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Everything posted by ajj1912

  1. Turrets stay intact. Cannons will lower and turret will tilt. I asked the same question about 8 weeks ago. No "pink mist." I suggest we concentrate on all the kick ass features this game will have and try our hand at modding some features. Most tanks run on diesel
  2. RMC, ........That frame was tight,....... my old man will totally dig it.............. Laterz,,,, (drumrolz) Splash A.J>
  3. CodeLame Panzerwreck was a waste of time and money. Where do I get me refund?? Sometimes I still play Steel Panthers, ............. "And why not!?!?!?!?"
  4. Oops, Gunnersman.... actually I am stateside, so lets just make it a lovely snort of single malt, or 2500 Reel, your choice!!!
  5. Megakill, I just wanna thank you guys 4 picking up codemasters drop!! I finish my CS degree in December. I am very excited that maybe I can help out in modding. I know that perhaps a couple of issues have to be dealt with. I didn't see that much wrong with the video demonstration. Between the screen shots and the play I saw there are a lot of possibilites. This is probably such an old question I haven't seen it. What are failure rates on weapons and vehicles (weapons and travel),(jam, mobility?) I know there were a couple famous episodes where the "wiring wasn't all it should be." In fact it sounds like my current car Thanx in advance for for your timely, honest replies that you have given me in the past. Is that anachronistic or what???? So here is to your health!!!! 5 euros says I can beat Gunnersmith with him playing France in the........ nah too easy!!!
  6. FOW demo had some great elements, especially the 20mm!! It also was so infuriating!! One aspect I really enjoyed was the development of action. That having been said I am putting all of my chips on TOW.
  7. also some "pink mist" might be nice *har har* Oops, Blackbeard, arghhhhh Also I hope I can expect the Edelweiss, Leontopodium alpinum, to be tenderly and lovingly rendered during the appropriate battles near the Alps. And another thing, can we expect Pluto to be listed as a planet during the events related by TOW?????
  8. I think the answer is that MP will be awesome eventually. I have noticed that a lot of us here (myself included) are rather johnny come lately(s) only registered this month. Since we are only now giving our input, many requests will go unanswered this month because the product is at the end of its initial phase. The time is near for the release of TOW. I for one am glad it is seeing the light of day. This is the first gaming forum of any kind I have participated in because I think that this game will set some new standards for strategy and fun. For anyone who has followed the development of this game, well.... it has been a long journey. It would be nice to think that this game had the same budget as Half-life 2, but we all know better. I know the wait-for-them-to-get-it-right game sucks, but in this case I think that most of it is right. I hope these developers will show this baby lots of love after it is born (They seem like a bunch of nice people!!) Don't be suprised if TOW wins many awards. So........... who will be my first victim in MP?
  9. They are probably as despondent as I am that Pluto is no longer a planet and therefore don't see any point in getting out of bed....... lol Can we expect to see Pluto listed as a planet during the events portrayed in this simulation?
  10. E. Monkey, I guess my social commentary is a bit off the wall. I was addressing a point of view concerning violence. I just don't think that a little bit of blood should be categorized as gore. The dev team would know better than I how the ESRB rates games. Perhaps this is a proposal of culturally specific acceptance. I will be the first to admit that I cannot understand the global perception of tolerable violence. Yes, I am a Yank. I do not wish to see eviscerations or detailed brain/skull matter flying about. I am addressing how and why certain sensitivities might diminish the game experience. We can already see this is going to be a great game. I just don't want to see it become unrealistic due to political correctness. Even in the U.S. we know about how Germany feels about having swastikas in a game, or anywhere for that matter. I for one and not bothered by them because it was part of the stratum of that time period. Wishful thinking on my part kant weight 4 da demo
  11. How is it that the gripping combat sequences in movies, (Saving Private Ryan), are considered an integral part of relating the intensity and horror of combat to an audience, yet a WWII game should be sanitized? Notice how I said horror and not morbid fascination. Involving a player at the gut level will make the experience a much more powerful and memorable one. I know that people here might not share my tastes in movies, but let me draw an additional analogy with another wide spread film release. One of the most intense moments of Star Wars Episode III was when Anakin Skywalker had three limbs severed by a lightsaber and subsequently was burned extensively. The video was graphic. The story would not have been the same if those several minutes had been cut from the film. I have yet to read a press release of anybody severing anyone's limbs with a lightsaber and allowing them to burn for failure to pull them away from an adjacent lava pit. If and when any of the many 12 year olds who viewed this movie commit such an act than I will be a proponent of sanitized war games. However I believe the problem lies in not allowing 12 year olds to play with light sabers Oh yeah, this film was PG-13 so that might fit within the marketing spectrum of this game. Peace :0
  12. I think that if the game is to model 'realism' then perhaps showing the next generation what war is and was should be acceptable. I don't relish gore, but it powerfully references causality and consequences. CC wasn't afraid to show mangled soldiers. Isn't the rating system voluntary?
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