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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Yahoshua

  1. That means a skilled sniper can picki off infantry at around 1000m. I foresee much hunting in the future.
  2. You mean slowing down the game speed but not entirely stopping so you can still give out orders without pausing?
  3. Thanks for your comments Yahoshua You're welcome. ...I speculate, sure, and what is wrong with that? Sorry, I just get irritated when people ask the same question over and over ad naseum. It's like being in a car with apassenger asking every 10 minutes "Are we there yet?" I resent those such as yourself who try to tell others what to do. Did someone appoint you as the forum policeman? Nope, but I just wanted to try and break the loop a bit (not sure if I was successful though). If you try to act as one you will inevitably draw sarcastic & irate responses. Posters draw sarcastic and irate responses for just posting here. Do you care to explain that?
  4. You're right Sivodsi, your comments are completely unnoticed by the Dev. team. So therefore you and other continiue to ask the same question over and over with the same regurgitated response every time. Why don't you find something better to do?
  5. You people have no patience at all...... Let them do their work and they'll crank it out when they're finished. Other than that, get a life and find something more interesting to do than pester Admin with a looped question and get the same answer every time!
  6. Holodecks that have physical FEEL to it would be nice....*drool*
  7. Is the probability percentage for a single shot kill or of a possibility of a direct hit on the target?
  8. A double feed would take less than 2 seconds to clear, a jammed casing....pick up another rifle. Get a dud? You learn to work that bolt on your rifle a hell of alot faster than 3 seconds when ur on a 2 way firing range. It'd be a nice little tidbit to add but I'm not sure the dev team is going to go that far in the design.....maybe a modder will come along and do it. But we'll have to wait and see for that.
  9. Will there be the Para version with folding wire stock? Will the medics have "Fag Bags" with the red cross on it? (Will we be able to see that much detail?)
  10. "ISTR the Italian had an MG with oiled cartridges." Oh dear god that brings back horrible memories. "Gun-Grog.. " Far better. But I'll settle for that. "....(poor quality steel had been used which warmed up too much which in turn heated up the ammo and let cartridges ignite prematurely)." Nope, if the firearm overheated top the point of cooking off rounde before they were even fired, the wood would be smoking and the shooter would be burning their hands! But your next sentence was accurate. "...the cartridge casing was too long for the opening in the gun so that frequently the spent casings jammed the extraction port." The distance between the shoulder of the casing (the bump before it narrows) and the chamber is called headspace. Too much head-space will allow expanding gases, burning powder, and bits of molten metal to fly back into the shooter's face. Too little and you have a fast burning powder, with a solid object in front of it, with no where to go. Literally, a bomb. "...as if all that wasnt enough, the overall workmanship of the fabrication of both weapon and ammo was very poor which added to the frequent malfunctions, jams and accidents..." That about sums it up right there: Quality Supervision. Similar problem happened with 1903 Springfields, Rock Armory, etc. The workers thought they were experienced enough not to need thermometers while heat-treating the metal. Which resulted in the catostrophic failures of the Springfields, only 2 resulted in the deaths of the shooter. One other thing that was overlooked was the open magazine for the Chauchat. That's just asking for disaster, and it's a HORRIBLE idea. Open spaces allow dust, dirt, grime, oil, and other objects to screw up the works.
  11. Yes machine guns can jam in real life...so can rifles and pistols.
  12. "BIA is more accurate historically in terms of the layout of the terrain." What part of that did you twist into meaning "Star Wars" ?
  13. BIA is more accurate historically in terms of the layout of the terrain. And I think what they've also captured quite well is the performance of rounds and incorporating breathing into aiming. What I see as wholly lacking, is the behavior of the AI when wounded. One would NOT be able to fight at their best or move very fast after they've been badly wounded.
  14. Granted, speed is essential, you can't spend 5 mins figuring out where to put one individual soldier. But uber speed can only get so fast due to limitations: Tanks need cover, Infantry move slowly, the amount of enemy resistance etc. Even in multiplayer Ground Control speed only took you so far, but it was the tactical maneuvers that win the battle. (needless to say I often find myself reading a book during the lulls in the fighting in GC). I think it's safe to take the stance that uber speed will not make a great deal of difference in these battles. Simply getting to the enemy in a favorable position is already half the battle. Moving your "toy" soldiers and "tin cans" in a manner so as to efficiently roll over the enemy is the other half of the battle. And to shorten the timespan between the issuing of commands, you can mod the game to accept voice-activated commands. It'll come around eventually, and it's already widely used for other games like SH3. In any case, keep your pants on and see what the demo will bring to us. More time for them to work on the game means more satisfied gamers (and more fun for us).
  15. Traemyn, if you listen to the interpreter, you can hear EVRYTHING that is going on with the game. For example, the german tanks surging ahead of the infantry was a mistake. A player mistake, but it was a istake that the PLAYER made, not the gaming engine. Nevertheless, it still impressed me that even though the Polish soldiers clearly had the advantage in the situation, their fear got the best of them and they fought poorly. Whereas the trained German soldier was getting completely chewed up for not using cover and unnecessarily exposing themselves to fire. I thought this little scene from the video (albeit unintentional) was excellently demonstrated. It shows me that this game requires tactics, level-headed reactions, and most of all: Experienced troopers who would not run home to mommy in order to get the job done. And I'd like to point out that the Pause-give orders- unpause is far closer to real life since we can't move our fingers as nearly fast as our mouth. And we can shout out multiple orders faster than type/click them to the user console. As for speed: There is a world of difference between Starcraft and Ground Control (I know this is out of the blue but bear with me). In Starcraft, the fastest micromanager and resource manager wins. In Ground Control, he who kills the most units without losing their own (and therefore can call in reinforcements) wins. The former depends on resource management and Micromanaging, victory is dependent on speed. The Latter depends entirely on tactical skill and strategic movements to win, victory in this arena is dependent on leadership and tactical combat skills to attain victory. And this sort of game can move only at the pace in which the player attacks the enemy to accrue Acquisition Points. ToW would be more like the latter in the sense that Micromanaging is not so much of a factor as are the skills of Tactical Combat and Leadership. The defining difference is that reinforcements are scripted in strength (from what I can see), and appear along a pre-determined time-table. No little point system to fiddle with, just the environment, the morale of your men, the current capabilities and status of your equipment, and the enemy. And I'm getting all this just from watching the video.
  16. I'm just tired of hearing people whine about the chinks in a chain they haven't even gotten yet.
  17. Did you notice that red bar when the Brits jumped into the Jerry tank? That's an efficiency/crew capacity bar. Half-assed performance is not too gamey. And I doubt that those brit troopers will be able to even drive the tank very well, let alone fire it accurately. Eventually you can figure out how to drive a car without any drivers' training. It doesn't mean you'll be good at it, but you'll be able to accomplish it.
  18. People who want to complain about every little detail and strive for nothing short of absolute perfection: STOP!! You'll end up being dissatisfied with EVERY SINGLE GAME you come across and will be popping something like 100 pills a day. Constructive criticism is uselful. Not outright judgement or comparison. From what I can see, this may still be the Beta-stage of programming. So it's most a looky/feely show of what will be in the game. It wil get better. Either with expansions, mods or just plain getting used to it. It's better than the Atari version of Axis and Allies just from looking at it.
  19. Take your time, it's better to spend an hour longer to do it once and get ir right, than to spend 10 hours trying to fix a mistake.
  20. lol, Kohler, you do understand the term "Jarhead" right? I wasn't in the service but I have several friends who are in the sandbox right now, and know many ppl who have served. That and I grew up near Pendleton, so I'm more comfortable with Vets. anyway (but I prefer the Paratroops, more fun to jump out of a perfectly good airplane with a piece of cloth tied to your back. And they got a great sense of humor).
  21. Why not both? Let them enjoy themselves.
  22. "You have only 7 post and this is a question you want to know." What does me having made 7 posts have to do with my question? Having more posts doesn't mean I'm more or less intelligent or informed than other people. That's why I ask and not assume. So you were the Designated Marksman for your unit, or were you a full-time sniper? I'm just curious here.
  23. You could always buy the rights for Axis & Allies from Atari and make something like that. Pieces move on the board (basically an exact replica of A&A on the comp) and you then play battles in RTS (or comp decision either way).
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