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Cabe Booth

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Posts posted by Cabe Booth

  1. I just loaded a PBEM game on CMBB and whammo.

    i get this below

    I have been playing for over a year with no problems and no major changes between cards or any system at all. Just appeared today right after loading a CMAK PBEM file just fine

    I have installed all the text fixes, minimized maximized, restarted, erased preferences now gonna try a restart but i doubt that'll do dang thing.

    Any ideas?


  2. if you go to cmmods website and look under my name i DLed, took screen shots and compiled all the info i could find on bmps and modding int a very thorough "modder's pack" last year. Also, i asked a ton of questions in here about it, so searching my name for threads will find some of the comments that were enlightening to me so folks are not re-writing (as they did for me) long and hard to get across at times descriptions of modeling bmps and how the whole shibang goes together

    I was trying to goto cmmods tonight to see what new mods go uploaded in the last 2 months and i couldn't connect so the sight may de hiccuping a bit...hopefully not down

  3. the issue i found with cmbo mods with any other cm game is the resolution is lower, the file is smaller so you end up with some funky units sometimes

    using cmbo mods will work in some cases, Hard to tell straight off because many of those mods were written before the release of CMBB & CMAK so you don't get any warnings in the documentation.

    The best way to check is to look at the BMP number of the file and go into you CMAK or CMBB bmp folder and compare the images and file size. Sometimes they don't match at all.

    I uploaded a pretty good resource for locating BMP numbers and modding. It is a collection of other people's work from around the community. It is under my name at cmmods

    Goto cmmods.com

    click CMAK or CMBB mods

    click by designer

    click Cabe

    click all

    click mod set

    there will be a file link for a bmp database.

    It is really useful if you need a list to mod your games with. I used them as a checklist to mod every unit in the game. I would check off each unit when I got a new mod, then I would also check off getting a snow/winter mod. I would open the databases an turn the color of the bmp base number text to green if I modded the unit and if there were 2 sets of numbers for each unit such as German grau and gelb units I would change the bmp number on the chart green for each one then if I got a snow mod I would turn the name of the unit green to indicate the unit was fully modded

    I know that might sound confusing, but it isn't important you understand how I kept records, just develop a system of your own to keep track or print them out to check off.

  4. as has been the eternal problem with cm, when buying units you cannot get a full list of a units stats on the screen to aid you in your decision making, I had a site I used with great admiration the CMAKbd or CMAK database (URL was http://cmak.jemian.com/) and the CMBBdb (URL was http://cmbb.jemian.com/), but both are down now. I don't know why as they were both growing and extremely useful and well made. Now I have no database to look to when purchasing units before a battle, so where is an online or printable list. I can refer to now?I know of the excel lists at Chris's CM database, those are great but don't lst blast rating for all untis (kinda important when choosing)

    I need a complete stat list, please let me kno if it exists in any form.

    Also as an aside, can anyone find out where the pages went and rescue the web pages/info ? These sites are sorely missed by me and others I am sure

  5. if you look at the mod info page in the RM listing a cmmods it has full list of all the mods that go with those gridded terrain files to fill out the grass, rocks, marsh, ect.

    Complete list of CMAK Mods in this series -

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Grass

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Open

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Snow

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Lgt Snow

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Arid

    RM-GaJ H/C Topo Grid Sand

    RM Topo Grid Terrain

    RM Topo Grid Terrain Snow

    RM Topo Grid Terrain Desert

    RM Topo Grid Desert Doodads

    RM Topo Grid Roads

  6. i think those are considered "doodads" and are separate from the mod, you need to install a desert or arid "doodads" mod from cmmods

    I just checked my file of same gridded sand, it does not include the rocky terrain or "rough" you need to DL a mod of your choice from cmmods.

    in your BMP folder look at # 2130.bmp and 2131.bmp

    those are the rough graphics or "mod" that your game is currently using

    goto http://www.cmmods.com and log in

    goto cmak mods section and search for "rough" and you will see a file called RM topo grid desert doodads, DL it then extract it into your BMP folder, unless you use a program to install your mods like MCMM

  7. well i have had off and on moments with them, i had a CMBB map where it was hitting pretty good then on a random spawn CMAK map one had the range but a low wall kept me from getting closer finally i drove all the way around the wall back to my target and it fired. Then game I have right now I have moved him up from the 54m position to around 40m with 15 degree angle to the target and an area fire order, so I will report back.

    I can say that I have seen mine in the past fire directly ahead, so that is not an issue, but I guess the range as reported in the units stats in game are wrong.

    Those Russian flame tanks though, wow, now that's range, not to mention a ton of ammo

  8. I have always had the hardest time getting the 251-16 to fire its flamethrower, especially since you cannot give it the hunt command.

    I have targeted area under 55m and it does nothing. I know in other games I had it fire often, but in this game it just fires its mg. What is the secret? any why can't CMAK/BB be consistent on vehicle flamethrower fire orders? I figured out the croc and the Russian tank just flames everything like crazy

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