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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by JP76er

  1. Wow! this was confusing.

    I think I finally have this correct.

    Part of the problem is that I got an error message when I tried unzipping the replacement auto update exe and ru file. I had to unzip this to the desktop and cut and paste them into the auto updater file. Great this was in place.

    I did the "run as administrator" directly from the auto update exe.

    I then went to the game shortcut and tried the update button from there. This failed to connect. I hit the "run as administrator' and it loaded successfully.

    To make sure this finally was correct I hit the update button again. I got another fail to connect.

    I finally discovered that the Administrator Rights which "WERE" checked yesterday "WERE NOT" checked today. Perhaps this had something to do with the replacement of the auto update??? I will be keeping an eye on this flaky behaviour.

    Things are once again good to go.

    Thanks for all of the advice here. I have Vista Ultimate 64 bit & had to run as an administrator. Fixed my problems!

  2. FYI, this is the answer Charles gave to this question sometimes back:

    So you just get so many rounds or artillery time allocated to you. You, as commander decide if you want to use it up as smoke, HE or AP.

    Thanks much! That gives me a good sense of what the BF people are thinking. It makes sense & it will also make my game playing better. Have another factor to consider in planning my attack, which just adds more fun to the game.

    Thanks Again!

  3. It's been reported earlier: if you call in SMOKE, it magically changes ALL rounds available into SMOKE rounds. The reverse is not true: if you have some SMOKE rounds, but call in HE strikes, the HE will continue until depleted, but you will still have your SMOKE rounds left.

    I haven't heard of any fixes.


    Aren't the rounds marked in real life to avoid this? Have to fire the man in charge of my artillery assets. I have found since the inception of the game that if you fire all your HE rounds & deplete them; the smoke rounds are gone too. I haven't seen that changed. With the new glitch, it really impacts your play in whether you really want to fire a smokescreen or do you just not do it to save the HE for later in the game. Battlefront, any fix coming?

  4. I downloaded & installed the corrected v1.21 "Semper Fi Syria" campaign & I'm now having a bug or problem where if I fire smoke from my arty assets, it depletes the general, personnel & armor ammo at the same time. I'm finding this in both the new campaign & other scenarios. Just reporting & looking for a fix.


  5. Hi JP76er,

    I had a look at the file in the scenario editor and it seems that the briefing is wrong. There are only two Light Gun sections arriving at T+10. Originally I planned to let the second section arrive at T+1:00, but since I needed the reinforcement slot for something else, I let both arrive at T+10. Simply forgot to correct the briefing afterwards.

    So you should already have two sections of 105mm available. I hope you will be able to survive without another section. I know it's a tough mission. But hey, where is all the fun if it just was a walk in the park =D


    Cool, I have to plan the use of the 105s in a different way. It's a tough fight but that's what makes them fun!


  6. They haven't been immobilized have they? I have just ran into this in one of my Marines missions in the campaign, but they didnt get hit, they got stuck.

    No, they haven't. I can set a way point at any movement speed & it stays the same. It won't change facing either. I have one now where BOTH the LAV & the dismounted troopers won't move. I've set way points for both & they & their paths stay throughout the game. It's pretty bizarre. They are both on lower area of the map on the Marine's side. Not sure if it's a map issue or what. It's an excellent scenario, I'm going to restart & see what happens.

    Thanks for your input!

  7. HI,

    I've been playing the Dark Storm scenario after patching up to v1.21 & have found both of my Scout LAVs freeze. Can't move them anywhere. I've tried loading & unloading some units & that doesn't do any good. I've looked at both LAY & the doors/ramp are stuck open. I have tried bailing out the crew & then having them mount up again. The LAVS treat them as troops loading up in back. I can acquire weapons too. I just can't get them to man the LAV & to have the LAV move. Any ideas?


  8. I played this one as BLUE PBEM against a very good opponent. Its tough since the Syrians have a good force and there is only one way in. All you can do is grit your teeth and keep moving forward.

    ------SPOILERS BELOW-------------------------------

    I used my infantry to move forward and spot enemy strongpoints and BMPs which I would then take out with mortars, AT weapons, SMAWs and tanks.

    The RED commander used his AFVs on my flanks, hitting buildings with my troops in it, causing horrendous casualties and pulling back and repositioning before I could move AT assets/tanks in to deal with them.

    I lost one M1 at the gate to frontal fire by a BMP2. Another was immobilized during a duel with 2 T-90s (I got one).

    Once my troops had secured the first line of buildings, I was able to slip my 2 reinforcement tanks in and hunt down his remaining AFVs, using pincer movements. I KOd 2 T-90s and his last BMP before losing one of my tanks to his last T-90.

    Once the Syrians main line of resistance is broken, it is then just a matter of mopping up and occupying the 2 objectives.

    As a tip, remember you can use your SMAW teams to BLAST walls. I used this to get in to the objective on the right through the back, since my opponent had positioned his last tank to cover the entrance in the far right corner of the map.

    results: USMC: 41 KIA, 31 WIA, 2 tanks lost; SYRIANS: 74 KIA, 33 WIA, 20 missing, all 10 AFVs lost.

    I didn't know that you could do that with a SMAW. I'm going to try that little nugget right now.


  9. Ahhhh....I remember this one....with all the concealed T-90's. Very ugly.

    But I also remember this is the one where I fired through a building with sabot and took out a T-90 without actually having LOS.....very cool.

    That would have been cool to see!! If any tankers survived, I'm sure they were now very leery about exploding walls. :)

    Ah, sabots!! The Chicago Bears & sabots remind me that deer hunting is right around the corner!

  10. Did anything come out of this, or did alcohol flush it all away? :D After reading hcrof's strategy guide thread I started thinking if the forum is the optimal medium for doing that. Especially considering the (now 2 hour) limitation on editing a brain-farted post, but let's not stray to that. Even without that limitation a forum thread quickly gets cumbersome to read and maintain.

    Then I remembered this idea of a "CMwiki" where users would be able to write and edit articles on game concepts, tactics, units and equipment, as well as scenario editing and mod making. I have no experience with starting such community sites, so I'm just going to raise the issue back on table and hope that someone more web savvy (and who is able to host it) picks it up. (I'm sure that there would be more than enough willing contributors here to fill such wiki with references, guides and pictures if it ever comes about.) So, anyone?

    LOL I quit drinking in 1995, I was DXed with Multiple Sclerosis that year. :) I'm still game to do it, let me start & I'll start asking for refrences on things. Let me know any ideas you would like to see.

  11. Let me ask the simple question first: you are surrounding the berm with the base elevation that you want, first? Like this:

    5 5 5 5 5 5 5

    5 9 9 9 9 9 5

    5 5 5 5 5 5 5

    That way you have a berm 4 metres higher than the rest of the map. If you don't surround the 9's all around with lower land, then the whole map will assume a height of 9.

    That's what I'm attempting to do. More like this (Great idea on representing levels by the way!):

    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 |

    5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 R

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 O

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 A

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 D

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |

    5 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |

    Road would be a level 1 or 2. This depression & berm would be assumed to have been built by dozers so the AAVs can safely deploy there & unload their troops for an assault. I try the direct method & I still am doing things wrong. It raises all squares.

    Thanks for your help!

  12. I'm running into some difficulties trying to use elevations while making a map. I can't seem to make a berm without the whole map changing elevation. Local sloping is fine but it's the whole map. What I'm trying to build is a dugout with a berm for staging Marine AAVs at the jump off point for an assault. Any help appreciated!!

  13. Some good suggestions.

    I think it was mentioned in another thread that the MRAP would not be included because it is a vehicle that is designed more for the peace-keeping patrol stage of an anti-insurgency operation, rather than for the initial conventional combat stage. The M1117 probably falls in this category as well.

    Miniguns would be nice, but U.S. special forces units should be included first. Even though CMSF isn't focused on SF operations, there are still some types that can be effectively simulated.

    "Little Bird" I thought was already included as an option for the light air support role, but as someone said, maybe it is the Kiowa which is similar enough in function for me.

    Active protection systems would be cool but I don't think they are in service yet with U.S. forces. Doesn't the IDF use them already?

    Casualty dismemberment isn't too important to me, but what I think would add a lot of immersiveness to the game would be the severely injured (red circle) units having a small moving/writhing animation while they are on the ground to distinguish them from dead soldiers.

    +1 for UAVs, but their effect can already be kind of simulated by increasing intel at the start of the mission so you have indications of where enemy forces are in the beginning.

    I know the IDF use the active protection system in the Merkava 4. Its called TROPHY:


  14. Yeah, the Marines kind of got bypassed as I was too busy finishing my Dinas campaign when it was released. And then, when Dinas was finally finished I started beta testing the Brit module. As it happens, I do have a couple of maps free for stand alone missions at the moment (but not so much free time) and I had intended for one of those to be for a Marines mission. (And it's a nice map too!) So it might happen :D

    Excellent!! I'll make a few calls & see if I can move your schedule around. I'm working on one based on the book "No True Glory" by Bing West. So far so good. I'm learning how to tweak my map making skills. I want it to be a hard fought urban slug fest like Fallujah II really was. A lengthy scenario too. I want to try to pack in as much realism as possible. I'm having fun making the Red as tough as they were in Fallujah II. The marines had a hell of a battle. Thanks for your efforts!

  15. Paper Tiger my hiney. You have some of the toughest battles here, can you do some for the Marines? Pretty please? Some gritty urban fighting would be nice. I'm working on one now but I'm still in the learning stages with the scenario editor, especially the elevations. I have a really nice "Hell House" built though. It would be great if you had some time to throw some tough fights at our Marines.


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