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the Fighting Seabee

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Posts posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. Attention: Use v4 Only! Blue vs. Red AI

    I kept finding problems, so I kept remaking it. Sorry for all who messed with v1-3.

    Hey. This mission is short and not too hard, and needs some tweakage. But it can still be fun.



    1991 gulf war.

    Open desert tank battle. US forces are outnumbered but have superior firepower to take on Saddam's Million Man Army.

    Have fun, let me know what you think!


    [ November 14, 2007, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

  2. Make sure to use Death on the Sand v4!!!

    Hey. This mission is short and not too hard, and needs some tweakage. But it can still be fun.



    1991 gulf war.

    Open desert tank battle. US forces are outnumbered but have superior firepower to take on Saddam's Million Man Army.

    Have fun, let me know what you think!


    [ November 14, 2007, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

  3. Ken, I don't mind moving in the dark for the first turn. I think it's more realistic that way. It makes you come up with the best plan possible while also having to plan for what might happen. Adds to the suspense.

    Second, I whole-heartedly agree about the WEGO comment.

    If I can add one... In RT mode, I wish the now useless little red button was also the Pause button. I can play the whole game using only my mouse except to pause. Why not use it since it does nothing but start the game?

  4. As the commanding officer of whatever forces are available during each battle, I would like the ability to tell my Marines to deploy their heavy weapons such as the AT-4's and the Javelins, as well as being able to tell them NOT to deploy them.

    I would also like my Marines to have the ability to "unaquire" such weapons and ammo. If 1st squad is running low on ammo, why can't I have 2nd squad move out and share theirs?

    I should also have the ability to order my Marines to "move and hide" like I could in previous CM games.

    Another concern I have on todays modern battlefield are civilians. Why not make a Syrian unit with no weapons. They would be scattered around town or in farmhouses. It would make us less likely to just blow everything up. Adding this tactical hurdle will make us think twice about our gameplans.

    BTW, I'm not complaining, I love this game. Show me a game with more realism.... there isn't one? That's what I thought. I just think the more improvements and control we "commanders" have, the more realistic and fun it would be.

  5. Think special forces style and do what they would do...

    I just kept my hummers in a depression on top of the hill out of sight and moved my sf guys on the hill to where they could see the town. Make sure to make them hide so they don't open fire and give away their positions.

    Then simply bombard the tar out of the meeting place and other critical intersections where the enemy tends to congregate. You have more than enough power to obliterate just about everything.

    Once you feel safe, mount the hummers and haul butt to the extraction zone.

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