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  1. You are correct about WEGO. My only issue with it is that you watch the same thing twice (once when it is resolving it in real time, and again when it replays it automatically). In this sense, playing WEGO could take twice as long if you choose to watch the replay.
  2. Well, the TOW map editor isn't released yet.
  3. The only real advantages that the U.S. player has over the Syrian player are: 1. Better communication. 2. Slightly better equipment (and slight better people controlling said equipment) when compared straight-up (tank vs. tank).
  4. Another thing I just found out is that you can change the texture of the buildings by clicking on them in the 3D preview. Not quite sure what the options are yet, though (since I just found this out), or if custom textures are possible.
  5. You know what...during my entire time playing the beta, I never used groupings. The large icons were useful enough where I didn't need to. I'm not sure if they are in or not until I get back home and can check it out.
  6. That's typical for a beta version. The same thing happened with the beta of Europa Universalis III. It ran decent in beta, but it got smooth when the final version was released.
  7. All of them. If you zoom out far enough, you can lasso every unit on the map.
  8. I think it may be, it's just that none of the scenarios that have screenshots for them are big (size wize) enough for it.
  9. Can you run the TOW demo? If so, you're probably fine. It's hard to tell since there is all of this bug logging stuff running in the background in the beta version that probably won't be present in the release version. I have a AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400, GeForce 8800 GTS, 2 GB of RAM, and running at 1280x1024 it was decent on high settings (20-30 FPS).
  10. Troops in a regular battle are chosen by the designer, not the user. Troops in a quick battle are chosen by the player since there isn't a designer. Beginner: Friendly units always spotted. Less casualties and better morale. Fast treatment of wounded soldiers. Fast artillery and air support. Fully identified enemy units when spotted (including who is alive and the vehicle conditions), and the are instantly shared among all units. Veteran: Friendly units are always spotted. Enemy contacts aren't automatically identified and spotting information must be transmitted through the C&C rules. Slightly faster than real life healing and arty. Enemy status unknown unless vehicle is on fire or crew bails. Expert: Friendly units need to be spotted. This means you can lose contact with friendly units (and can't issue them commands or know anything about them) if you move them too far from their commander. That's pretty damn cool and it prevents people from covering a large portion of the map with token forces. Realistic enemy ID. Painfully realistic healing, arty, and air support times. [ May 29, 2007, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: allenj7 ]
  11. Overcast: no. Hazy: yes. The two are mutually exclusive.
  12. There is distance haze...you can set the weather to clear, hazy, something in the middle, and overcast. Technicals are in there, at least in an older scenario. I distinctly remeber seeing a guy standing up in the back of a truck with a machine gun; I'm not at home to check to see if they are still in the editor, though.
  13. There is a pause button, a go back to the beginning button, a go foward 10 seconds button, and a go backwards 10 seconds button. No skip to the end button, though.
  14. I have visually seen shells curving in the game trying to reach a distant target. So yes, this is possible. Put a scout unit able to see it and hide a tank behind a hill and have it fire!
  15. Based off the beta I previewed: 1. The maps can be huge...kilometers across in either direction. They just haven't released any of them to the press. I edited one that was a good 2 km x 2 km (I don't have the patience for anything larger). 3. A realistic number of vehicles: tanks of multiple types for each side, jeeps, APCs, etc. The texutures for each just aren't done yet so they might look the same in screenshots (placeholders). 4. You can put in parked cars, plus destroyed or disabled vehicles. You can even put an empty humvee in a location and have an infantry squad try to reach it to drive out of the map. Hey, that gives me a scenario idea. 5. There are four grass textures and lots of trees, so foresty areas are possible. Again, they just haven't released maps in these areas yet. But I've edited some
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