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Everything posted by Sfox28

  1. Hey guys a new tank sim will be out soon called T-34 vs Tiger. It's made by a Russian company IDK I think! It's graphics are the same as TOW but without a lot of excess Infantry. It should be interesting.
  2. Jmayer, great IM'ing with you the other day and we will be online MP'ing soon but were did you get your patch information...your way ahead of my curve...LOL!
  3. Absofrigginloutly! I don't mind tough missions but most of them do not make any Historical sense. But I still love the game.....LOL!
  4. The new mission called the Hamlet.....should instead be called "The Fortresss"! This one is a made up scenario that reeks of being just one of the average TOW battles that are made up by the scenario or TOW battlemakers (Campaign or just a Battle). Let's see, you have to go into a town where there are about 6 or 7 Pak 40's waiting for you with perfect positioning, about a million panzerchecks and MG's. Plenty of Infantry, 2 AA batteries to shoot down your 3 air attack forces and Gee...only 2 Panzers that must be occupied by elite crews! To assault this "Hamlet" you have about 4 light "Chaffeys" (lite tanks) 3 or 4 greyhounds (armored cars) a half-track, jeep and about 4 platoons of Infantry. In short...it's a no-brainer.....LOOSER! Just like most of the other battles in the TOW single player game. Thank God it's just a game cause if it wern't you'd be fired as the CO of any of the units your in charge of for going into battle against this force with the meager units that you have. Wouldn't have happened in the real WWII! LOL! You could be the Germans in the early years (playing almost any battle) and of course you'd be out-gunned and have to go through waves and waves of enemy AFV's. Or you could be any of the Allies in the later war years, when your supposed to have the advantage in numbers everywhere, and yet it seems the Germans will have 6 King Tigers 4 regular Tigers several Panthers and not to mention a host of PzIV's to go along with hordes of Infantry that seem to come out of the woodwork at exactally the right time! Now I'm really rolling on the floor laughing out loud! NOT! I know that the designers want to make the AI and the game tough enough to have you really fight to win but this is not realistic or historical. It's more like hysterical...typo...is meant to sound correct! LOL!
  5. Placeholders are something special other than just putting the unit on the map? Or placing the unit on the map where the other units are? Do I have to go to another place in the Tree or menu besides just putting units on the map?
  6. Sneaksie, I put in an extra Tank in a scenario (Lehr-counter-attack)in the correct place and add another...which should also be in the correct place and change the cost override...but the dam thing stlll ends up outside of the deploy zone. If I put extra armor in the reserve section, with more cost, the armor I added will not transfer over to the 1st deploy group! So, what your really saying is that there is something else I have to F_#$ with to get it to work? A placeholder? Where can you mess with them? I will look again at the documentation and see what I can come up with...but if you or anyone else has a quick remedy please let me know. Much of the ME documentation seems to be lacking when it comes to reasonable questions and solutions. It must have been messed up in Translation! LOL!
  7. I think I saw a post a while back on deleting useless "made missions" from the in game battles list. If I remember correctly, you could delete the guts of the mission but not the mission title itself, within the the "LIST? Is their a way to delete the whole mess so that the battles list does not get "CLUTTERED"?
  8. Hmmm, Sneaksie...not sure what you mean by "mission you've made"? It's just a mission with German and Russian Infantry and Armor. It was generated by the "Battle Generator" and I added some artillery support for both sides. Yes, I have the JSH mod installed. I like the JSH mod but if it's a problem shouldn't their be a way to fix that? What's really killing me is trying to work the "Mission & Campaign Editor"! Everytime I try to adjust a already made mission I get quite a few problems. Cost override...worked that one out...too many units of something...can't work that one out and worst of all placement of units. I place the added unit were it should be or I just put the new unit in a group where I just deleted another to make room for it and the Unit ends up somewhere else on the map! And it's not in the checkered diploy zone. Where I could, of course, move it. It usually ends up right in the middle of the enemy diploy area.
  9. Ahhhh HELLO....Lunatic. You just PROVE my point Quote: "find out where you live and fly over there and punch you in the face lol" This while I have my Arsenel Jersey on my wall or the FC Bayern Munchen one in the closet! LOL! I think those two clubs are your arch-rivals? What a coincidence. Unfortunately, the "PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE" is typical of the Brit (football-soccer fan) reputation around the world. This, from a person (me) who lived in Europe for over 5 years (and not in the Military)and saw first hand how people react over the sport. Ahh, I'm sure you were jesting as I was! I hate my fellow Americans when I used to see them acting in an Obnoxious way...which seemed to be a lot of the time! Hey, it's good to be rabbid about something and sorry for the off the subject remark but I can never resist STIRRING THE POT! LOL! PS: Yes, to come here and do your "Brit" duty, it would cost you a lot of cash because I do not live on the mainland USA and once you did get here, you wouldn't want to leave...Aloha for now.
  10. I've used (put in) Artillery in a generated battle using the generator. It went in fine (easier than trying to add it to a already made battle...why can't it be that easy?) but It crash's quite a alot...and it goes out of the game to the desktop! UGH!
  11. To the Europeans: Soccer, Football...who cares it's BOOOOORING...and yet you Brawl over it...LOL! TO THE CANADIANS: The trouble IS about 1/3 of you ARE FRENCH (Quebec...Montreal etc)! LOL!
  12. It couldn't be a little more simple, like in the battle generator though...could it? Noooo, that would be toooooooo easy! ROFLOL!
  13. Thanx, I'll see what I can do! LOL! A lot of typing and I must make sure I get it all right or I'm screwed. Kinda like thinking you've won a mission with what you have (in Lehr) and then all of a sudden 8 more enemy tanks appear out of nowhere! It happens all the time!
  14. Just a bit of a question here...I'm in the Mission & Campaign Editor and for the life of me I cannot figure out a way to add Artillery or mortar support to a already designed mission? The tutorial is somewhat useless in this area. Can anyone help an old fart? LOL!
  15. Finally got it after fiddeling around with it. I didn't click on the map! Duh! Thanx.....
  16. Jmayer, no disrespect, but that's exactally what I did do. OK let me understand this again. This is what I did...Units menu is down and I'm in the Army tree on the right I click...say on the Reserves part of the tree, then go to the units menu and click on the desired unit and all I get is some number unit on the reserves tree ( a group that is really nothing). Now, your saying, that I need to do the above and click on the MAP. I'm going to give it a try again soon as I can and I think you maybe right I'll see. Mahalo.....
  17. R33GZ...I agree with everything you said. I tried a battle using the hold button (bottom right hand side of the screen) and "BINGO" it worked. It's going to give me a proper way to work my defensive as well as Assault plans. It's all about learning the physicality of the game. Funny though, I thought I was getting to know the Mission & Campaign Editor but I have run into some problems adding or changing units. I did it once but I can't seem to get it to work again. I'm doing what it says in the tutorial and what once worked for me but.....wallaaaaaa...in won't click in for some reason. LOL!
  18. Crazyman56, I must be the DUMBEST (oldest) IDIOT playing this game! Quote: "The ONLY way to completly stop a unit moving is to press the HOLD POSITION button. And by your description you just pressed the stop and defend buttons which do not stop the unit forever." Ahh, DUH...why did I think that the two bottom commands were not of use??? I get sooo used to seeing signs (real world) that have a slash in them that I think they are of no use or will be used later in some other scenario...future add on or whatever! I've tried what you said and things seem to work MUCH BETTER. God, what a DUMB-**** I am! ROFLOL! It really puts a whole different light on how to do things. Mahalo, to all your great posts on this subject.
  19. OKAAAY, as usual redbear your correct about "self preservation is not programing well in this game." But I would also like to remind anyone (R33GZ)that I gave soooo many stop and defend orders, in groups, that my fingers were starting to hurt! I'd stay on one thing and something else would move towards the nearest enemy. They would not protect my flanks were other enemy units would be sure to come. I'd set up panzercheck & AT ambushes in great places (I've been playing games like this for more years than anyone on this forum & I'm an Infantry veteran...sorry about my last remark...but it's true)and just when you would think they would be in the right spot as an enemy AVF comes near the place you put them....."Were the HELL are THEY!" I have to quick look all over the map to find them and they usually end up dead already...because they chased down some other enemy unit. Love the game for so many reasons but it just pisses you off about some of these "little things".
  20. Geeze, It's tough enough to win battles without your troops and AFV's running all over the place. I had to take a defeat at Tilly...the 2nd battle in the Lehr Campaign. Because, for some reason, two of my panzers decided to turn and show their sides which of course meant that the cromwell's had easy shots (18 of them I might add). It's tough to with this battle with NO AA also! I know, I know, you will all say that I complain to much but when your in a defensive battle you would like to use the town for cover. You know, "AMBUSH" spots and all! I used to think it was only the AFV's that went directly to the first sign of the enemy but in this one I had Infantry leaving their trench cover, only to charge after the oncoming horde of Infantry and Brit Tanks! So I decided on my 3rd try to just leave the town with a bare-bones Infantry cadre. Well, when the defeat came (I thought I would save my panzers from slaugther)I went to the next battle "Otto" and I had a whole new Cadre of Troops & AFV's. I thought you were supposed to carry most of your inital group with you? You know, that's why you hand out promotions, ribbions etc? We really NEED a AMBUSH or HOLD FAST option! I mean, some groups can go on their own but others are crucial to how you make your battle plan work! I also know that most of us are not stupid and usually will make sound plans. But when KEY elements cannot take a simple command to HOLD & DEFEND a key spot.....it's all over...LOL! I rest my case...for now.
  21. Hmm, very interesting.................
  22. Redbear, I have JSH version 1.1m. I will most likely have to un-install everything then add both patches then the mod installer?? Sounds like that's what I should do eh? I don't seem to have any problems with the 1.1m as is playing anything, but there are a few other mods that seem interesting and would like to try. In other games I've always had a mod installer...but this one came a little later. Another thing, I started to install JSH at one time and cancelled it but then when I tried to play TOW it crashed and was looking for something that was in the JSH mod so I just installed it directly into the game. So, it looks like I'll have to do things the long way to keep things clean and ready for any other future mods. Sound right?
  23. Mcalhau, good post...can someone please help me with my 3 time posted question! LOL! (read my above posts to the end)...LOL!
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