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Everything posted by borsook

  1. Hi Bill, thanks a lot, just sent you an email. Does this mean that it's not only my problem and the compatibility has been broken in the recent patches?
  2. In times of 1.01 I started importing some WaW scenarios to GC, had to stop due to RL now wanted to resume the work with 1.03. But if I export data in WaW editor and try to import it in GC one I get a message saying that directory contains no import data...
  3. Thanks for all the help guys! I don't have much time during the week, but I'm making some progress and I hope to finish the scenario soon.
  4. Ok, I forgot about that, so I guess now I can do e.g. : #CHINA = France and it will look like France in-game, while still being China in the editor? I think I will try to sort out tile ownership nevertheless, as I will use this map for several over scenarios, it should be done properly. So I guess there's no to find a tile owned by a given country? e.g. highlighting it somehow? It may be a silly question but these are my first steps with this editor.
  5. I used that file but it does not change a bit... so I'm back to changing tile ownership, I'll try to do it once more, maybe I missed some tile after all
  6. I'm converting a PDE scenario to Global. After importing all the countries were mixed up, e.g. France was China, I changed the ownership of all tiles to France, but now I cannot save because China has no capital. How do I remove it completely? I do not think I miss any China tiles, is there a way to search per ownership somehow?
  7. Thank you Bill for a very detailed how to. Much obliged. PS. I started work on conversion of Storm of Steel, the import left a lot of work, even countries (France is China) are whole resource layer are totally wrong, but sooner or later it will be done.
  8. I just bought Global Conflict (so that's 4th SC2 I have, just one to go ) and although I really love the new features (just a pity that non-random research is not among them) I find the map of Europe a bit small. So I wanted to recreate the Fall Weiss scenario in the editor (with no experience of it so far). How can I load the map used in that WaW scenario in the editor? If I try to load it I just get an error. I know that there were a lot of changes to the script system, and that it's not compatible, but I just need the map and the whole scenario as such... if anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be grateful.
  9. Thank you for the answer. Indeed the considerations are right here, but it would be nice if: - subs could use it anyway, - normal navy could use it when the western allies fall. I do not know if it's possible to script it like that...
  10. Maybe I do not get something, but can Axis fleet use the loop from the Red sea to the South Atlantic? It does not seem to work for me even after taking Egypt. Is this intentional?
  11. I didn't know that. I will definitely look for a model with that function. That said it's a pretty big part of the market, SC2 will work great on it in terms of performance, so it might be a good idea to consider a native resolution support.
  12. So a question to Hubert - is there a chance of adding support for this resolution in a patch? Since netbooks come up to 25% of computers sold it might be a good move
  13. I'm planning to buy a netbook and I thought that SC2 with its low hardware requirements should be a great game for such a platform. But there is one doubt - will the game run at 1024x600 resolution?
  14. Hi, I still haven't bought GC but I'm considering it seriously. Reading about the game I see that it seems to have only Global scenarios. All the previous games I own from the series had some smaller ones, great for situations when one wanted a quick game. Is there really nothing of the sort in GC?
  15. Thanks, there is at least one in the PQ. Anyway so I assume that playing with soft limits would seriously destroy the balance of the scenario?
  16. I have a question about this scenario from W&W. I started it without soft build limits and I see that e.g. as Germany I cannot build any new armor units... Will there be any changes to unit limits via events as the game progresses or will it stay the same until 1945?
  17. Actually I have UAC disabled. Could not stand double confirmation when deleting from USB drive. This is not the rights problem, it appears with window mode, disappears with fullscreen
  18. I've been running as an admin, and no, it does not change the situation.
  19. Thanks for the prompt reply, I've checked it and indeed the game freezes in window mode (which unfortunately I prefer) and works just fine in fullscreen mode.
  20. I'm playing my first pbem after upgrading to Win7, when I finish my turn, after I click OK in the box telling me that the save is done the game freezes. I still see the map, I even get tooltips from icons, but I cannot click on anything, I have to ALT-F4 the app. Using compatibility mode does not sadly help...
  21. Thanks for your answer, I am glad to hear you may take it into consideration and do something about the research later one... As for the number of players - will we be able at least to delegate running a given country to the AI? that would be a great feature, making the games take up less time.
  22. Feature request While current research system should be the default one it would be great to have an optional non-random research, where each chit bought brings you towards achieving a tech by e.g. 5% per turn until you reach 100. For some players the randomness of the current system undermines strategy (i.e. planning). This feature has been requested a few time since Blitzkrieg came out and since this may be the last version of the game it would be great to have it as an option. I also have some questions: 1. How many players will be able to play in MP? 2. Will there be a 1936 campaign? After all war in the east did not start in 1939.
  23. it'd be great to see some other changes, on my personal wishlist there would be: -"sleep" button - esp with a bigger map this would be a necessity - non-random alternative tech system
  24. Well, it can be done as a few scripts, and 6 is probably an overkill, 3 at most should be enough... Anyway it would be nice to see this in a patch.
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