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Everything posted by snake_eye

  1. @LLF I wish you all the good in your activities. I hope you will be able to get some spare times to offer us as good a scenario as the one you made us accustomed, even if it is a short one due to your work Cheer
  2. Hi Erwin, Yes it might need either an overhaul or a fine tune up. As a matter of fact testing my scenario made me aware that I had to leave my old laptop (2006 is not that old !) since it was unable to run smoothly and the graphic card was unable to show the trees , but a close distance. I really found difficult to play BF games, starting with Normandy and later CMFI. CFMI made me sure that the days of my laptop were counted. So I bought that desktop at the end of July with the specs I had chosen. When you are in the editor I don't have any more an awful long time to wait, when I get into the set up of the units and or the 3D view. "Patton's Assault Nemesis" takes when playing it 2 minutes to load. Just a bit less from a cold computer start. That new specs allows me to see all the landscape and details with a setting moved at the best mark. The speed is terrific and I can move the mouse from one place to the other just in an instant. I played CFMI "Lancing the Abscess" in R.T without any slowing despite the mist and foggy time of the scenario and was able to see the German Counter attacks developing on the left, center and right as quickly as I could move the mouse. Needless to say with my laptop it would have been impossible to play that scenario. To be frank I have had a Desktop return nearly at the end of the scenario with 11 minutes remaining. I hope that you will get time to play that CMBN and give me your comments as usual for our benefit. Cheer My specs Processor : Intel I5-4670K, Mother Card : MSI Z87 - G45 Gaming Memory 8 GB 1600 Graphic Card : MSI GTX 660 2 GB SSD 120 GB and HHD 1 To
  3. @Frederico, Yes it was quite a huge work to do that scenario. It was started at the end of 2011 ! I worked on it from time to time and testing it., putting it aside and going on it later on till I was satisfied. Depending on the way you play it Wego and or R.T the handling will be different. But first you have to look at the units and go down from the Company Commander down to the platoons to get a good picture of your forces. You can also change the setting if you have other tactical ideas. You will find that it is difficult at first but with experience things are done more easily. That's the way it is in real life and in a real battle environment. Situation awareness is the key to success. Enjoy the battle and have a good time playing it Cheer
  4. @Chris Ferrous, Glad you enjoy the map and its "amazing touches". Actually it took a long time to try what was best and how to do it with the limit of the game graphics. If these could be improved and that might be the case in the future, real tunnels, convincing field works and fortified houses with guns located in them could be probably done. For the time being we have to make things in such a way that they look the closer we can for what they are. Many times the result is such that it has to be discarded. Too bad when you have spent quite a lot of time trying to do it, but that is the way is has to be done, if we want the map to be good. Thanks for your comments and I hope the battle will be up to your expectation. Cheer
  5. @Chris Ferrous, You should patch it to V 2.01 and everything should be in order. Enjoy it Cheer
  6. @Erwin It took more than 30 hours for the scenario to be posted after its uploading !. Being away, I was starting to think that I had done an error. That is not the case, everything is OK. I am awaiting as usual for your comments. To all of you, The setup allows to modify the emplacements of the troops and tanks. That way I am sure that players will be able to try different tactics and that they will do AAR of them for the benefit and pleasure of all of us. As I wrote it earlier, beware, the Germans have 3 A.I plans ! Cheer
  7. This is it. The uploading of the file " Patton's Assault Nemesis"has been done. it should be available shortly. You must know that there are 3 Germans A.I plans. That should give you some opportunities to play it few times. There after some pictures taken yesterday. Cheer
  8. The upload will be done this week or at the latest next monday. Here after, just to make the wait more acceptable to you, the scenario's tactical screen Cheer
  9. @JONS Catching up with your very interesting post, I have a question, being surprise that you found WEGO faster for testing than RT while using Scenario Author Test Mode. I would have thought the contrary. I prefer RT being able to watch the battle unrolling. Wego on the contrary allows me to look at an area, I might have overlooked if there are movements in different areas. Am I wrong ? Quote "Static testing against the AI utilises the ‘Scenario Author Test Mode’ skill setting to watch what the AI does, when it does it, and how it goes about doing it. It’s a pretty simple process. I start the battle as I the British player, in Scenario Author Test Mode, using WEGO because it’s much faster than Real Time." Cheer
  10. After having been hit by a counter attack done by a German mounted Grenadiers force and some tanks, the US forces have been able to repel it and take with heavy casualties Saint Marcel and hold it. The next phase will be attack on the left and or right flank with a simultaneous assault across Saint Marcel bridge if that is feasible. Anyway at the moment I got a minor victory losing 4 tanks against 2 for the Germans The testing has reached for me its final phase. It is about time for me to finish the briefing and upload as soon as I can that scenario, so you can judge by yourself.
  11. These pictures won't give you too much intelligence about the German A.I plan, since there are 3 of them.
  12. Thanks Bil, I must say that when you gave me your specs lately, I realized that I had to do something about mine. Needless to say you are the one that made me do it earlier than I thought. I shall post some pictures of the ongoing battle. That scenario I have been working on since the end of 2011 is simply a new one with that new specs. The smoke barrages and the shells burst are fantastic. The troops, vehicles and tanks are running so smoothly that I have been able to reach an objective as I had planned to do it . It was impossible to reach it earlier the specs not allowing it. You can really apply a tactical scheme, playing RT, which is the way I like it most. Looks like I have a new game. I have not seen how it runs with CMFI-GL having not so much time free right now. I hope that the vineyards won't be so annoying anymore.. Cheer
  13. Here after are pictures taken with the new specs. The trees can be seen all the way down. Quite a change from the previous specs I had.
  14. Sorry for the delay, I have just bought a new desktop with 120 GB, 1TO SSD, HDD, I5 4670K, MSI Z87-G45 Gaming mother card, MSI GTX660 2GB and 8GB /1600 DDR memory. Looking at the scenario is fantastic. I can see now the trees all the way down the map. No more delay while attempting to move the mouse around. I am playing it once more before releasing it. Meanwhile I might post some pictures to show you what I see and maybe a short movie, depending on the time I can spend on it Cheer
  15. @Jaeger Jonzo Thank you for showing an interest to that coming battle. I think the briefing should be over next week and the upload will follow. Just these pictures to illustrate what might happen during the fight Cheer
  16. @ Erwin, I think you are going to like it. It will be a helluva fight Here after the link showing the WIP at its beginning in 2011 with some pictures of the town showing more details. Take notice that the Recon phase was dropped as well as the campaign to retain a single battle of 3 hours http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=100895 Cheer
  17. Will see what happened and fix it as soon as I can. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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