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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. Yes Niki where did you get those skins? Are they your own work? They look fantastic! We really need some uniform alternate skins to add extra flavour.

    For example it would be great to see US troops with those karkhi jackets they wore as well as the standard Olive Drab combat jacket.

    I really liked the Fallshirmjaeger skins. They would be excellent for a US or German Normandy/St Lo campaign. Especially if you could get some custom 29th Inf Div skins as well.

  2. Hi Guys I need a hand

    I have 2 maps I'm developing which both have issues when in game

    The 1st issue is with the farmaintex in the map builder it looks like this:-


    However in the game it doesn't show correctly in some parts of the map, in others it is ok & looks like this:-


    The sizes etc are correct as you can see:-


    The 2nd problem I have is on another map (farmaintex works fine) but the minimap fails to show in game. It looks like this:-


    I cant figure this out because in my other map it works fine. The image details are:-


    Can anybody give me some pointers as to what might be wrong?

  3. Guys, the good news is that this is entirely doable!

    The bad news is someone from the community is gonna have to do it!

    Google maps to get the raw maintex & farmaintex images of the battle, then a little playing inside a graphics editor to smaarten up / regress back to 1940's terrain, some time in map editor & then a shed loada time in mission builder, et voila, exactly what you wanted.

    Not easy or quick chaps, but entirely doable with a little diligence.

  4. You can send as a reinforcment before deployment mode as well. This gives you the limbered guns & you can move them before starting if they are in the deployment rect.

    Here's how I've done it:-

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">ReinforcementLand ( Group , "Group_halftrack" )

    Delay ( 5 )

    ActivateDispositionMode ( "begin" )


  5. Im currently in the process of ironing out bugs on a British Normandy campaign. The design priniciples I've used are :-

    No fixed user units, you choose your force from a large pool.

    Random enemy unit generation. Not entirely random but each enemy 'force' has 3-4 flavours which are added. This means that the enemy isn't always where you expect them & that thier OOB varies.

    Surrender & retreat conditions

    Hopefully this will make for some different gameplay (At least from the testing I've done I think so anyway.)

  6. *** This applies to Deployment & Reserves groups in Army 1 only ***

    select Army Composition -> Placeholders

    Add a placeholder for each of the groups (units) in the groups or however many you want for the mission. NB Detachments & vechicles must be selected individually.

    Also don't forget to edit the permissions filters to ensure you get the numbers you want.

  7. Go to supports in main tab of mission editor

    Add required support for whatever army (mortar/arty/fighterplane/bomber) + call down num calls etc

    Then add lines like these to the appropiate trigger in your mission:-

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">AviaSupportChangeState ( <ARMYNUM> , BATTLEPLANE , ENABLE )

    AviaSupportChangeState ( <ARMYNUM> , BOMBER , ENABLE )

    ArtSupportChangeState ( <ARMYNUM>, ENABLE )

    MortarSupportChangeState ( <ARMYNUM> , ENABLE ) </pre>

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