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the Fighting Seabee

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Posts posted by the Fighting Seabee

  1. I think most Syrians would be offended just because there is an American game about attacking Syria. I was kinda shocked when I learned of an Iranian game about killing US soldiers. But hey, that's just the way it is. If you grow up your whole life hearing "you are Syrian" or "you are American", you're most likely going to be biased toward your side, as the country you're from becomes part of your identity. I bet more Germans played the German side of CMx1 than the US, Brits, or Russians.

    That said, the Syrian wargamers and military personnel who play this game would probably tell you that the campaign is WAY too easy! tongue.gif

  2. Originally posted by ironbar:

    All that having been said- much better to fast rope in, (if for some reason the helos can’t touch down) everybody lands together, don’t have to derig jump gear, lower incidence of jump injuries(than static line jumps), first guy down can immediately help the next guy, etc.

    As I said earlier, if some choppers roll in everyone nearby will know about it. This not only endangers the choppers, it endangers the men and the mission. If they just jump in, there is much less likelihood they will be met with a hail of bullets. The enemy doesn't find out you're there until you're ready (hopefully).

    Then you have the choppers already loitering and ready for speedy extraction. Simple as that.

  3. I guess the biggest advantage would be that they could launch their mission from anywhere, rather than having to launch from an airfield.

    The second biggest advantage would be that the choppers are already in the area for quick evacuation and medevacs.

    Ex: We figure out where Bin Laden's been bin chillin. Choppers quickly bring in local SF who drop in for maximum surprise. Bang boom, they capture Bin Laden but take 2 wounded. They need to get out quick. The choppers roll in, pick up the cargo, and boom, we win.




    I'm pretty sure special operators are the only ones jumping out of choppers. I doubt any "regular" airborne unit does that.

    [ November 20, 2007, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

  4. Yeah, I love this game. It's only been a couple months so I expect there will be many mods and add-ons.

    Man, I played the whole campaign on veteran and wrote down all my stats at the end of each mission:

    US:229 WIA

    153 KIA

    0 MIA

    38 Vehicles/Armor Lost

    SYR:884 WIA

    1733 KIA

    156 Vehicles/Armor Lost

    I like to be "in it" too, so I don't restart, I just play through even with the casualties.


  5. 1. Big red button in right lower area should be a Pause toggle button during realtime play. You can currently play the entire game with only the mouse except for pausing.

    2. A button that shows the whole list of all units, so you can select any unit without having to search around the map manually.

    3. Please add to this list.

  6. Geez guys, you didn't read my second comment.

    You're all right. I'm a veteran so I'm just a tad ;) biased. The real cowards are the ones who attack unarmed civilians on purpose. They are the bastards.

    Your grandmas brother is a hero to me and should be to all of us. He gave his life to save life. I believe that is the true intention of most American military personnel.

    Ofcourse some airforce guy sitting in an office controlling a predator and firing missiles at insurgents 4 miles away in the middle of the night isn't exactly fair. But hey, I'm biased. My comment about the ied bombers is purely based on emotion. I don't like those guys.

  7. Originally posted by Adam1:

    "Worst handgun ever? Desert Eagle. "


    The handle is huge to account for the huge rounds. Not very comfortable unless you have unusually huge hands. Plus, the one I fired ejected the casings straight back and hit me right between the eyes every time.

    Sure, maybe a big .50 or .45 is sexy, but not that useful. It's almost like closing a t-ball game with Nolan Ryan. Too much.

  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    You popped your Cherry!!

    Congrats on your first scen..


    LOL. Thanks, now version 4 is up!


    It is much better. I tried to fix several things, including map, AI, entrenchments, etc.. It should play better and allow for much more tactical variation.

    Note: Tried to use burning vehicles to simulate oil well fires. The smoke seems only to come in to view when you see the burning vehicle.

    Don't forget about your Z and X buttons (zoom)



    [ November 14, 2007, 08:09 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

  9. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    You popped your Cherry!!

    Congrats on your first scen..

    LOL. Thanks, now version 4 is up!


    It is much better. I tried to fix several things, including map, AI, entrenchments, etc.. It should play better and allow for much more tactical variation.

    Note: Tried to use burning vehicles to simulate oil well fires. The smoke seems only to come in to view when you see the burning vehicle.

    Don't forget about your Z and X buttons (zoom)

    [ November 14, 2007, 08:03 AM: Message edited by: the Fighting Seabee ]

  10. I meant for the map to be large enough to be out of firing range and for you to have to inch forward into it.

    Your right though, it does kinda play out like a movie.

    During the 1st Gulf War, we ran some tank units way out hit the Iraqis in the rear of their lines. They had emplacements built but were expecting the attack from Kuwait. So... this was supposed to simulate the Iraqis just repositioning and reinforcing to defend against the american attack. If you keep playing, the infantry will end up in those trenches.

    The american reinforcements have been changed. For some reason I couldn't get them to show up in the right spot. Version 1.1 should have eliminated the reinforcements and given them to you at the start.

    Thanks for the feedback, I will work on it to be a better mission, rather than just a show.

    P.S. Not intended for use as red

    I will definitely improve the point values and

  11. Cool.

    Beware, this is my firt time making a mission, so everything isn't perfect, as I was just learning to use the editor.

    But Thanks for trying it out!

    If it's even worth fixing to be a good map, let me know. I might be able to even extend the map a bit.

    I have some good ideas now for the next mission, so hopefully that one will be much better.

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