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Cabe Booth

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Posts posted by Cabe Booth

  1. I have another post from today showing an Italian UK camo scheme on a sherman. Would be nice to see some Italy and Afica versions of the Churchill family.... wink wink Mikey D and DI... and gaut and gurra and Daffy and MikeT and.... oh well all of ya.

    I am so dang busy right now painting on canvas or I would make it my project to learn modding with photoshop and try the LCD canvas for a bit. I need a really good tutorial though. Most assume I am completely proficient with photoshop I also have the new Corel program. Just a quick step by step on how to add to existing blank mods and I would be off and running.

    I am sure I can find some websites out there though that teach basic of PS use.

  2. I have searched all over CMMODS for a Churchill mod. I am not finding them. I know there was a crash and they might be out there somewhere. Can someone point me in the right direction on CMMODS?

    If none exist and someone has them can you upload them to CMMODs please?

    I have a couple of mikeyD Valentine mods, but British mods beyond shermans are hard to find in the tank area.

  3. I recently bought this UK Sherman tank (die cast)

    I like the camo. It is a sort of green with sandy ambush camo stripes. Would like to see a series of these for Italy. Even on the Kangaroos, Stuart, Diamlers and such. Most of all the armor.

    Here is the link, if you need photos from the Tank itself let me know. It seems like it would be a very nice mod set for CMAK.


  4. I guess the best thing at my disposal is this list downloadable here at the BoB website. The unit avalibility list Sure you guys have it. Newbies like me don't.

    "Vehicle BMP List for CMAK"


    I guess I can make my mods set in to zip files of selected mods by going down the list and checking them off.

    Just make a folder for each theater and search CMMODS for each unit pick my favorite mod for a certain unit and when done, combine them into a zip file to either extract directly into my CMAK bmp folder or use McMMM

    Sounds fair enough.

    Thanks all

  5. I am assuming that the Panther G error in CMAK you mentioned is that it does not have its own set of BMPs?

    I see in my McMMM mod screen that is shares the same BMP set with the Panther D

    I see this by viewing JorgeMC's Panther pack, it may be my error, but that's what I see.

    Plus when searching the mod database for a panther G, there is really none other than ones for the ETO mod.

  6. u think with an accurate shot, that that would be quite a pinball machine of death inside there. But the tacAI decides the shot used.

    The only strategy I can be sure of right now when the map is flat is to have either concentrated fire with you units or have all your guns fire smoke at each exposed pillbox.

    Problem is you are always going to lose a third of your units right off the start and sometimes the AI just starts retreating instead of firing. But if you can hit then with the smoke they will allow you some time to flak or get in some more smoke for cover and then haul yer butt forward.

    I am trying to put all my infantry units in halftracks and on tanks (with the CO in a kublewagon or jeep to make them execute the move orders faster and keep morale up) so they don't get tired getting to the pillboxes. I keep the halftracks and trucks hidden behind terrain or even try to use the HIDE command for them at the start with the CO in a kublewagon or jeep.

    Once the smoke is fired you just start going all out. The pillboxes will probably have 56 or 6 truck/HTs to aim at or the multiple armored units firing at them. SO you just overwhelm them.

    Hopefully the smoke goes off well and you don't have to get waxed to bad.

    I need to try buying more low cost arty spotters at the start that have quick firing times (with radio). Maybe using a good smoke barrage before exposing anything would do the trick, but........ ya gotta spot the bunkers first or its all guess work with the smoke wall.

    But for the cost of a few artillery units you could save a lot of units from pillbox abuse.

  7. Thanks for the long response.

    It is making sense now.

    I have mentally absorbed the snow info you described, thanks for clarifying it even more.

    As I have noted, there are ETO units that share BMPS with DAK german units so I began to wonder why.

    The whole Gelb and Grau thing is what had my head mussed up. Since the DAK units appear to be Gelb, but are just over-painted Grau.

    I am using cmmos right now to kind of get a grip on the numbers as many have suggested.

    Thanks to everyone for the attention to this subject.

    It has been a wealth of info.

  8. Ok,

    I think I am getting it now. I see my numbering system has been off quite a bit.

    Help me clarify some things though.

    If I am looking at a Tiger I early mod,

    In this case a MikeyD Tiger I early and the numbered BMPs start with 112560.bmp , then it will only show up in Italy.

    If had 50000 added to it to become 162560 then it would be a snow tiger in Italy. Obviously it wouldn't have snowy graphics, it would just appear in the winter. Since the game doesn't have snow mods installed in its default mod file I could and should download a Daffy WW unit to install for winter.

    If we take another MikeyD Tiger I early and it is numbered 12560.bmp then it would show up in Africa and Crete, but not Italy. And if I added 50000 to it to become 62560.bmp it would show up in the Italian snow maps. Right?

    My confusion here is that a Tiger I, and Tiger I (early) and Tiger I late are all different production/loadout versions of the Tiger tank that occured throughout the war.

    So If I wanted to have 2 versions of a tiger tank,

    I would download a tiger with 12560.bmp and so on in in its zip file for my Africa and Crete maps. Then I would download another with 112560.bmp for my Italian battles.

    I could have them both installed and if I ran an Italian map it would load the 112560 mod overriding the 12560.bmp?

    Just as the winter mod would override the summer mod?

    So to have a full set of Tiger I early tanks I could have 3 early tiger mods installed

    a 12560 and a 112560 both theaters.

    and then a 62560 or a 162560 for winter maps?

    Sorry to drag this out so much. I do use cmmods to look up the different bmp numbers for the mods. I am mainly wondering if adding a '1' to the beginning of a mod makes it an Italy only mod. That way I can make my full set of mods with different paint schemes since I use McMMM.

    I found CMMOS modsets to hard to find..... or do you guy prefer CMMOS for better organization of your mods?

    I am having a mental debate on it. I like the McMMM for light modding. CMMOS just seems like a large project to set up.

  9. so under 100000.bmp Germany is grau or in CMAKS case DAK

    Thing is I notice some ETO camo units for late war under 100000.bmp

    I guess there are still some thing about the numbering system for CMAK I am foggy on. I have the whole winter thing down it seems.

    when you see a unit labeled mid-late or early mid..... where does that fall in the number system?

    sorry I am just want to make mods when I ever get done with all my constant painting for work.

    I want to make some DAK units for crete. I dunno volcanic dusting or something like that. I just want to make sure I get it right when I upload them.

    I know that certain theaters are going to have camo restrictions on them, such as no winter units in Crete or NA/EA.

    But I do see alot of ETO paint scheme units set in the same BMP numbering as a DAK unit in the CMMODS unit search for CMAK mods.

    Is this just due to laziness or error on the uploading modders part or is it just a CMBB mod mixed in by accident?

    Oh and BTW, can you get cmmods page to load today? I have had no luck getting it to load for about 3 days now.

    Seems like the server is under maintenance or down.

  10. so I am revising a bit here.

    under 50000.bmp means early war unit (in cmak that usually means desert or crete camo, but in CMBB it means early war.) So if you download a mod form the CMBB files into CMAK that has matching BMPS numbers you will see a ETO unit in the desert.

    over 50000.bmp-? means winter unit. Basically the early war unit BMP number plus 50000.

    Over 100000 means late war unit

    OVer 150000 mean late war winter unit.

    in early war winter maps, game looks for a for a bmp 50000-99,999 if it finds none, then it defaults to your summer mod.

    In late war winter maps the game looks for a bmp number over 150,000. if it find non it defaults to the late war summer bmp mod (meaning a bmp over 100,000.

    what is the early war cut off? I see late/mid war units mixed in the bmps under 50,000.bmp that on;y show up in early italy and not crete or africa.

    WHat are the bmp number ranges for cmak?


    early mid


    early winter

    min/late winter

    Late winter

    I have a lot of them figured out, i guess the mid war bmp numbers have me confused

  11. what's up with http://www.cmmods.com/ lately?

    Past few days it was very slow and then be ok.

    Now for the past 4 days or so there are times it is completely unloadable.

    Is it having some hiccups or is it down?

    last night and tonight I wanted to DL some mods, but it seems both nights it wasn't able to load at all.

    Sometimes I get in and cannot navigate, takes up to 3 minutes to switch pages or do a search.

    All I want to do is plunk around with my new hobby and its pooting out on me.

  12. Yes getting theater semantics correct has been the sticker here.

    But today I did check my theories and saw my buddy's Tiger tank come crawling out (I hate that) in Italy. I identified the camo and went into McMMMM to see what camo styles, sure enough it was a Tiger VIe mid with a bmp of 14660.

    So, since we are playing by email I am goign to take the time to unpack a different Tiger MID mikeyD mod and add 100000 to all the bmps and see if it overrides the artwork in game since we are in Italy. Or I will just search all the CMMods for a CMAK tiger mid that already has the 114660.bmp

    and see what happens. Then I might try to force a snow mod to show up.

    I wish there was a program out there that when playing by email it sent a McMMM mod set file to the other player, that way if we had matching mod files it would load the mods I had selected, and then when he sent back his first email it did the same for him out of my mods.

  13. Not actually prefixes, rather numerical addition for modding in CMAK

    I think I got it finally

    If someone could give the same BMP rules for CMBB I would be grateful.

    found this post on CMMods forums

    "you add 50000 to the bmp number,

    when snow is present in parameters the game engine looks for a bmp number above 50000.

    the game does not come with any so it defaults to the stock number.

    a tank that is 17640 tan in north Africa is 117640 green in Italy is 67640 in snow.


    I found later that the same tank with the number 167460 will be an Italy ONLY winter tank, useful for certain camo styles if you want them to be Italian winter default.

    I will explain this many ways so that folks can understand. As I said I also discovered another bmp number, the 150000 and up, that I myself didn't know what it it was until now.

    a base (default) bmp number is under 50000

    leave it at base bmp number for normal-for CMAK that would be N. Africa

    add 50000 to make it a winter vehicle or 150000 for Italian winter

    add 100,000 to make Italian theater only unit

    add 50000 to the Italy theater number and you get a snow unit that shows up for winter in Italy ONLY. Or just add 150000 to the base number that is, any number <50000

    I have to say this just to be thorough even though it is obvious:

    Obviously changing the BMP number doesn't magically transform a unit into a snow covered unit, it just makes it show up in those theaters/weather. So theoretically u could change the number of a desert tank and make it show up in winter by adding 50000 to all the bmps in the file.

    I will make up a generic bmp for example

    let's say a unit has a bmp of 6600

    leaving it at 6600 will allow it to show up in N. Africa----for other player made mods it will be ETO as well

    Adding 50000 to it makes it show up in winter.

    So all winter units will be the base unit plus 50000

    That unit with 100000 added to make it 106600 will make it show up only in Italian theaters. This may include East Africa. I have yet to confirm. Some would call it it Mediterranean camo mod?

    Add 50000 to an Italian/Mediterranean theater mod to make it 156660 and I THINK it makes a winter mod specific to Italian/Mediter/E.africa theaters only.

    so my thoughts are

    6600 N Africa

    56600 winter.... it don't snow in desert fool.. um yet

    106600 Italy and maybe E.Africa

    156600 winter Italy

    if this is wrong someone plz correct me.

    more examples I found

    On CMMods website:

    An afrika Korps tan desert kublewagon was labeled 3790

    A normal ETO winter kublewagon was labled 53790

    An Italian kublewagon was labeled 103790

    a dirty White washed Italian kublewagon was labeled 153790

    a normal wirblewind chassis BMP is 4110

    a winter is 54110

    50,000 has been added to make a winter mod

    a wirblewind for Italian theater is 104110


    All units can be designated as an italian theater ONLY unit by adding 100000 to it.

    150000 and above is a snow Italian theater unit

    only. non Italian units use the 100,000 addition to become Italian theater units only,

    if no 100,000 unit is found by the program it defaults to...

    the base unit. In the case of the wirlblewind it would be the 4110 bmp, never the snow 54110 unless it was winter in Italy......... then yes, you get the winter mod 54110 loaded by default.

    so to designate default CMAK units as Italian theater units only, add 100000 to them. To make em winter Italian add 150000. A good way to sort your camo styles.

    Just remember that actual Italian army unit are numbered just like all other countries and show up as default in all theaters they are present in historically, unless you made a special "Green" Italy mod and wanted it to be in Italy only then you add the numbers above to keep it from popping up in the desert.

    All units are handled the the same. even the actual Italian national units. I cannot say this enough

    50000 and under are normal N. Africa and ETO units

    +50000 winter

    +100000 Italy ONLY

    +150000 Winter Italy ONLY

    if no Italy or winter Italy mods are present for a unit, then you get the default unit BMPs loaded.

    I said it enough ways.....

    it isn't too confusing right?

    someone explain CMBB to me now.

  14. I think I got it finally

    If someone could give the same BMP rules for CMBB I would be grateful.

    found this post on CMMods forums

    "you add 50000 to the bmp number,

    when snow is present in parameters the game engine looks for a bmp number above 50000.

    the game does not come with any so it defaults to the stock number.

    a tank that is 17640 tan in north Africa is 117640 green in Italy is 67640 in snow.


    I found later that the same tank with the number 167460 will be an Italy ONLY winter tank, useful for certain camo styles if you want them to be Italian winter default.

    I will explain this many ways so that folks can understand. As I said I also discovered another bmp number, the 150000 and up, that I myself didn't know what it it was until now.

    a base (default) bmp number is under 50000

    leave it at base bmp number for normal-for CMAK that would be N. Africa

    add 50000 to make it a winter vehicle or 150000 for Italian winter

    add 100,000 to make Italian theater only unit

    add 50000 to the Italy theater number and you get a snow unit that shows up for winter in Italy ONLY. Or just add 150000 to the base number that is, any number <50000

    I have to say this just to be thorough even though it is obvious:

    Obviously changing the BMP number doesn't magically transform a unit into a snow covered unit, it just makes it show up in those theaters/weather. So theoretically u could change the number of a desert tank and make it show up in winter by adding 50000 to all the bmps in the file.

    I will make up a generic bmp for example

    let's say a unit has a bmp of 6600

    leaving it at 6600 will allow it to show up in N. Africa----for other player made mods it will be ETO as well

    Adding 50000 to it makes it show up in winter.

    So all winter units will be the base unit plus 50000

    That unit with 100000 added to make it 106600 will make it show up only in Italian theaters. This may include East Africa. I have yet to confirm. Some would call it it Mediterranean camo mod?

    Add 50000 to an Italian/Mediterranean theater mod to make it 156660 and I THINK it makes a winter mod specific to Italian/Mediter/E.africa theaters only.

    so my thoughts are

    6600 N Africa

    56600 winter.... it don't snow in desert fool

    106600 Italy and maybe E.Africa

    156600 winter Italy

    if this is wrong someone plz correct me.

    more examples I found

    On CMMods website:

    An afrika Korps tan desert kublewagon was labeled 3790

    A normal ETO winter kublewagon was labled 53790

    An Italian kublewagon was labeled 103790

    a dirty White washed Italian kublewagon was labeled 153790

    a normal wirblewind chassis BMP is 4110

    a winter is 54110

    50,000 has been added to make a winter mod

    a wirblewind for Italian theater is 104110


    All units can be designated as an italian theater ONLY unit by adding 100000 to it.

    150000 and above is a snow Italian theater unit

    only. non Italian units use the 100,000 addition to become Italian theater units only,

    if no 100,000 unit is found by the program it defaults to...

    the base unit. In the case of the wirlblewind it would be the 4110 bmp, never the snow 54110 unless it was winter in Italy......... then yes, you get the winter mod 54110 loaded by default.

    so to designate default CMAK units as Italian theater units only, add 100000 to them. To make em winter Italian add 150000. A good way to sort your camo styles.

    Just remember that actual Italian army unit are numbered just like all other countries and show up as default in all theaters they are present in historically, unless you made a special "Green" Italy mod and wanted it to be in Italy only then you add the numbers above to keep it from popping up in the desert.

    All units are handled the the same. even the actual Italian national units. I cannot say this enough

    50000 and under are normal N. Africa and ETO units

    +50000 winter

    +100000 Italy ONLY

    +150000 Winter Italy ONLY

    if no Italy or winter Italy mods are present for a unit, then you get the default unit BMPs loaded.

    I said it enough ways.....

    it isn't too confusing right?

    someone explain CMBB to me now.

  15. Hmm I thought I would have this all worked out when it came to prefixes. I will cut and paste my notes from a notepad I had open while going through the CMMods search by CMAK BMP portion of the website.

    I see that you note that a "1" will make a unit appear in winter but.......

    I am completely confused and frustrated by the lack of info. If just perusing the BMPs would have done it for me (and at times I thought it did) I would have the whole thing down by now.

    I went through the WHOLE LIST of BMPs for CMAK and here is what I came up with. I remind you. This is pasted from my notepad to show my confusion and lack or WTF is going on.

    I cannot find a list of prefixes anywhere on the web, most websites are down and every post I read has people telling other to go find out themselves. So please, explain what is right in front of my eyes. Because I know it is. I am just not getting it.

    I think the major problem here is that I don't know how many prefixes there are.

    Are there 2 or 5?

    Are the 3 or 6?

    Meaning is Mediterranean the same as desert and Italian?

    Is winter the same as whitewashed and snowy/dusty winter?

    Is ETO the same as Italy? Thereby ruining my thought that Italy was the same as N Africa and E Africa?

    What is there is no prefix and it is a winter unit?

    Ok here is my notepad. Laugh away them give me a clue. It really shouldn't be so hard to find this stuff out in such a large gaming community, but here ya go.

    5/6 dusty winter, snowy?

    16/15 winter& whitewash?

    10 italian,sealion, grau (warm weather)?

    11 ETO?

    3/4 7/8 is desert or N.africa 12???

    1 is eto and italy in front of 4 or more numbers

    6! and 5 is snow

    And if you think that is hilarious go look at the CMMods BMP list youself.

    Ok, I am just teed off now even having to re-read 5 hours of work that someone could just post in the forums or on a modding website. Having all the BMP numbers is great, but when a mod set for one unit has mixed prefixes then you can understand why newbies get confused. I am looking to become a full time mod fella here. I paint WW2 artwork for a living along with many other things. I would like to think my contributions would be helpful in the area of supplying mods that have yet to appear, such as an Italian marked Stug or shermans with kangaroos on them... I don't know. Someone please give me a heads up here. It's like I bought a really nice model kit that has not decals or instructions.

    Help if you can. I am not mad at anybody in particular, just understand I am frustrated at the lack of info. I am aware that this games community is old and most sites are down. Not to mention CMMOds being re-built thank god.

    Just look past my anger and give a guy a break.

    Oh and I have all the band of brothers charts and the Unit availabilitys chart ect. I need someone to explain the prefixes or send me a document that can do so. Charts in Linux format do me no good.

    I do thank you in advance as I know this question has been asked way to many times by others over the years, and waaaay to many times by myself.

  16. I started a British defense game in Crete with my PBEM buddy.

    Skip to the bottom to get to my point here.

    The points were set to about 2000 and I was the defender. So I spent my points on the small squads of rifle troops. 3 Matilda MKII, 2 howitzers and some extra flamethrower units and a few AT rifle inf units. Oh, and 2 hurricanes to make life awful for him if he wanted to hide from me.

    The rest I spent on bunkers. I put a few AT gun bunkers in plain view on a ridge (this was arid terrain so LOS was pretty much all the way out. I set up a second line of bunkers mixed with MG and AT.

    Well we fire the game up and he has NO luck even getting off the edge of the map. He is using some pretty early german armor, Mostly PzIV and AT guns. Also bought a stuka and off map artillary

    The 2 pounder at guns are waxing his units. His AT guns on the hill firing back keep getting hits on the "Slit/slot" but it doesn't phase my pillbox crews. ANY tank that came into view was knocked out. I was not using a TRP. The single AT pillbox on my right single handedly kept his army at bay.

    The map to my left was dominated by a large hill with houses that I filled with a bunch of Flamethrower teams AT rifle squads and rifle squads supported by a very small mortar crew.

    It was a 40 turn game.

    By the end of it I have lost 5 units. All infantry from a Stuka bomb that landed on the house they were in. Other than that he was completely held at bay or knocked out/routed. &0% of my pill boxes or units never had to fire a shot because they were set back in case the first line failed.

    There are 2 turns left in the game.

    How the heck do you kill a pillbox or bunker at long range? DO you use a HE or AP? If so what size do you need to at least rattle the crew inside or can they even get panicked or routed? Most of all how to get the kill?

    I played a single player game and any PBs or bunkers I had exposed were gone pretty quick. Either he bought badly or these UK pillboxes were made out of tungsten.

    So for future reference. What takes out a pill box in the different periods of the war? For this conversation lets say early war.

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