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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I have a Logitech gaming mouse with side buttons so will try to map camera controls to it. I know it doesn't do any good to whine about the cumbersome camera controls so will do my best to adapt. Any chance a talented mod maker could completely revamp this system so as to make it intuitive and not such a pita? How about a mini-map that one could click on to instantly move the camera to that position (I've read somewhere that there are games that exist that actually do this - lol)

    here is my mouse set up if anyone wants to try:

    Side foward and back buttons= cycle through units.=,-

    Mid mouse button + center lock camera to unit. TAB

    6 other buttons are set to preset camera views 1-6.

    I fly around the map with speed, and ease. You will too.

  2. If you're seeing cartoons you're using my UI mod :)

    The files you want are:

    silhouette hq red.bmp

    silhouette hq blue.bmp

    they're in weapons/other silhouettes when you explode the original brz.

    I'm not' seeing that. I have the alternate sillhuettes mod, and see the flag has changed from black to white. Is there another version? Got a screen pic that shows this?

  3. What I am showing is the Syrope terrain CMSF mod that is available at the repository. I think Flesh's mod still has its place for individual color taste. If Flesh were to expand anymore on this I would keep the current version, and make another version that has a color saturation somwhere in between the current, and what Vein made. This would give four choices: Stock (vibrant), Veins ( a LITTLE less saturated) Flesh's subdued (Least saturated), and lets say "Flesh's enhanced"(in between subdued, and Veins saturation. At any rate take a break Flesh, and just enjoy playing. Flesh's mod is easing eye strain and is better than the stock colors, and that is a good thing. Different flavors for different tase.

  4. I have been refining this design of the GUI area to be able to show FLOOR/PASSENGER status for troops, and OPEN/BUTTONED for armor and vehicles. Having this information shown in the GUI is quicker than having to move, and adjust camera areas around at times to find this info out. In order to fit this information in I recommend the experience level be reduced into fitting to the little box next to it which is wasted space at present. The experience levels follow in line to what the player already associates in the use of white (average),red(bad), and green(good) borders in association of modifiers. Since experience is a modifier it seems to fit logically to putting into the box along with the other modifiers. To fit into the box I feel letters which stands for the experience are distinctive, and concise enough. My boxes are shown a bit heavy because of the way I made them which is with the paint bucket tool, and would be the same weight as the game uses. In following the pattern already established the experience would be as follows:

    Red box border and yellow letters for Conscript “C”, and Green “G”

    White box border and white letters for Regular “R”,and Veteran “V”

    Green box border and yellow letters for Elite “E”(shown in pic), and Crack “K”.

    The 3rd feature uses the best of both worlds for the unit ammo area. Integers are good for when more precise information is needed, and color for more general information at a glance. This system uses red, yellow, green.

    GREEN = ammo is at least at 50% of what max load out can be for that unit and type of ammo

    Type turns to YELLOW for when that ammo drops below 30%

    Type turns to RED for when that ammo drops below 15%

    What this does is alert the player at a GLANCE of the ammo SITREP. If indicator turns red it will catch the attention of the player, and now may be a good time to be more concerned with the actual integer count. This works basically how colored text is used in the equipment damage vehicle panel. When your eye notices red something is up. Other than that, when something is green it does not require the player much attention when it comes to the actual ammo count as green means they are good. Cmx1 used a similar logic of using both colored bars and integers to give the player a clearer picture of the SITREP both at a glance, and with detail when needed.

    I think this is a winner to please all. You see the type stays white, and the AMMO LEVEL INDICATOR is now small circles of red, green, and yellow. This solves the problem for color blind person, while helping those with poor vision like myself who do not want to keep squinting to read the integers especially when not necessary unless ammo is getting low which will tell the player at a glance by the showing of the color indicator.

    The colored bars, and icons from CMSF were good in that they told the player the ammo sitrep at a GLANCE, which is especially important for RTS play, BUT this alone was too vague. OK, I am down to 1 red bar, well what does that mean? I’m low but do I have 5 rounds? 10 rounds? 0 rounds left? This is a good use of color red= bad, green = good, but does not give the more detailed story when necessary. So, integers were needed, BUT now we lost the color that gives the at a GLANCE. This gives it all, and once again we see CMx1 had it best, both color and text together to give the at a glance, and detail when needed. NOW WE HAVE IT ALL!


    These are just some of those great features from Cmx1 that will make the Cmx2 Gui all that much better.

  5. I like USA, Brits, NATO. I think this is the safest bet. The differences will be in the engines advancment especially where terrain is concerned. Imagine a world more like Battlefield 3! Personally I would not dig 6 day isreal war and such. I like my WW2, and what I mentioned. Call me a chocolate and vanilla guy, but those are my favorite flavors.

  6. Here is a shot of Syrope from CMSF in how it looks in CMBN. This is how yellow grass looks. It goes from yellow to green. I have to play with texture quality all the way down, so I am sure it will look much better on your machine. This still is using the upper grass from CMBN, and is basicly replacing base tiles.


  7. Here is a rough thumbnail of what I had in mind. The word ldr, Asst are removed and star icons are placed using the negative space under the muzzle so there is no overlap on to the graphic. The gray boxes arewhere the stat icons go. I just made some quick lame ones, but you get the picture. Each icon stands out more as they are visualy different than words that basicly look the same, and must be read. You can glance quickly and process which one is doing what. Icons also are moddable, and people can make all types to their liking including different colors. After casualty medic aid is done, and troop disappears from map red weopon also leaves the roaster, and the casualty is added to the body count number lower right. I think if they go with what Niessuh mentions of combining the info in this area I think this may be the best way to go.


  8. I sooo wish we had a 180° shortcut. I use that far more often than 360°.

    + 1. I have recommended the adition of new ROTATE command that looks like the FACE line, but a different color. This in essence is a max 180 degree arc with no restricitions of regular arcs, and SO much LESS overpowering graphicly than those neon yellow high beams. Also, this is more stream lined as you do not have to do two clicks to draw arcs. Often when I create arcs it is just so I want to point the turret in a direction without worring if the arc is not big enough ignoring threats outside the arc. Arcs have their place for more specific direction, and depth mainly in ambushes. This would be just a general max 180 degre arc.

  9. @ Flesh

    Great job !

    @ Vinnart

    What files do you use from Syrope terrain ?

    I use all of them, but will be adding a few of Flesh's for a custom mod for my own preferences that has its own unique look. The green ground in Syrope is good. Not too saturated, and a bit cooler tones of green which are traditionaly more pleasing to the eye. I like Flesh's, but prefer a bit more green color ground for my own taste. It is all about options.

    If Syrope I recommend the alternate MUD terrain. it stand out much better with more grayed grren/blue tones, and you won't miss it as much for a possible bog.

  10. I suggest including this same texts into the unit info panel, see second screenshot :)

    Sorry I didn’t catch the type under the weapons. That is another way to do it. I personally do not like any writing mixed with the graphic of the weapon icons unless it is flyover text. I think it makes the area look crowded, and have removed the words Ldr, and Asst, and replaced with ** and * for my own use. Unfortunately I cannot lose the Commander, and gunner type as the words are the same as the side soldier stat, and if taken out would disappear too. I thought the way CMSF had it with the star icons for leaders was more attractive, and wish they went that route too with CMBN. Using icons made the area cleaner looking, and was more attractive. The text just makes it look cluttered IMO.I was using Marcos range info mod which puts more text in with the weapons, and found I like the graphic much better without it. I found after I learned the weapons ranges, and printed a pic of the data I did not need the extra text crowding. I kept his armor/damage color bars which is the most important part of that mod.

    If they were to get rid of the side soldier stat text, and combine it in the weapons display I think using icons for the different actions instead of text would look better, and the brain would process the information faster, and more efficiently. Words always process the slowest.

    As far as keeping track of casualties I personally don’t matter if the tally was kept, or not as it is now. The most important part for me is the changing to red to know who went down, and most importantly what weapon did they have. If a tally were introduced perhaps a red cross with an integer next to it placed in the lower right hand corner of the roaster. There seems to be most unused space there.

  11. I have been playing it, and it definitly is easier on the eyes, and an improvement over the the original colors which are just too strong. Some colors looked a little too dead IMO, so I think you still have room to punch up the colors a little if you want without overpowering. To my taste I prefer the Syrope terrain which can be used from CMSF which uses more greens, and less yellows which suites my eye most. There are terrains that I like best from Flesh's mod, and are not part of Syrope, and will probably combine it with the Syrope terrain to get a mix of both for a customize mod for myself. The plow fields will be one. His does not vibrate like the stock ones do on my machine. That is the great thing about modding as it offers so many options to the individual preference while maintaining freedom of choice for everyone. Overall nice job Flesh, and thanks for your time, and effort in making and sharing this with the community..

  12. The soldier weapon icon turning red has been mentioned here before in CMSF. From what I gather this is on the to do list. Doing this will allow the player to see what weapon is down just by looking at the GUI vs having to scroll camera, zoom in to ground to see the 3d model. Would you rather get up to change the channel, or use the remote control? It is the same principle, as the player would prefer this info to simply be displayed in the GUI. My thoughts would be to have red, and dark red denoted WIA,and KIA. After the medicaid is complete, and weapon transferred if applicable the casualty could then disappear from map, and SQD. Roaster. This is as sensible, and practicle feature as I see it. here is one I made.


    As far as this illiminating the need for the soldier stat text altogether I disagree as the text shows more than just casualty information. It also shows things as status of engagment. In the pic 2 are aiming = \*^*/, and 3 are firing = (--------. To get more out of the text and to better spot actions, and casualties I suggest using my animated text mod. There is a cross at the end of the word to make the casualty stick out, as well other symbols to better make things stand out. Give it a try.


    Vin's animated text


  13. Frag out!:0 Serioulsy, from what I have seen is that the -1,-2 does not spread the info as fast as a difference. +2 seems to spread the word fast, and all the platoon will react faster to spotting a target one meber may have spotted. I have not obseved poor HQ effecting good squads in any other way. They seems beyond slower C2 reaction times the modifier seems to only effect Hq section in its combat direction, and not squads with better modifiers with in the platoon.

  14. "If the weapon were damaged it would still be retrieved for repair lest it fall into enemy hands..."

    You should definitely mention this new feature to Steve.

    But I have by simply participating in this forum with feedback. Battlefront may not respond to all threads, but I am confident they read the post, and consider them. That's what is most important. This forum is their greatest tool in development of the product for the end user because it is a direct link between us and them.

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