out of javelins, they have almost nothing left with which to hurt enemy armour. And that's not funny when it happens.

    Therefore the BEST way to balance these scenarios is to give the US an realistic OB that includes tanks when there's the possibility that they'll be fighting tanks.

    Cpl Steiner's suggestion is a good one for those of us who'd like to reduce their influence in the game without denuding the US Inafntry of their ammo and it's not an unrealistic proposition. You can just cut the boring armour slaughter-fest out and get straight into the action. The mission starts after the enemy armour has been eliminated...

    I agree with this. I hope that the balance of arty can be rehashed. I end up using a lot of my javelins as a make shift arty round because either you don't have any or there usually is a very limited supply. I have no military background so I'm not sure how real world this is.

  4. Found this in another thread:

    Now, I' curious. Ever since 1.0, I haven't managed to locate any mines using engineers so far, unless the first went off. :(

    JP76er or anyone else who's been successful in finding them, would you be so kind as to enlighten me?

    Any help would be appreciated. smile.gif


    I'm JP76er & I never posted such an item on a thread about mines. I just started looking today to find out how to make the "Mark Mines" feature work. I'm finding out that it doesn't really work in any logical way to make it real or useful. Don't know where that other post came from.

  5. Originally posted by George Mc:

    Hi JP76er

    Yes - CMSF does appear to model individual trees so any rounds will hit trees if they are in the road. LOS does not mean you have LOF smile.gif As these T72s are top of the range ones, and if they are in good cover sitting still then they are more likely to get of first shot and KO the M1.

    Re finding hull down, not so sure I have any top tips. I tend to get down to lev 1 view and slowly moving stuff forward using 'hunt' if they see something they'll stop and engage, or pop smoke and pull back.

    Glad you are enjoying it, let us know how you get on? smile.gif

    Cheers fur noo


    Hi George Mc,

    It definitely was my set up on my armor. I found to use the movement view from the front while moving my armor in to position. I could then “nose” them into a covered position with just enough exposed to be a deadly set up for the opposing armor & infantry. I think with more practice of that tactic, my hull down capabilities with get better in time. I had good news & bad news with my latest attempt of “Cry Havoc”. I had cleared Tina, Nicole & Joan with just two Bradleys knocked out & I had one M1 & one Bradley immobilized due to terrain. I was setting up my assault on Gail when the Mighty Microsoft crashed my game! I run a clean machine, I use Norton 360 which runs automatically & I use other software to make sure the registry is clean so it wasn’t the PC. Microsoft bit me in the butt again!! The scenario is great; I am a complete newbie since I have never served in the Armed Forces. It is really teaching me a lot while I’m having a blast playing it.



  6. I'll go & load the latest version & play again. The part on the trees being in the way, I was wondering the same thing. Is the engine on Shock Force intelligent enough to realize when you are shooting through a tree or trees? That could be part of my error, especially with the Bradleys. With the TOW being wire guided, the AI won't let loose a TOW because it's path is blocked. Can anyone tell me how to find a good hull down position in wooded & rough terrain? I'm wondering if the T72s are doing that & picking off my Abrams because they are not in as good as cover as I believed. Thanks ahead for any input. It's really a fun scenario, so I'm off to the revised version & play again.


    Originally posted by George Mc:

    Hi Vulture

    I'll check that out. The facings should all be correct and as far as I know there should be no corupption i.e. the map was not made in another build, then converted but built in 1.08


    That's odd as normally the T72s appear and die as the M1s spot em and engage long before the T72s get a bead on em. In saying that there can be lot's going on so maybe, just maybe the M1s are not seeing the T72s in cover who then get a chance for a first shot. At the ranges on this map a T72 hitting an M1 will do damage if not KO it. Do you have any save game files? Be interested to see what gives as my own experiences of the scenario don't echo yours (although I have successfully lost M1s in this to the T72s!) so I'd be keen to see what is going on. I would have thought that the Javelins would at least take out a BMP first hit, although again **** happens and could be a Javelin hist and does not damage, rare I would have thought but possible..

  7. I have a few questions. I have no military background at all, but I've played war games for awhile, especially Shock Force. Everything was going well until the T72s started appearing. They were taking shots at my M1s without the M1s spotting them. I had them in good over watch positions & in good cover. My tanks would engage any infantry that popped up, but it was like no-seeums for the T72s. It seemed like about 75% of the time, it took two Javelins to take out any T72. Are the Syrian T72s really superior to the Abrams and the Javelins? My tanks would take several hits from stationary T72s & pop smoke if I was lucky. All 4 were knocked out. It also seemed to take two or three shots from the M1s to make a kill, even on the BMPs. I would click on the individual tanks & the T72s would not light up as being seen & with no fire from the Abrams. I also checked as two T72s engaged one Abrams. They were firing on the M1 but the M1 didn't even show that it was spotting the T72s. They also took out 3 Bradleys while the T72s moved into position to fire at them. The Bradleys could see them the whole time but only one fired twice with it's TOWs & those both did no damage. Not sure what I was doing wrong & would appreciate any input. As far as clearing out the objectives in buildings, everything worked well.

  8. Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Chainsaw:

    I want the marine module now so the british module is a bit closer!

    I want to hear my troops saying "alright chaps!" :D

    I doubt you'll hear much of that from the modern British squadie. More like, "Get a f**king move on you f**king w***kers before I put my boot up your f**king arse!" Brits swear more than Yanks these days, civilians and military alike. </font>
  9. Originally posted by Clavicula_Nox:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Dragon67:

    Action movies and TV make it look like you have to be stupid to get shot or blown up.

    Well, I was blown up because of my own stupidity, that much is true, but some people just get hit and they're doing everything right. It just happens. </font>
  10. M1A1TC - Those are some great pics. I would love to see more if you don't mind. Any pics of Iraq would be of interest to me. I'm helping out 4 of the 3rd Bat Rangers, from "Black Hawk Down" fame, in 2 websites to help out all vets from all wars. All positive help & stories to show how great the contributions all vets do every day that the news just registers a nano-blip. Any suggestions or any pics & stories would be appreciated. I looked at your profile, are you with the Ohio National Guard? I am never served in our Armed Services; sometimes I'm not sure on things. If you are, we just saw my friend's band, American Dog open for Ace Frehley in Columbus. Excellent show! American Dog always rocks the place. Ace looked great. He has a long history of drug & alcohol abuse but he is sober & clean now. He's heavier in a healthy way. He's coherent & funny as hell. He put on an awesome show. I really like Columbus & the OSU campus. They played at the Newport Music Hall. There were many nice young ladies about the place.

    Edited to remember proper spelling & grammar.

  11. Originally posted by Dragon67:

    The M113 is currently in use in Iraq by the US military. Over 50 countrys including Turkey and Israel use them. Over 50k have been produced. I don't know the full extent of their use by the US and Iraq in theatre now.

    I guess they are not as attractive as the Bradley and could be mistaken for a toaster on the battlefield.

    It would be nice to see them in the game, though.

    Thanks for making me laugh! A toaster! I have Multiple Sclerosis & I'm back in to military models & the good old enduring M113 is one of my favorite class of models. No where near the APCs now but what a workhorse. I love all the different versions & all of the different countries that are or have used the M113.

    I'll have my wife get in touch with you when I start scratch building a M113 out of our toaster.


    Edited to add that building models does wonders for the fine motor skills in my hands. Helps hand to eye coordination.

  12. Originally posted by JP76er:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by abneo3sierra:

    Bigduke..As someone who myself has a shattered leg that, hopefully, will be back to normal soon, and constant headaches, that may never be, and a shattered marriage, I deeply resent your implication that sacrifices were somehow made for the selfish reason of "combat duty" for glory, etc..I would have left a very long time ago, if I did not believe in the cause. I do..to have not acted, would have left many more dead, and would have left people such as my 5 year old son, having to "pay the bill" as it were, because, trust me, whether or not you see it, it still will come due.

    Appeasement does not save lives, in the long run, sure, it may save a few now, but it strengthens the enemy, and in the end will cost far more than anyone is willing to imagine.

    Hey Man,

    Did you get my email? Get in touch. The Websites are to help Vets like yourself. Get back to me & I will get one of the Rangers in touch with you. </font>

  13. Originally posted by abneo3sierra:

    Bigduke..As someone who myself has a shattered leg that, hopefully, will be back to normal soon, and constant headaches, that may never be, and a shattered marriage, I deeply resent your implication that sacrifices were somehow made for the selfish reason of "combat duty" for glory, etc..I would have left a very long time ago, if I did not believe in the cause. I do..to have not acted, would have left many more dead, and would have left people such as my 5 year old son, having to "pay the bill" as it were, because, trust me, whether or not you see it, it still will come due.

    Appeasement does not save lives, in the long run, sure, it may save a few now, but it strengthens the enemy, and in the end will cost far more than anyone is willing to imagine.

    Hey Man,

    Did you get my email? Get in touch. The Websites are to help Vets like yourself. Get back to me & I will get one of the Rangers in touch with you.

  14. Originally posted by abneo3sierra:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JP76er:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JP76er:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MD82:

    Not if it takes out a 6 million dollar tank.

    If I were an infantry commander in Iraq and my choice were to send in a platoon of infantry into an ied and insurgent infested building or use a $100,000 missile it's a no brainier.

    Fire power saves lives and I don't think any parent of a trooper or any superior officer would begrudge the extra cost.

    I agree. IMHO, my tax dollars being spent wisely. Our men & women in the service are priceless.

    On another note; I'm working with some of the REAL Rangers from "Black Hawk Down" fame on two websites. They will be set up to aid ALL U.S. VETS, from ALL WARS. They are about done with the non-profit paperwork & meetings with the right important people. Just asking the Mods & owners, can I post those links when they are ready? Not selling anything at all, just setting up aid & networking to our heroes. The guys said something about leg units being invited too... </font>

  15. Originally posted by JP76er:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MD82:

    Not if it takes out a 6 million dollar tank.

    If I were an infantry commander in Iraq and my choice were to send in a platoon of infantry into an ied and insurgent infested building or use a $100,000 missile it's a no brainier.

    Fire power saves lives and I don't think any parent of a trooper or any superior officer would begrudge the extra cost.

    I agree. IMHO, my tax dollars being spent wisely. Our men & women in the service are priceless.

    On another note; I'm working with some of the REAL Rangers from "Black Hawk Down" fame on two websites. They will be set up to aid ALL U.S. VETS, from ALL WARS. They are about done with the non-profit paperwork & meetings with the right important people. Just asking the Mods & owners, can I post those links when they are ready? Not selling anything at all, just setting up aid & networking to our heroes. The guys said something about leg units being invited too... </font>

  16. Originally posted by MD82:

    Not if it takes out a 6 million dollar tank.

    If I were an infantry commander in Iraq and my choice were to send in a platoon of infantry into an ied and insurgent infested building or use a $100,000 missile it's a no brainer.

    Fire power saves lives and I don't think any parent of a trooper or any superior officer would begrudge the extra cost.

    I agree. IMHO, my tax dollars being spent wisely. Our men & women in the service are priceless.

    On another note; I'm working with some of the REAL Rangers from "Black Hawk Down" fame on two websites. They will be set up to aid ALL U.S. VETS, from ALL WARS. They are about done with the non-profit paperwork & meetings with the right important people. Just asking the Mods & owners, can I post those links when they are ready? Not selling anything at all, just setting up aid & networking to our heroes. The guys said something about leg units being invited too...

  17. I'm still working on screen shots. I just had some fun last night & added everything I could think of & unleashed it. I see exactly why we (USA) are reluctant to take out any targets in a city environment, with any bombs from a jet. Pretty pin point accuracy but you still have quite the collateral damage. If it was between my men or that building, I would definitely use the air power. Otherwise, I would use it in great restraint. Working the arty, 81mm, 120mm & 155mm on targets, worked out very well. They worked great in the city to discourage some insurgents plus disrupt their plans to reinforce areas. I liked how much control I have on time & amount of shelling to use. I find that arty is my friend. I'm still on the bubble with how the copters work in this game. I know other people have already sent input to Battlefront & I pretty much have the same issues brought to their attention. Seems like a lack of detail & control. I'm really using this scenario as a training tool & it's greatly appreciated. I'm adding some Abrams today & see how well they work with this scenario & map. Fox 1 is pretty innocuous but a tough nut to crack. Still trying new tactics in that area.

  18. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JP76er:

    You're evil, aren't you? Hee... I love the scenario, it is quite the challenge & I'm learning a lot. I'm about to edit it & add a battery or two of 155mm & just leveling the place & walking on in. Won't be much fun though, pretty cool to watch I bet.

    Keep em coming!

    How about a nice screen shot...we all LOVE to view the carnage available... and it's just a mouse click away! </font>
  19. Question for all. How do you make a squad with the engineer search & find mines? I'm always careful at a major intersection or street position for my armor & like to search for mines to clear the location. One of my Strykers found some mines when it panicked & reversed right into the mines & was immobilized. Any help would be appreciated. Another reason I like this scenario is that the Red has different options on setup randomly for each time you play the game. I know others have mentioned that, I just wanted to add my praise. Great scenario & well done!!!!! Quit your day job & just concentrate on scenarios. Hee...

    Edited to add: I just need the mine field help on this scenario. Others I have played with engineer squads, I can locate the mines.

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