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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. You mean like this:


    This suggestion has been made before, and makes sense to have. Another great thing about this is one could see at a GLANCE what weapon is down. To do this in CMSF one must take time to either remember the exact make up of that squad, or zoom in to the ground to see what weapon the casualty had. Depending on the weapon will depend on whom you want to give aid and pick up that weapon up. Wouldn't want the Company Commander to accidentally pick up a BAR if you want him to avoid getting engaged. I hope BF considers this logical enhancement for improved player situational awareness.

  2. Some good tips there vinnart, although I feel for the Hummer crews. I play real time so I can react to anything that crops up immediately.

    No Doubt, You will lose some hummers now and again this way, and then again they may run the gauntlet untouched, but the quick intell is can be worth it. The main Hummer for this task is one that has the lighter HMG vs one with a 50 cal, NOT one with a MK 19. This is a great tactic to flush out RPG teams who will almost always miss the fast moving jeep thus giving away their position, and wasting ammo. I have had times when RPG after RPG have exploded like a trail behind the hummer. Not a real world tactic, but works good in a game to get the AI to blow his cover.

    Some good info at jnt’s blog for anyone who wants to get an overview of military tactics, and how to apply it to the game. That is one thing that is cool about military gaming is that you can apply real world training, experience, or knowledge to improve your game play whether it be CM or something else, even team play shooters. I wish we had CM back when I was a trooper as I think it would have made visualizing, and understanding tactics easier. Overall I think CM is a good learning tool for soldiers.

  3. @Hairy. Recon is one of fundimental doctrines of the "ART of War". Winning the information war is, and always will be a big part of obtaining victory. It is as important in real life as it is the game. Recon troops in reality are usually elite, special trained troops I.E. Marine Force Recon.

    It might be a good idea to at least consider a pre attack bombardment and air strikes against possible enemy positions in scenarios where this support is available but don't overdo this as you might want some support later.


    Definitly agree with, and practice what Luke said. I drop it all before the final push. I like to use any remaining javelins for arty too. They are one of my favorite weapons of the game, but be carfull when shooting over your own. I had a short round take out most of one of my squads recently :( I mean SHORT! dropped about 100 meters from launch on a target 800 meters away.

  4. Nothing in life is full proof, but here are some general guidelines of how I use overwatch:

    First step to avoid getting tanks taken out is to RECON for threats that will take out the tank. I do this with infantry, and light vehicles like Hummers (or shall I say pawns.) A possible sacrifice of a hummer to save a tank is worth the exchange to then kill what took out the hummer with the tank. A good way to do this is with a fast “parallel patrol” across the map in front of your line with the Hummer last waypoint into some cover. I try to keep my tanks out of sight behind cover, and use “shoot & scoot”, and always use fast speed for moving from position to position. When I feel a bit more secure that it may be safe to put tanks in covering positions I will do so, but never in the opening of the game.

    For Infantry:

    I use layers of overwatch, and leapfrogging to advance. The layers are Battalion, Company, and Platoon. Platoons are broken into two parts; The HQ section w/ HMG sections, and javelin teams (The overwatch element), and the assault combat squads. Overwatch is always having a force in place to provide covering, or defensive fire for the advancing units. Once the advance unit moves to the new position they provide covering fire for the overwatch element to move up to its next position to get ready for the next move in the advance. The cycle continuous till you get to the objective.

    It is amazing how much the game of chess can be an analogy for CM. The games can both be broken down into 3 parts; The OPENING (The initial movement into positions to grab, or cover key ground.), The MID game (when most of the fighting happens.), and the END game (when the scales tip to one player leading to victory.). Also the concept of overwatch is much the same (covering a square to move another piece, or protect a piece on a square). CM is like chess on steroids!

  5. Does "bino" zoom view have that vignetted cutout shadow shape around the edges to simulate looking through the lenses of binoculars? Just curious.

    No. When I say "bino" I mean you can zoom the camera in on objects far away in a "bino" kind of way with full screen view. No bino cut outs, and personally I would not want that for CM. I want to see more screen as it is now, not less.

    The camera depth of field is done very well with this zoom. The back ground blurs giving a very 3D effect.

  6. IMO CMx2 has the best camera control of any game I have played to date! True it does not control the way many other game do, and takes a bit getting used to, but once you do I know of no other game that offers as many features as CM's. Basically any view one could want is offered, muliple type zooms; scroll wheel zoom, and "Bino" zoom, wide view, overhead view. Lock to unit, center on unit. Smooth pan via left mouse button.

    I do hear where the original poster is coming from. CM's camera and control in general is just so different feeling especially if one goes back and forth say from TOW and CM. Perhaps CM's camera, and system must be the way it is to maximize the overall functionality of its control system? I don't know, but once used to its system I find controlling the game very easy. Perhaps a TOW type camera control would work for CM? Again it is hard to say. Only the developers know why they set the game up to control the way it does.

    I recommend getting a mouse with as many programmable buttons as possible. I have bound to mine: camera preset views 1-6, Center camera on selected unit. Others I have bound to my N52 speedpad are “Bino” zoom in and out, and F12 (select previous unit). The thing is to get used to using both left, right, and scroll wheel to control the camera. CM also offers the player the ability to setup hotkeys any way they want.

  7. I was introduced to it by an old army buddy around 2005. I tried CMBO after much prodding since at the time I was strictly an RTS multiplayer belonging to a clan for a game called Sudden Strike. I tried it, but still preferred the adrenal rush, and challenge of RTS online. Once Sudden Strike, and the clan faded, I was a bit more open minded toward turn base, and was looking to get in to something else. This time I tried Cmx1 CMAK demo single player, and realized what a brilliant in depth game Combat Mission was, and bought CMAK. My friend was pleased to hear I finally got into the game, and offered a challenge for my first PBEM, which I won by the way. After the first few turns I was HOOKED! Single player is fun, and good practice, but nothing like the challenge of playing against a human. I replaced the RTS adrenalin rush with the anticipation rush of a “cliff hanger” episode. Plus, I find WEGO a cerebral rush in getting to relax, and enjoy thinking about strategy. I have been playing Combat Mission almost exclusively since then with the present CMSF.

  8. Yes, thanks Toxic. When it comes to speed my conclusion is to only use FAST for no more than 60 sec for infantry. IMO, or atleast how I play. I usually never like to get the infantry any worse off than TIRING. When TIRED, or worse they do seem to drop in combat effectivness from what i have observed.

    For short hops equipment loadouts do not hinder sqauds from keeping pace. WOUNDED will for sure no matter what.

  9. From my experience it is pretty much the same in CMx2. Unpack the terrain tiles, draw your grid, repack, and put into Z folder. It is that easy. I did it even easier. I downloaded a grid mod from repository, Copied grid, and pasted into European terrain which I prefer. I did not even have to draw a grid this way.

  10. I cannot imagine a situation where the RSM would end up in command of a battalion. After CO, 2IC, XO, OpsO, IntO, RSO, and the raft of other officers at BHQ, one of the Coy OC's would be well before the RSM.

    I guess the important thing to consider is what actually happens when the Pl Comd is out of action. Does the HQ continue to function as a command unit to the subordinates?

    Absolutely agree that the likelihood of a Sgt. Major taking over a battalion would never happen with all the spare staff officers around when you get to battalion level. I have been trying to get the battalion XO Major killed to see who the other guy is in the section, but haven’t been able to. Game wise, and reality wise battalion HQ’s usually do not get into the thick of it so the likelihood of seeing this “Character” in the game would be slim to none. I keep battalion HQ’s way back, and usually on hide, or small arc as to not get engaged.

    That is a good question. I believe the answer is there is no more command, and C2 since the C2 link goes red when the platoon Lt. gets killed.

  11. All the for real "he is just an admin guy" aside it was cool to see "Top" show his face for the first time since I have been playing, and which led to the question of this thread. I found myself rooting for the 1SG to not get killed. I guess you could say I became more interested in the "character" of the game. What I found particularly interesting was that he tired more quickly than his younger counterparts reflecting a man in his mid 30’s to 40’s rather than a 19yr old. Just as it was cool to see the 1SG make an appearance, so it would be cool to see a Platoon SGT., and a Sgt. Major if the battalion XO gets hit. Just makes things more interesting, and still think these are key figures in HQ sections that honesly makes more realistic sense vs PFC Jerk Off taking over HQ. Every squad/section realisticly has a second in command. If the infantry squads shows a SGT. taking over when the SSGT. dies then the platoon HQ section should get his second in command too that being a SFC. If the community took a vote: Would you rather see PFC Jerk Off taking over Platoon HQ's, OR the platoon SGT. First class? Which would you choose? PLATOON SGT. is much more cooler to see.

  12. Some very good info here, and also at the site Erwin posted the link to. I have been thinking of some different tests myself for CMSF, but never seem to get around to doing them. Here is a good one if anyone feels ambitious: How far can different rated squads run in either quick, or fast before getting tired? How far with different speeds can a squad travel in 60 seconds? How does the different terrain types effect the above statistic questions? I think any answers would be approximate statistics since CMx2 is so much more complex, and less cut and dry than in other games. All of the above, depending on unit circumstance, would have altering outcomes. For example wounded, and amount of equipment carrying as well as terrain elevation. All of it comes in to account from what I have observed, but none the less some good average statistics to test.

  13. You are right scottie. I recall reading in a thread way back that that was the reason for no terrain text. Terrain can now be layered, and is not as cut and dry as before. This can make distinguishing terrain a bit tricky. I still cannot distinguish some of them very good after playing for a few years. I was playing a scenario recently and did not realize an area was all mud till a few vehicles got bogged down.

    In regard to the terrain I think this is the one area that graphically is not as good as the graphics for the units, which are great! When I compare for example rough/rocky terrain from Cmx1 to CMSF. I would have to say that Cmx1's looks more 3D IMO. I wonder if some of the graphic techniques from Cmx1 could be used in CMx2 engine? I am talking about the 2D bitmaps that were used to create "3D". Like how the larger rocks were made in Cmx1. That is what I would like to see. The grass, and trees I think look fine, but some of the others like rocky, and mud I would like to see more distinction for.

  14. Since the Plt Sgt. is missing we must assume he gets to stay back at the Co. CP to get some beauty rest, order MRE's, and drink coffee while everyone else goes on the operatrion. I can't believe that a PFC takes over if the 2nd Lt. platoon leader is out of commission in reality. Who takes over the platoon if not another officer? The PLATOON SGT. must. Why? Because he is now senoir ranking person in platoon. Do you think the captain will get on the radio, and ask to speak to PFC whatshisname. No. He will ask for now senoir ranking man, that being the platoon sgt. True, the platoon sgt. has admin duties, but that still does not mean he doesn't have a combat role, and doesn't fire his weapon.

    For the answers we must alway look to the movies :)

    Memorable REAL senior NCO's from the movies who look like they saw plenty of combat.

    "Band of Brothers":

    1 Sgt. Carwood Lipton (Realy ran the company during the battle of the bulge.)

    Platoon Sgt's: Bill Garnuere, Floyd Talbert, John Martin.

    Sgt Barnes from "Platoon" (based on Oliver Stone's real Plt. Sgt., hit 7 times)

    Weapons Plt. Sgt. John Bassilone (my gumba from 'The Pacific")

    Sgt. Rock (oh well no movie about him, but I am sure glad i kept those comic books now worth $2,500)

    Just to name a few. Hey, atleast I'm not asking where the S1 - S4 are ;)

  15. Ah GUI's. My favorite thing to look at to give developers feedback on. After all, isn't all about command & control, and giving the player the clearest situational awareness (at a glance is critical for RTS). I mean it, I really enjoy coming up with designs for GUI. You can check this one I made for TOW. Unfortunately, from the TOW3 screens I saw I guess they never saw my GUI layout, which is better for RTS. My layout is an improvement because it lays the GUI graphic buttons out the same as the keyboard layout. 3 rows of buttons, not 4 like it is now. My layout improves eye/hand coordination for muscle memory making it easier to learn hotkeys. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=93719


    I have followed CMSF from it's beginning of development, and I think most would agree it has come a long way in this dept. from the first, and consequent demo's. For me, I did not buy the game till they fixed the preset camera views, which I use, quit a bit. I believe 1.11 was when it was fixed, and so bought the game. Everyone is sure to agree, that the situational awareness aids added such as the flickering icon when a squad has a casualty, and more distinct units icons such as the sniper's do make a difference in improving situational awareness. I, like many of you lobbied in feedback for these improvements, which just makes the game even better. Overall I really give the present build of CMSF very good in the C&C, and sit rep area of the game, but I do feel there are still some things that can be improved such as point #2. I am also glad to see others are interested in this aspect of the game as well.

    1)If you change to a lower resolution you see those black bars disappear. Text is in most optimal spot where it is now due to this. To improve your situational awareness with the text try my animated text mod. This is the one Erwin is refereeing to. Guarantee with it you can see what is going on with a squad easier, faster, and more interestingly. Give it a try, http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=988


    2)Yes, totally agree, and have a photoshop mock up. Leaving the weapon icon, and changing it to red, or dark red would give a faster sit rep. Not only making it clear to the player that there are casualties, but what WEAPON is down. That makes the difference in which I want to go be a medic to get that weapon. If it is a guy with an M4, he can be left to be treated by my XO section, since the XO doesn't seem to be much use for anything else in the game. For me this is the MOST important request. The red icons could disappear AFTER medic aid.


    3) Nice, but not a feature of priority for me.

    4) Absolutely miss that too from CMx1, but CMSF isn't any less fun without it.

    5) I would have to agree TOW is a bit better in this aspect, but doesn't really bother the CMSF has it. Perhaps has to do with minimizing system requirements. I know I had to shelf TOW2 till I get a new PC due to lag.

    6) I use that icon base mod, and think it is the best base mod out there. I recommend it to all.

    7) see 1

  16. If they have included the 1st Sgt. as part of the company XO section, then I can't see why they did not include the Plt. Sgt. as part of the platoons HQ's sections second in command. The platoon. Sgt. is a key figure in the platoon. He should be taking over the HQ section if the 2nd Lt. dies not a PFC. The platoon sgt. should not be considered anymore admin than the company XO, or the 1st. Sgt which are in the game. Sorry, but this troop should have been included. When I was in the army in what seems like another lifetime ago I recall seeing the platoon sgt. out in front of the formation quite a bit. Perhaps things have changed?

  17. User38, I was referring to having every other key textured for the N52 not a mouse. By the way I took your suggestion for using felt dots to texturize keys. I ended up using the soft side of some velcro I had around which is basicly felt with a little more pronounced texture. I Like it better than my brail glue bumps i was using.

    When my MX revolution eventually breaks I am going to check out the G700. it looks like a good mouse, and i am usually satisfied with my logitch products I have owned. I can't get enough programable buttons!

  18. I was playing recently, and saw for the first time the company first sgt. when the company XO got hit. Is there a sgt. major as apart of Battalion XO section?

    And the big question; Why no platoon sgt. attached to platoon HQ sections? I just had a platoon leader get it, and noticed a PFC took over HQ section. That doesn't seem right.

  19. Paul: Your welcome. One thing I have found in all the games I play is that it does take some trial, and error to program an N52, or equivilent, and gaming mouse buttons. Once you have it the way it feels comfortable, and logical to muscle memory it will make all the difference in ease of control of the game especially when playing games RT. This speed WILL give you an edge.

    Here are my buttons for CM if you cannot open the file:

    TOP ROW: (Move Commands)[From left to right]: Fast-Quick-Move-Hunt-Slow

    MID ROW: (combat commands) Shift-Target-Assault-Face-Target arc

    Bottom Row (Special Commands) Ctrl-F12(very useful camera control to select pevious selected unit)-Hide-Target light(This last bottom right corner key also works good for Aquire.

    N52 wheel: Pause (red gear=Zoom camera in and out Z,X keys.)

    N52 Side button: Backspace

    Thumb pad up.C key (toggle camera wide/zoom)

    Thumb pad Back; Reverse

    Thumb pad forward: Pop smoke

    Thumb Pad down: Shift access to red gear

    Space Bar: Access space bar commands


    Here I have main the alt= key commands for tuning sound, objective ect... on and off along with some of the commands described above.

    Other than the above i will use space bar, or GUI to access less used commands such as Administrative. This is a good layout, that is easy to remember ie Move commands are laid out from fastest to slowest. The fingers naturaly fall on the Move-Target-Face commands. The rest of the commands as I said I have programed to the mouse buttons.

    User38: Good suggestions for creating distinctive textures of keys. I think I will knock off a couple of glue bumps I made, and add some of your suggestions.

    What kills me is having every other key a texture is so practicle, and logical, but yet the manufactures do not see it. My N52 has one textued key which is the center key with a raised plasic bump. Even providing some felt circles, or something with it so one could "mark" keys as desired would be a usefull selling feature.

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