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Everything posted by Pat_Tornado

  1. My 3-wishes list: 1. Mission Generator for new missions, including option for bigger maps 2. Dynamic Mission Mode with changing AI priorities of targets depend on battle situation 3. More inviromental obstacles for more cover for Infantry and improved LOS sighting and cover behaviour
  2. C'mon, whould be more interesting if you tell your ideas for improvement instead of just critisize! I'm sure, adding random AI priorities improves gameplay a lot, makes it more replayable having challenge and fun all the time. From the first time i played ToW i like it a lot,(i think it's the best game of its kind) but replaying missions again and again is not really challenging any more without modifications. Creating more and more missions the old style may only help for some time of action and fun but come to the same end when played again and again. An optical improvement to me whould be a first person view, allowing Inside-outside views of commander or gunner position of planes,tanks, vehicles, Artillery or gunpits. Im not very happy with the direct view camera half a meter above the selected unit (exept tank commander...). An adjustable "Tracking-View" to observe units at a constant distance whould be nice. Possibilites of taking cover in ToW are very rare. - Trees, bushes and high grass should grant some cover and reduce distance beeing spotted. - Adding more natural cover obstacles like earthholes, stones or rocks could help, fallen trees may stay on ground, slowing down infantry movement but grant cover when dig-in. Maybe some AI improvement: - Moving Infantry under enemy fire or at final waypoints automaticly take cover using existing bushes, trees, sandbags or trenches, behave like "first survive" and then fullfill orders. - Limiting spotting ability depending on unit type. Units should not have the ultimate "x-ray view". Still depending on Scout ability: - In general, units may be able to spot uncovered enemies let's say from 350m to approx. 500m with maximum scout ability. - Artillery may spot uncovered units from 750-1000m. - Sniper and Groupleaders having binoculars may spot enemy from 400-750m. - Tank Units should be able to have Commander in open or closed Hatch positon. Open positon for spoting 750-1000m (but low fire-cover of Commander), closed position for spoting 500-750m. Nice to have: - Infantry able to dig in defensive positions. - Artillery-impact crates, generating some more infantry cover. - Paratroopers on some missions (i really miss this feature). - Enterable bunkers with outsideview. - Pioneers able to build defensive meassurements, to lay and search mines, to destroy defensive obstacles, bunkers and bridges. - On-Map Mortar units, moveable. - Some different faces for units in 3D instead of "War of the clones". - Smokegrenades (i miss this a lot). - Machineguns like MG34 or alike, moveable by Infantry. - Beach Assault D-Day, having landing vehicles to drop infantry. I hope my english is acceptable!
  3. Whould it be wrong to combine ToW with features from other games? I think it whould be interesting to earn reeinforcement by certain logical conditions. Once all ToW missions are successful played at high difficult it's not really very much interesting to me in playing them once again, the AI behaviour stays the same, every time the mission gets played, the challenge is only once. Random changing priority of Capture-Points for AI could change the gameplay, make it more unpredictable after a new start.
  4. How about a capture the Base game: Each side has a Base at the edges of the map, on which reeinforcement arrives from time to time for several times. The ability to use pioneers at the beginning of the game to create defensiv structure (sandbags, maybe trenches, wires and anti-Tank obstacles) in a limited number to defend the base whould be nice. Each side has to capture the enemy Base and to defend the own Base as main target. By adding Capture-Points on the map (bunkers, ammo-warehouses, airstrips, radiostations, trenches, bridges, villages) which give a bonus for reeinforcement when captured. Let's say airstrip gives ability to call airsupport, ammo-warehouse gives ammo reload for units walking by. Radiostations allow to call Mortar and Artillery support, bridges allow to use a fixed Artillery Gunpit to defend the bridge. The villages maybe fillup 50% of dead soldiers by new one to arriving Infantry. The battle may concentrate not only on one target to reach and gets more dynamic.
  5. Webwing, i just want to say "Thank you" for the really nice made Tutorials! After taking a look into the manual i thought i will never use the editor... But then, your Tutorials helped me a lot to understand the basics so i gave it a try. Now i can arrange my in-Game Videos much much easier! Why Battlefront didn't already hired you? Greetings from Switzerland
  6. First of all a big Thank You to the 1C Company and Battlefront for creating this fantastic Game! I don't know if i have read all of the treads about improving the Game, so here my question: Will there be a new External Camera View Mode where Units can be viewed at a certain distances, maybe even adjustable distance? Somehow similar like the Mouseview Center setting, but for viewing units. That whould be very nice and useful for observing moving units instead of trying to follow manualy by keyboard movement which is not always same speed and height as the Unit to be watched. Since i do make some ToW in-Game videos i whould be very happy about such a new "Tracking-View". Thank you for any response! Pat
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