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Posts posted by zwobot

  1. SFC Kuba, I agree on what you said. I often try to move a single Fire Team ahead of the platoon with "Hunt" command. But if this unit makes contact with the enemy they often get pinned or suffer some casualties and then it is hard to make them break contact especially in WeGo. I usually let them pop smoke and then "Fast" or "Quick" back a few meters to get them out of the enemy LOF. But it hard to get them to do this properly in WeGo because they are crawling around to avoid the enemy fire and thus the "Pop smoke" target is shifting around which may result in that the smoke is popped 180 degrees into the wrong direction or so...

    This raises another question: I've just played a scenario where I split a US MOUT squad into two teams with the "Assault squad" button. Now I cannot get these two teams to join into a single squad again. I've moved both teams around a few meters and then into the same action spot but they simply refuse to rejoin again. And it did not happen to only one squad, I already have two split up squads like that in the same scenario :confused:

  2. Yes but I think exit zones only make sense in conjunction with events like I described. It doesn't help much to have an exit zone active right from the start of a scenario so that the defender can exit his troops through it right from the start. Exit zones should become active after a certain time passed in the scenario or when the defender has suffered a given amount of casualties or the attacker has reached a certain area - like I said before.

  3. I would argue to that the amount of damage required to be done to an enemy in a situation is probably substantially higher than what would be required in Real Life. This leads to a higher level of friendly casualties because of a tendency for the enemy to almost literally fight to the death. I often see results something like this:

    Enemy Casualties

    6 Men OK

    46 Casualties

    23 Wounded

    12 Missing

    Those are hardcore enemy combatants! I would like to think almost ANY enemy would have bugged out before it got to this......

    Good point! Unfortunately there's no way this could be achieved with the current scenario editor. AI plans are based on time only. I really want to have more complexity for the AI plans in the scenario editor like event based orders. For example trigger a movement order when a certain casualty threshold is met or a certain unit is spotted or an enemy unit touches a certain part of the map. Generally a bit more stuff I know from the Operation Flashpoint and Armed Assault mission editor...

    Oh and I forgot to say that I want exit zones again like in CMBB or CMAK to be able to simulate withdrawal of enemy troops.

  4. Hello,

    I really like the new forum but one thing is really annoying me: there are no links for forum navigation at the end of the page when viewing a thread. There are only links to go back to the thread list or other forum sections at the top of the page, so if I want to go back I have to scroll all the way up to the top of the page to use those links (using the "back" function of the browser is not an option here as it will not mark threads I have already read).

    Can you please add adequate navigation controls (the same links like at the top of the page or a select box) at the end of a thread?

  5. Today I reinstalled CMSF (no Marines module) and patch 1.11

    The terrain is pretty much all black in a certain distance to the camera (see this screenshot). I play on Windows XP with Ati X700 graphics card. Everything worked fine a few weeks ago when I have played with patch 1.08 if I remember correctly.

    My graphics settings:

    V-sync off

    Model quality Fastest

    Texture quality Fastest

    Antialiasing Off

    High priority process On

    Alt-click compatibility On

    Help (apart from trying other graphics card drivers)?

  6. Sounds good to me. I always wanted something like that. Some might say "this is out of focus because a batallion or company commander wouldn't tell a single squad leader which weapon to fire and how". But on the other hand it is ridiculous to fire 3 Javelins at the same spot in 1 minute. I'd like to have it! I always got the impression from previews prior to the CMSF release that this was planned to be included anyway, so: gimme gimme gimme ;)

  7. Hello,

    1. Can anyone tell me if Combat Mission 3 works OK on Windows Vista?

    ( If you have the game and you use Windows Vista your comments would be particularly useful. )

    2. Does anyone know if Battleground (?) are planning to update this game to make it Windows Vista compatable if it needs it?

    ( If it just needs some user "adjustment/s" to make it work correctly, can anyone please advise the nature and detail of the "adjustment/s" req'd. )

    Many thanks.

    I guess you mean Battlefront (not Battleground); and I don't think they will work on any CMx1 title again to make it Vista compatible.

  8. Hi, I'm playing a PBEM multiplayer scenario (Al Amarah) as Red. I am almost totally exterminated and only 30 of the 90 minutes time limit are over and no reinforcements are in sight for me so I want to surrender to my opponent.

    Therefore I press the "surrender" button in the game menue and confirm my choice with the "yes" button. Then I press the "go" button again and save the email file and send it to my opponent but the scenario did not end for him as far as I can tell and when I opened his next email file the scenario was not over for me, too.

    Have I done something wrong with the surrender or is this a known problem?

  9. Originally posted by Combatintman:


    According to the 1988 version of Jane's Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army it states that 'The Resistance has no made use of captured Saggers.' (Page 208 refers).

    Also having skim read my copy of The Other Side of The Mountain - Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War - I can find no mention of the Mujahideen using Saggers. Anti-tank weapons were mostly RPG-7, SPG-9 or BT-10.

    So I'd delete the ATGMs altogether if I were you.

    Thanks for the hint.

    I already considered this after starting this thread because I could not find any evidence for mujahideen using Saggers after a quick search on the internet.

    Anyway, apart from this special scenario I still find it strange that fighter ATGM teams only seem to get AT-14 tubes.

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