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Everything posted by Egon

  1. Yes, statics. I would like to dip a toe into the "Mesh-pond", but the prize for 3ds Max kept me from doing so. (I know Blender and other progs are for free, but I seem to be in love with 3ds Max - can´t help it). btw: what´s the current prize for a fully-licenced 3ds Max ?
  2. Modding map objects ? Is there any way to create new map objects and bind them to the game/editors ? Which tools were essential ? (photoshop plug-ins, mesh tools, extractor tools ?) What would be the exact procedure ? Or is it impossible for any technical reason ? ... questions, questions
  3. Well, there is a cousin matriculated. Vielleicht rufe ich den mal an. Gruss - Egon
  4. .. to be more precise: copy n paste using RMB does not work here (and it works anywhere else on my system). I have to highlight the text with the mouse first, then I use the keyboard commands above. Guess, it´s my Logitech mouse driver (?). Hmmm. No idea, yet.
  5. Keyboard commands work on my system. (try CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste)
  6. ... many thanks for the info, guys ! to Webwing: good point - working as a team helps a lot when designing scenarios (experienced that with IL-2 missions in the past). to Reichenberg: some useful links there ! btw: gibt es in Greifswald auch schon Studiengebühren ? In meiner Gegend müsste man pro Semester nämlich ca. 500 € für einen Gasthörerschein berappen (um an die Kartensammlung des Geographischen Instituts heranzukommen). Greetings - Egon
  7. Egon

    Map Editor

    THE NEW MAP EDITOR: Excellent ! What a cool tool !! Guess, I have to travel to Poland soon to photograph some landscape, if I can´t get these bloody 1:25000 maps.
  8. Wow - looks like a "dream come true" for all fans of historical accurate scenarios (although those triggers are still sheer rocket science to me, even with webwings great tutorials *lol*). Hmm - does anyone know a source for contemporary aerial photography or topographical maps ? Google Earth is better than nothing but far away from being the real McCoy, I found out. Anyway - thx-a-lot from Egon :cool:
  9. No, you are right, but I remember some moderator talking about rebalancing at least some of the missions. I hate to admit it, but I switched to medium difficulty after playing a few campaign missions, because I was fed up with loosing important units (e.g. my best tank), while I was still deploying/organizing my advance (within 1-2 minutes after start of mission). Greetings - Egon
  10. .. that`s what I say: we need a larger grid than 2x2km. Sneaksie said that it will be available in the future. Unfortunately that can`t be done with the next patch, nevertheless I appreciate the effort very much. (a patiently waiting) Egon
  11. Egon

    Map Editor

    Thx for the good news, Sneaksie ! I have already begun collecting material for my favorite map/scenario project. .. AND another question here: will maps be larger than 2x2km in the near future, or is this impossible for any reason ??
  12. Egon


    Wonderful .. errrm .. and how soon is "soon" ? Days ? Hours ?? Minutes ??! Thx - Egon
  13. ... infantry capable of mounting tanks would be a nice one, too. I think this was common practise esp. with the Red Army.
  14. Egon

    Map Editor

    Quotes from tech. support forum/Owen Wills´ topic: ----- Sneaksie (..) Release of new map builder should make this more simple, in addition to landscape editing ability. ----- Egon (..) Does "landscape" include elevation / heightmaps ? ----- Sneaksie Yes. Basically you can shape landscape as you want. Biggest challenge is not height map though, but 2048x2048 terrain texture itself. You still need graphic editing skills (i use GIMP) for editing it or creating new one. ----- :cool:
  15. .. and that´s the problem, as hi-res image data is a sort of candy more for Generals than gamers these days. Experienced that, when trying to find decent satellite pics for a CM SF Iraq map. At some point I even felt, some administrative guys were getting interested in my hunt for these .. a clear evidence, that gaming makes you paranoid, isn´t it
  16. Good to hear that Sneaksie, so I can begin compiling material from my archives for a historical map project. I have always enjoyed that, even to an extend, that it kept me from gaming. It´s nice contemplative work for long winter evenings (at least when doing it for fun and without a release schedule hanging over your head). thx - Egon
  17. ..really looking forward to that new map builder. Does "landscape" include elevation / heightmaps ?
  18. Egon

    Map Editor

    Sneaksie around, to comfort us with some insider wisdom ?
  19. Egon

    Map Editor

    Thx for the info Slap. Next question is, wether it´s possible then to create larger maps. I feel not that comfortable with the actual 2x2km grid, because it gives a nice tactical sim a touch of a shooter (c`mon, think of the effective fire range for a Tiger, Panther etc.) I definitely would trade in some map detail for room to manoeuvre. Imagine a 12x12km grid like in ancient "Kampfgruppe" - esp. multiplayer games could be very exciting that way. Maps that make you think more about fire fronts than movement plans limit the game too much - at least to my point of view. ------------ It´s all manoeuvre warfare these days! - (Egon) [ November 07, 2007, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: Egon ]
  20. Egon

    Map Editor

    I think Reichenberg is right, but didn´t Sneaksie post somewhere that a "full" map editor would be available later this year (included in the next patch or the add on). I wonder if there is currently any method to create a new map (e.g. using a 3D modelling tool and Photoshop), but I guess all the map info is still hidden in the depths of the prog, so we can´t get to them. Greetings - Egon
  21. Egon

    Map Editor

    I am into ToW now for a few days and I think it is a great game with huge potential. Congrats ! What I am missing though is the option to edit individual maps so I can generate historical scenarios. I have enjoyed that a lot since the early days, when I was battling my local highschool buddies in hotseat games playing "Kampfgruppe" on a VC 64. .. so - let´s talk about maps. [ November 01, 2007, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: Egon ]
  22. errm - to be correct: the term for a walking or creeping barrage is indeed "Feuerwalze".
  23. Yes, read about that, too (German term is "Feuer vorverlegen"). I think this is more a job for the static regimental artillery (offmap artillery in the game). I guess Munzel referred to the organic, mobile artillery elements of a combat team ("Kampfgruppe"), like the Hummel and Wespe or 81 and 120 mm mortars.
  24. Hi Stoppelhopser ! I experienced disappointing results like you did. The key to control your tanks properly is, as mentioned above, the magical "hold position" button. Using this, plus "hold fire" helped a lot here. I also like to zoom down quite low to make better use of the topography, finding good fire positions, and of course, there is the "pause" key before things get out of hand.
  25. Source: Munzel,Oskar: Die deutschen gepanzerten Truppen bis 1945, 1965 Herford Great book, but I guess it´s out of print. (try library/second hand market?) Greetings - Egon
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