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Posts posted by zwobot

  1. Good thread.

    I am currently playing the CMAK scenario "Frühlingswind" (don't know the name in english, it is the german demo mission).

    I have brought most of my infantry in a decent firing position via a covered route. The assembly area is covered by a small elevation in the terrain which conceals the area against the fires from the enemy.

    My problem is the enemy armour though.

    I have 2 Panzer III platoons and 1 Marder platoon against Shermans and M3 Stuarts (about 2 platoons each).

    I don't know how to disable the enemy tanks, they always hit my tanks with the first shot whereas my tanks always need 2 or 3 shots to "zero in" on their targets. So far I have lost 2 Marder and 2 or 3 Panzer IIIs in shoot and scoot drills. There is absolutely no space for any flanking maneuvers.

    Any suggestions (regarding this special situation and tank vs. tank tactics in general)?

    Screenshot of the situation (quality is pretty low; the panzer III are on the left, infantry in the middle and marder tanks on the right of the screenshot)

  2. Originally posted by SlapHappy:

    I think the game would have worked better if they had used an individual soldier command level with WEGO that stopped whenever there was enemy contact that required fresh orders instead of a fixed time span.

    Sort of a WEGO with "action interrupt".

    Guess it's a little late for that, though.

    Brigade E5 has something like this, everytime a soldier has completed an order the game is paused so you can give new ones. The idea is not bad but maybe the action interrupts should not affect all orders and incidents, otherwise I think it could become a bit annoying with a feeling of micromanagement.

    I never tried Realtime in Shock Force because I don't want to miss important stuff going on. On the other hand missing those stuff adds to the fog of war.

  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    This has huge ramifications since US units can usually shoot at anything in their LOS because someone has spotted it and reported it (voice or FBCB2) to other units.

    Does this mean contacts that are not withing LOS of other units will not be promoted?


    Squad 1 is on a hill and spots an enemy unit.

    Squad 2 is behind the ridge and has no LOS to the place where the spotted enemy unit is.

    Will Squad 2 eventually "see" the contact that Squad 1 spotted (but not be able to fire at them because of no LOS obviously)?

    I dont have time to test this out now in the scenario editor.

  4. I am not sure if I understood correctly what you mean. But I had issues with area target lately myself: choosing the center of an area target (spotter has LOS to this point) and dragging the circle for the area and finishing it by clicking on a point with no LOS for the spotter results in the area target not being saved.

    I think this is a bug as the spotter just needs LOS to the center of the target.

  5. I wonder if the Pauses at the middle waypoints actually work? I tried to use them for dismounting but the Stryker ignored the pause and drove to its final waypoint with the squad inside disembarking there instead of at the Paused waypoint.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    Also popping smoke does not work when connected to waypoints?

    The fire arcs, fire orders and facing is useful...

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