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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Gnasher

  1. Nikki,

    You have a very interesting proposition there that mirrors my own dilemma, I too get quite bored testing my own missions to death on maps I've made.

    So here's a suggestion;

    How about forming a team of mappers & mision builders to develop a campaign along an agreed theme. Map makers make the map & the guys who have talent making missions do this along the agreed theme. I can think of a few that will fit within the restrictions imposed on us by ToW1 without adversely affecting the game play but (to me at least) would be much more interesting. Here's a few campaigns that I think off the top of my head would work & don't need fighting within buildings as such to be enjoyable & successful:-


    101st Airborne Normandy - D-Day to Carentan - mostly bocage

    101st Airborne/UK Guards Armoured, Market Garden - Hells Highway, Endhoven - Nijemagen

    29th Infantry - Omaha to St Lo

    British VIII Corps Operation Bluecoat Normandy 1944


    LSSAH Kharkov March 1943

    Operation Spring Awakening, Hungary, Febuary/March 1945

    6th Fallstirmjaer Rgt - Market Garden - Hells Highway (Reusing maps from above US campaign)


    Bagration July 1944 - Belarus

    Operation Spring Awakening, Hungary, Febuary/March 1945

    There are many, many more that could be done, the key is to pick a subject with a good amount of reference material that makes it easy to build both an accurate map & give the mission builder a feel for what needs to be achieved by the mission & what the force structure parameters for each side should be. I'm not talking about the historical outcome here but an appreciation of the individual problems encountered by the respective commanders. What seems very exciting for me here is that all the histories that I have read very rarely go into detail on a granularity of less than a battlion level. This means that mission builders have shed loads of scope for artistic license for thier missions. As we know what we have now seriously struggles to deal with company sized engagements (~150 men each side). So as we all know we're stuck with combined arms "kampfegruppes" of combined arms 2-3 platoons of armour & 1-2 full strength platoons of infantry & you are pushing the limits of what the engine can do.

    So is anyone up for it? If anyone wants to help with a 101st Airborne Normandy - D-Day to Carentan camp, Ive got 1 & 1/2 maps & a Brecourt Manor mission done so far. If not I'm more than willing to supply maps for a 6th FJ Rgt Normandy jobby.

    Wouldn't mind help improving my Bulldogs campaign either, that has tons of potential for expansion.

  2. Yes it would be far better if the scope were broadened to Tunisia, Sicily, & Italy 1943.

    However overall the list of new features is impressive even if the scope of teh game is drastically reduced. Of course the way to address this would be to have a merged where Tow maps & missions can be imported to ToW2.

    Anyway I'd still like to see the stuff below included:-

    A map editor included, I wanna make my own maps from day one

    HMGs are moveable by crews

    2" & 50mm mortars units were available to infantry units

    flamethrowers are in

    Infantry can climb over walls

    Ability to take prisoners when enemy units are paniced & outnumbered locally (eg 5m radius)

    Prisoners must be escorted off map or killed otherwise they will try to revert to fighting

    Tank crews can be buttoned or unbuttoned with extra visibility bonus

    Snipers can kill above unbuttoned crew

    More aircraft - Hurricane IIc/d, Me110, He111, FW190, B24, A36

    Stationary aircraft as static objects for airfield construction

  3. Here's a couple of solutions that I've used:-

    Create a rect around an Army's humans & then shell it

    CreateRectByObject ( RECT , "Arty Rect" , 100 , ARMY , 1 , HUMAN , 2 , NO_PANIC )

    Delay ( 5 )

    ArtSupportCall ( 2 , RECT , "Arty Rect" )

    Hit a predefined rect

    AviaSupportChangeState ( 2 , BATTLEPLANE , ENABLE )

    AviaSupportCall ( 2 , BATTLEPLANE , RECT , "final objective" )


  4. It theoretically possible but I've only on a few occasions managed to successfully process more than 500 units through a mission. I've found that even though groups are set sleep=true the game will crash loading the mission with annoying regularlity.

  5. I will buy ToW2 make no mistake about that.....



    I'm a bit (read alot) dismayed that all of the work I've put into ToW learning mod tools & mapeditors will be for nowt. This title has alot going for it & with this theatre/timeframe is severely limited as will be these fab ehancements. So please, please do one of 2 things:-

    Let us know the roadmap for the game assuming it's a commercially sucessfull game.


    Create a merged install where the new features can be used on old maps. I realise that trees are not compatible between versions but it shouldn't be too hard to compensate for this. Commercially would this not be a "thank you" for the die hards & an incentive for new players to buy ToW with ToW2 & get the "Full Experience"??

    I just see so much potential in this game squanderd by "bad" marketing, it's not bad but could be much better. All the 'chasman' posts hurt the title badly, I'm sure, & this was mainly due to the IMHO over tight scripting of the stock missions which turned alot of people off the game.

    So please also make the missions more broadly achieveable no single solution battles requiring loads of saves & reloads. Surrender & retreat code should be the order of the day

    Cmon guys, rise above the rest & make this the best, you have all the key ingredients!!!



  6. Dietrich,

    You can sight the HMGs in the setup phase by selecting the unit & hitting enter. This gives you the view of the unit on the ground. I always use this method to check fields of fire for my MGs & AT guns before starting a battle. There's nothing more frustrating than having a unit that cant fire & can't be moved.

    Totally agree with your points on the 50mm/2" mortars, hopefully in ToW2........

  7. There are plans of enabling such import in the future, maybe in the patch. Most likely, users will be able to import units from ToW 1 (3dobj.sfs) with some tweaking and data editing. Importing maps is more complicated because map system changed significantly and there is no support for old trees in current engine, for example.


    But surely it would be a relatively trivial task for an organisation of 1C/BFCs calibre to write a conversion utility that substitutes the invalid objects trees from ToW maps with the ToW2 analog objects. It could also remove objects like trenches that are no longer valid.

    Whilst we're on that subject is there any other reason why ToW2 can't be a merged install with the original product? Has it changed that much that it is totally unfeasible? I kinda doubt that that is the case however if the roadmap is to release addons as theatres then please tell us (And make Normandy/North West Europe next please :) !). To make my position clear here I spent 3-4 nights a week for a full year learning the editors to make a campaign which really needs alot of the features in the sequel & I'm kinda dismayed that I won't be able to realise what I wanted to achieve this time around (It wont stop me buying ToW2 though). So any news on the product's road map would be very very welcome, at the moment things look bleek but I'm sure I'm mistaken, right?

    I'm also pretty concerned at the lack of a map editor, please add this in the initial release even if you have to delay as a result. 3rd party free content is where this game could shine as did IL2. Looks on this as insurance, if the map editor had been released along with a more intuative mission editor to sort what many thought were impossibly hard missions then I think alot of the negative initial views would not have stood their ground. Which was unfortunate & gave the chazman clan a field day, because it's a good product & always has been. I like to think of it as an ugly but well built car, like some of the newer Rolls Royces (IMO I might add before some RR fan flames me).

    If only you could get the sort of following IL2 has which is something you already know how to do!!

  8. Also can we have a review of aircraft:-


    AFAIK the HS129 didnt serve in Africa, I may be wrong. A Me 110 would be far better/usable. As would FW190s.

    Also the addition of He 111s would be accurate & would provide a bit more flavour & colour. I cant see these being a massive issue to add as they're already in ToW so shouldn't be prohibitively hard to port over.

    Be cool if Stukas & 109s had Italian skins available as well!


    Hurricanes! Both IIc & IVd for tank busting missions please!

    Other Stuff

    Infantry - IMO we really need light man portable mortars of the 2" ilk. These were standard kit for most WWII companys of any side & would be supremely usefull.

    Infantry - What about adding flamethrowers? That would be cool!

  9. Ahem Mr Tartari I beg to differ old bean.

    Granted the Sherman was the dominant tank at the 2nd battle of El Alamein (400+ IIRC), but that was Oct 42 & us Brits had been both bashed by & bashing Jerrys & Eyeties for 2 yrs in sh!te cans before that old boy! So on with the crap tanks I say, both British & Italian!

    It would be really nice if the game could be expanded in time line '40-'43 & to the entire mediterriean theatre so we can get some Crete, Greece, Italy action in as well.

    In Nirvana ToW2 would be a pay for merged install addon to ToW & a stand alone game in its own right as well like IL2 Pacific Fighters was to IL2 Forgotten Battles.

    Edit: Ive just realised that the above is a load of old twaddle given the published '43 only dates

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