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Cabe Booth

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Posts posted by Cabe Booth

  1. Is there a way in photoshop to select the pink areas and cut or clear the rest of the image, then same the pink areas as a PSD to be place later over the bmp i am working on?

    I figured out how to select all the pink and cut it away, but moving it around and saving it as it's own file I have not.

    Thanks for all the advice guys. It is helping quite a bit.

    Last night was frustrating and I am sorry if I was ranting a bit. I ahd been wrestling with a bmp to save it from the pink for about 4 hours and was pretty tired. I just started over and used extract to get my favorite areas placed on the new BMP.

  2. Well I got corel paint shop pro,

    and I followed the instrucions here to make a mask of the pink.

    It won't

    It doesn't select the other pink areas. No idea why. Seem like I just don't know what I am doing .

    I am have never used PSP and I am only moderately familiar with photoshop beyond the tool bar.

    I followed the steps above to the letter. It won't select anything but the pink area I have highlighted. I messed with it and since the setting in that area are completely alien to me all I could do was screw it up.

    I have a mod I am working on that is a mess of pink.

    I want to make a pink mask and lay it over the the BMP i was already working on to get rid of the mess. But I can not for the life of me figure out and easy way to do it.

    Magic wand just color outside the lines even further. No idea why it does this. Seems really stupid to go outside the lines like that.

    Attempting to color it by hand would take hours, and I would rather spend those hours learning how to do it right, or easier.

    All I have manged to do is tick myself off.

    SO I figured I would just start over and extract my marking to lace on a new clean BMP. Well Befor I did that I wanted to do what was explained above in this thread. Nope. Setting are wrong on my version or something. Seems easy but it isn't as usual. as well I am just getting angrier. Too tired. Would read the tutorial, but it in some corel format I guess that my corel won't open as well.

    Hope someone has an answer, this will be the death of my modding if I can't get around the pink.

    Oh well, I will go in the other room and get away from it. My Monitor is too expensive for me to punch.


  3. Ok good to know. I read a wiki article (that matched a bunch of other articles) that said for the most part, m4a3 never entered UK production. Since I was going to start a series of Brit tanks using a cerian camo scheme, I had my die cast tank out last night photographing all the angles. I looked down at the display plate that it sits on and it said UK British M4a3 Sherman Royal Scots Greys..........ITALY.

    So I was searching all over CMAK to find this UK m4a3. Al I could find were sites that said m4a3 was never made for UK and I knew that was crap. There had to be SOME. But the game doesn't have them in the BMP lists for UK. So I guess the next best thing is what you told me Mikey. Seems odd that both Corgi and Forces of Valor would make a die cast tank that never existed though. Or at least was so very rare people decided to off the list.

    Thank you for the page Kingfish. It will help me as I mod these tanks.

  4. Ok I am a bit confused here.

    The US M4a3 Sherman

    WHat is it's designation in the UK models?

    The site I read say it was the MK IV, but we have no MK IV in game and the net says they never entered production.

    Which is BS because I have a model here of a UK Sherman from Italy that is labeled as a m4a3.

    What MK is the m4a3?

    Confused by research and no sleep

  5. Well,

    In the future I will definitely use that strategy when modding. For this mod I just opened up photoshop and started painting, basically just using any tool or brush I could figure out to make this thing work. There was no rhyme or reason to it. Just started painting over the BFC mod. So for the next mod I will have to pour over all the mod tutorials that were sent to me an try to get a better approach going.

    Just too much RL work and made this during breaks. Ok some break were 8 hours long but it was considered a "break"

    .As for the look of the vehicle,

    I considered the fact that this thing had a cannon that set about 3 feet or less over a hot hood that had a hot engine cooking underneath it, that would probably leave some soot on the front of the HT. And the blast would shock some of the paint off. Sand storms, breakdowns, multiple engagements, having small arms fire or close hit cause smoking engine failure, bad driving, scraping against brush, rock and other vehicles, brush fires and good old wear and tear. Add that to the fact that I don't think Rommel's forces had much time to repaint and worry about detailing when you are running back and forth across Africa and the RAF bombs your supplies out of the Mediterranean....... I figures towards the end they wouldn't have looked too clean.

    I am not to educated on the game mechanics/engine. I have seen mods of soldiers faces. Do these randomize when a game is loaded? If so, what's to say that there couldn't be a way to make it to where we have 5 different mods of the same unit. When we load the game in it randomizes the mods we have and makes a variety of looks for the same unit? Meaning 5 stummels that have different looks to them? I am sure the problem with that idea is that the game would need 5 sets of BMP numbers to hold each version? Dumb question, which I probably just answered myself.

  6. i think it is pat's eto stummel model.

    PSW 251-9 CMAK on CMMODS. I don't see it doing the same to his, but his textures are much different than mine and could be hiding the distortion. I am just slammed with work right now, up all night . Have not been able to give it a good look. But I will.

    Thanks again!

  7. I am leaning to the fact that thi s one looks better without the AR flag. The flat flag just seems to suck some of the life out of it. What do you think?

    I will keep it as an option, but I think I will either take mine off or make a patch to drape it somewhere else.

    And if anyone speaks German, plz tell me if what I wrote on the HT makes any sense, or if it needs to be altered. So small anyway.

  8. yeah, I wanted it to be pretty battle worn as if it was a veteran unit of Afrika Korps..

    But I did beat the crap out of it.

    Looks like he has had some scraps and scrapes and parked too close to a brush fire. Not to mention engine troubles and salt water damage.

    Thank you.

    I am probably going to do the treatment to a tiger next... or the stug IIIF late.

    As soon as I get my RL work caught up that I put on back burner to get this one done.

  9. I am currently working on a stummel.

    I am using some of Pat's ETO stummel interiors to create my own versions.

    In this pic you can see that though the interior of side walls are identical.... the right side is overlapping the back door graphic.

    Why is this?

    They are exactly the same, but I am getting a smudge on the right, instead of the door bmp covering it.

    I could try painting it out, but that seems redundant when I have perfectly good interior door bmp that should be covering it up.

    here is the pic:


  10. FYI I have uploaded all of the Gurra Italian HT's I had on my drive to cmmods.

    The 251-1 & 17 (share the same bmps)



    so there are a few more Italy HT's out there now.

    I also uploaded some Gurra Panthers that match the Half track's in camo style for a more unified force appearance.

    I think they were

    Both Panther A's and the Panther G

    all the mods have the mottled green dark camo, with netting and gerrycans ect.

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