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Everything posted by borsook

  1. When playing WaW there is a event that makes German units lose strength points at the start of the first Russian winter. Trouble is in PDE it is possible to do Barbarossa in 1940 or even 1939 and that event seems not to fire then. Surely this event depicts rather the lack of preparation of German army, not the fact that 1941 winter was harsher, so it should work on the first winter, no matter the date.
  2. By the by - ToW is not a good acronym anymore, there is also WW2 game Time Of Wrath
  3. What are your laptop's specs? ToW does not have too steep requirements...
  4. how nice... but what is it? No description, mysterious title... what is the purpose of the mod?
  5. Yes, Gibraltar was under British control, and it was not bombed.
  6. But a single unit is not a single boat, it's what 12? I don't know exactly but it is too big a group to pass... Also I think that the intention was that they are unable to pass, they can do that in a very specific circumstances.
  7. Expect having ports this close to convoy to Russia can be useful at times...
  8. I'm posting it here as it may get the biggest amount of attention but it is about all the SC2 games... We really need a way to sleep a unit so that it does not appear in the "next unit" queue... As it is now "next unit" is pretty useless as you have to go through all the garrison units (and in some games esp as Germany that can be a lot) before you find that one unmoved unit...
  9. If I remember correctly you automatically get a para unit at some point, with air/fleet this unit alone should be able to capture Norway.
  10. Cede? Can you cede countries in SC2? Or do you just mean taking then with an Italian unit?
  11. I noticed that if a sub is attacked on one side of the Gibraltar and it dives it can appear on the other side of it. This is surely a bug?
  12. As it was in history - one of the reason to conquer them is to prevent Allies from swaying them to their side. Allied Yugoslavia backed by British troops can be a real pain...
  13. Hi, I've just got WaW and am looking for a person willing to play a PBEM game. I can do 1-2 turns a day, and do not mind a challenge from somebody with more experience with the game.
  14. Hi, I've just got PDE and am looking for a person willing to play a PBEM game. I can do 1-2 turns a day, and do not mind a challenge from somebody with more experience with the game.
  15. Yes, the AI is really good, one of the best so far! You did a really good job with it! So far from my subjective observations AI in WAW seems indeed to be better, but AI in PDE seems to be more surpizing doing unexpected things sometimes good, sometimes bad... but not boring
  16. I don't know if I am a newbe or not, I played quite a lot of SC2 when it first came out... Anyway so far the AI in PDE, while definitely different, does not seem better... Espescially the naval AI does strange things (is it a really good idea to buy two subs as SU)...
  17. Having just bought PDE I'm wondering if: 1. Can I use WaW scenarios as they are or is some conversion necessary? 2. Is any data from Blitzkrieg and/or WaW folders actually used, or can these be deleted?
  18. Do you mean that AI in WAw is obsolete? No! It's just kicked my butt (although at the highest difficulty and exp)... I'm buying PDE tomorrow at latest... decided to let PT go though, run the demo for a while and somehow the pacific theater does not work for me...
  19. What about Europe? has it been enlarged or is it exactly as it was in WAW?
  20. I very happy with WAW so far and am seriously considering buying PDE... but one more question - is the map in PDE bigger?
  21. Ok, I went ahead and bought Waw, will try to buy pde next month
  22. Thanks for the answer, I play mostly against the computer so, how much better is the AI in PDE? is it really a notable difference?
  23. I'd be really interested in reading that discussion, but I seem unable to find it. Does anyone know where it is?
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