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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by JP76er

  1. I started the Wiki & it will be named "Shock Force - Military Intel". That is, if it's okay with Battlefront. If I could use Shock Force graphics, that would be great. 100% free site & it will be open to all, so international Shock Force fans, start your engines. I want a site to enhance Shock Force for us civilians & to support Battlefront for a great game. I'm heading over to Columbus, Ohio to head bang with my Friends, American Dog, for their annual Christmas party. I will start on the Wiki Monday. I will have to recover from decadence & debauchery via American Dog & that usually takes a day or two. I'll check back soon.

  2. Yep, I'm just thinking that for a project like that you'd need an easy editing access for the community, or otherwise it would very heavily rely on your input, which I don't think is in your best interests. There's lots of fan made or official game wiki's out there, so if it works for others it's worth looking into. Mind you, I don't know anything about setting one up... but I like the idea of an interactive online manual/game knowledge database. There could be a whole section for scenario editing guides and tips, too. Maybe yet another section for JasonC's groggish rants, but then you'd need a bigger server...

    I will start on gathering info on Wiki & start on the site. Can someone get me a real SMAW so I have 1st hand experience with it? I'm sure Uncle Sam wouldn't mind. I'll be checking in soon. Any suggestions for a name of the site? How about "Raw Dogs and War Hogs" from Uncle Ted's "Craveman" CD? Heee.... "Love Grenade"? There's no Barry Manilow fans that I'm insulting out there, is there?

  3. How do you feel about Wiki? Would that be good for your purposes?

    I've never done a Wiki site before but I'm game if that's what everyone wants & thinks best. I have some input here from a couple of Rangers but I would need all the help I can get. I've never been in the military so this is a true gaming experience for me. I have several videos from one of the Rangers that everyone would enjoy & I can put those on the site & let's add everyone's, from anywhere, their videos too. No gore, just some nice things that go boom. We'll keep it a family friendly site. I'm open to anything. I really feel it would be a nice companion to the Shock Force family. I want to support Shock Force in anyway I can. Let me know what you think, ideas, etc. Let me know who wants to help. I have programming experience but I never turn down free advice & help. I want to see the modules for the Israeli, German, French, Dutch, etc. military keep Battlefront busy designing & profitable making these available to us. I love the game. Battlefront deserves the kudos & the support for a great game. If we do it, everyone come up with an idea for a domain name & we can vote on it.

    P.S. Anyone near or coming through Central Illinois, the venison BBQ, wild turkey fry & cold suds are on me for those who help. Anyone that just wants to drop by too.

  4. I have been mulling over the idea of putting together a website with technical information of modern weapons (their effective rages, complexity, etc.) that are used in Shock Force & tactics on the modern battlefront. I would definitely need some help on things but I thought it would be a nice companion to go along with the Shock Force series of games & modules, especially for newcomers, novices like me & those with no military experience. I'm an American but in no way will that limit my website to just US weaponry. I want all countries & insights from their citizens & their military. This will be a FREE website, paid by me. No pop ups, ads or any other annoyances. Any thoughts? Any experts willing to help? Anything else? Any input? Authors? Writers? The ones who do the hard work, the soldiers of the world.

    Thanks in advance!


    P.S. My freezer is full of venison from this past weekend but I actually suffered frostbite on my right fly the bird finger & my right ring finger. A first for me, the wind was just brutal.

  5. How many here still carry the spirit of Alex Harvey?

    Ah, The Sensational Alex Harvey Band... 'Isabel Goudie' and 'They're burning Big Louie tonight' spring instantly to mind. I had forgotten about him until you mentioned him so later I'll have to do a search on Youtube to see if some of his music is up there. BTW, I'm not OLD... yet.:)

    With regards to my 'lots of Americans won't buy it' comment, the key phrase is 'lots of'. I have no doubt that some of you are as eager to buy and play this as I am as well. But BFC are in this business to make money so it makes sense for them to include some new US stuff to encourage these others to buy it too. And I don't care as long as the Brits are done properly. Then I'll definitely return to playing and designing stuff for Blue forces. BTW, it's a bit of a joke that we're going into the CMWW2 title AFTER the Yanks. Talk about rewriting history.:D

    With regards to Syrian stuff, yeah, sure, there's a lot that could go in but I'm pretty sure Steve hasn't changed his mind since he last stated that Syria already has 'more that they have in real life'. They might not even have a single T-90 in service yet so we're probably already in Lah-lah land as far as Syria is concerned. They're going to save up the good Russian stuff for CMSF2 in a temperate setting so don't hold your breath.

    Ding! We have a winna!! Indonesia, are you Indonesian or a Brit living there? Look for "Zalvation". It's a fairly new live CD with the singing being done by "Mad Max". He does a great job at vocals. He doesn't try to reinvent anything & doesn't try to sound like Alex but he does pay great homage to Alex. Excellent CD to pick up. I don't drink anymore but "Big Louie" was a great song to sing along with when I did. You'll like the "Isabel Goudie" version on the new CD. The boys hit it.

    I don't care if there is American equipment in the British module. I'm 100% American & I will buy is as soon as it comes out in preorder. I want to be able to try out other counties equipment. New toys makes ya happy.

  6. Sold!! Oops, not for sale yet. I know you guys are wincing at being bugged about when the module will be released by all of us. I promise to wait until right before Christmas.

    Joking aside, I can't wait for the Brits to arrive! The game just keeps getting better. Great job Battlefront.

    I love music. Let's see how old our British mates on the forum are in a musical question. How many here still carry the spirit of Alex Harvey? Yes, I'm old.

  7. Thanks for the greetings and responses, all!

    JP76er, thank you for your interest in our POV! However Babelfish does suck badly, as I understood only some Russian phrases of yours. :)

    Dima, here's the main Russian CM forum with CMSF's discussion over here: http://cmbb.borda.ru/?1-1-0-00000150-000-0-0-1226834096

    I'm completely sure there was a thread on this very forum from ex-Bradley crewman (I've tried searching it, but with no luck.. :( ). He told that every time Bradley needs to fire its TOW missiles, they must stop, manually "deploy" them (which takes time) and only then they can fire. I know many of forum members served/serving in the Army, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    And if my memory serves me right (usually it does, but not always :) ), BF said that this wasn't implemented for gameplay purposes. So, if BMP's aiming time could be realistic, Bradley's is not.

    Also, you say that it could be the difference between Syrian training and US training. Well, this could be the issue if Syrian IFV was at Green or Conscript level, and US at Veteran. But when they are equal, is it right to simulate such differences in aiming time?..

    You write & understand English very well. How did the Ted Nugent suff come through? I can just imagine how it translated.

  8. That's because the person shooting the Java is not a specialist for demolitions. If some1 other than a demo expert shoots the javelin, that usually happens. Basically, dont give people who didn't train with javelins, javelins.

    Well, that stinks.

    If I was just Joe average grunt, they wouldn't allow me to play with a Javelin? I'm taking my football & going home. Seriously though, I've played this game at least a couple hundred times (Disabled with Multiple Sclerosis so I can play a lot when I'm up to it. PLUS, early retirement sucks, work as long as your health will let you & enjoy life. Retirement becomes boring very quickly & my dog is getting P.O.ed because I keep hiding his bones. Now there is a nice life for ya. I love Rock N' Roll & I'm enjoying going deaf to some Uncle Ted. That's my Saviour.) & I have never seen this before once. I've seen plenty of misses that to me, are the simulation of the real world. No, somethings up. It only goes approximately 43 meters & then it builds a nice fishing pond. I have the saved files right after each occurrence for the powers who be. Let me know & I'll send them on.

  9. I have played two scenarios where one one my teams, squads or scouts has launched a Javelin & it has went 43 meters & detonated straight into the ground. Twice was in the "House Cleaning" scenario & it was fired by the Platoon Leader MOUT squad. I just downloaded the new version of "A Bridge Too Far" & this time it was a scout team & it was the same 43 meter travel & detonation. Are my guys suffering from "premature detonation"? I have saved game files of this but I won't cough em up if you make fun of my tactics. I have no military experience & I'm at the "G.I. Joe" level. Actually, I just moved up to the veteran level but still don't know what I'm doing half the time. I completely uninstalled Shock Force, reloaded it & then installed the Marine Module as soon as it was available. I started over with a completely new & clean install. These are the first problems I've seen. Let me know what you think & would like me to do.


  10. Yeah, I know, it wasn't polite of me to start speaking Russian here. Sorry:o

    That's why I wrote my answers on specific problems in English. Hopefully Bolt will understand them :)

    I'm the one that started it & it was in no way meant to be offensive. I was excited to hear some Russian insight on the game. If I offended anyone, I truly apologize. I was just having fun with Babelfish. It's great writing something & then re-translate it & you sound like a baboon. No offense to baboons of course. Have you ever been near a baboon before? Sneaky & mean. They are smart & they know just how far they can push things before beating feet in a retreat. I hunt & it's very humbling entering the woods. Man is no longer the supposed smartest species. You are lowered more than a few notches on the wise one scale.

    Болт, Приденная охота некоторое из & миров самого большого; самые вкусные олени вокруг с нами. Можете вы принести T-90 поэтому я могу сыграть? Само лучше, jp76er

  11. I'm afraid I have never served in the military so I can't answer anything for you. Just a welcome! There are some great people here & I'm sure they will start to answer your inquiries. Myself, I'm going to sit back & get a good education from the people that know.

    I would love to hear more on the T-90.

    Добро пожаловать!! Утесы Тед Nugent кстати!!!

    (I bet that translated well. Gotta love Babelfish!)

  12. Hi,

    I really like this scenario but the sound is coming out strange. I'm not getting any of the firefights, just a RPG every now & then. I'm also hearing what I think are sniper shots when I'm setting up my moves on my unit. I have not had any problems before. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!


    Here's my set up. I do vinyl audio restorations & even though I have zero musical talent, I love it & this machine was built to enjoy!!

    Intel® Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz

    ASUSTeK Computer INC. P5B-Deluxe

    2.94GB DDR2 (Actually 4GB but only have 32 Bit Windows XP Running. Changing that soon.)

    NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT

    Creative SB X-Fi Pro Using Monster Audio Interlink® LightSpeed 200 Higher Performance Digital Fiber Optic Cable

    I run a clean machine & this is the only problem I'm noticing. I can still make the neighbors leave for the day when I crank up Uncle Ted.

  13. Oh man thats a nice idea... would be freaking cool to be able to decide WHERE the tax money goes... I would put 50% on the military (ARMY) and 25% on schools and 25% on welfare (hospitals etc)

    I wish that option existed...

    That would be nice wouldn't it? I worked the Chitown area in my career as a Senior Telecomm Engineer & we installed a LOT of phone switches in hospitals (PBX) & I was shocked then as I still am now. The areas on the south side & west side looked liked arty strikes. The public schools have been broken forever & it's a very bleak life these kids face. No wonder gangs can thrive there. We should be able as a country, give these kids a good education & a leg up to better themselves. End the cycle of violence that goes on in these neighborhoods every day & to every generation of young people that live there. Clean up & rebuild these areas. I know, I'm dreaming...

  14. luderbamsen,

    The news report is strictly legit. The Just Cause comments were made to trusted friends of mine by a U.S. soldier who was there. I myself saw quite a bit of evidence indicating that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) were used during Just Cause, to include some fascinating reports by Panamanian civilians, as part of the research for the Oscar-winning documentary "The Panama Deception." Research wasn't confined to English language sources, but included looking at a lot of Spanish language articles and reports, for which I had a former Panamanian as translator. I myself was a founding member of the Directed Energy Weapon Working Group at Rockwell, thus was highly qualified to evaluate reports submitted mostly by a technically unsophisticated group of witnesses. As for powered armor, there was a guy screwing around with a powered exoskeleton just last week on either Discovery or TLC.

    If it's white world now, the military's had it, on the black project side at least, for a long time. POPULAR SCIENCE had detailed powered exoskeleton technical drawings in either the late 1960s or early 1970s at the latest. Here's what one inventor, working alone, came up with for advanced integrated soldier protection.


    Do you really believe that with the trillions of dollars a year going into the black programs, that something far better hasn't been built, something that adds the strength amplification of the powered exoskeleton to the above or even better? It makes zero military sense to spend cubic dollars to rocket a single Marine squad around the world if that squad isn't also superbly equipped, protected and armed to the teeth.

    The technology exists to do exactly that, and if you know where to look and how to comprehend what you're seeing, you'll discover the problem is one of system engineering, NOT basic technology development. Also, it's way easier to fit out a squad than it is to reequip an entire combat arm. For the former, even hand-built gear is fine. This, BTW, is exactly how Marine sniper rifles and their ammo are made. Hard to argue with the results!


    John Kettler

    Hi John,

    I wish I had a place to check "For Our Military" on my income tax papers for ALL of my personal tax dollars. I know there are secret projects & I'm very happy they are happening. No, I don't believe "Joe the average citizen" needs, should or legally be told about them. I'm quite satisfied with that. Closest thing I have ever been to military was as an Emergency Medical Technician with the Civil Air Patrol over twenty years ago. We had a retired Colonel & he told us that we will never know much or anything at all about a lot of things we had back then. It's the same now & I sleep great at night knowing that my country & my family are protected by our servicemen & women. Spend as much as needed to make them the best & most feared military plus the best protected. That is the way the real world is.

  15. That pretty much sums up the base idea of the scenario - it's to highlight one of the major differences between Marines and US Army formations. With the usual allotment of Javs the typical US Army platoon would have made mince meat out of those T-62 the moment they appeared. This scenario is supposed to make you work a little harder to take out those three measly, almost antique, tanks... :)

    I liked it for just those reasons. having to maneuver around to get a good flank shot. It definitely shows the different approaches to armor. I used the naval arty on them & knocked out 1. I then used a squad split into 3 teams plus a SMAW team & took out the other two. I definitely took a hurting to do it though. Excellent module so far!

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