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Posts posted by abukede

  1. I am playing several games by PBEM right now... well 3 to be exact and I swear this game is like chess. You have to be sooo careful with your carriers and focus heavily on pre-planning... it essentially comes down to trying to out-think your opponent. So far I have been very lucky in picking the right times and places.

    Really enjoying the PVP game. Great work!

  2. Naval combat, critical to the war in the pacific, is missing those key commanders who changed history, such as Nimitz and Nagumo (sp?) Would there be a way to assign an HQ to a ship that would give a slight boost to the surrounding ships? Meaning you would have to build the HQ to get it... then assign it to a ship. You lose the ship... you lose the HQ.

  3. I would like to see the inclusion of a replay button... so that at will I can watch the replay at will instead of when it loads. 2 reasons...

    1. in a single player game... it takes tooo long to sit there and wait for the turn to end. I have an 11 month old and occasionally I have to get up and walk away.

    2. PBEM - I might like to watch the enemy's moves more than once to get a feeling of what my opponent is thinking.

  4. Okay... got to 44. Been a hell of a game so far... very enjoyable.

    I pushed hard in China and have split the country in 2. I discovered it's not a great idea to leave Peking unoccupied. Airpower (carefully nursed with improved anti-tank and overstrength) rules the day and eats up ground units. By killing Chinese HQs I've been able to roll over china for the most part. I have 2 Bombers, 3 Tactical and 3 Fighters pounding on China, UK and Austrailian troops in China.

    Moved the bulk of my fleet into the Indian Oceans... sent the british navy to the bottom with no losses. 2 BS, 1 CV, 1 CA and 2 Dests. Moved the navy back out... and up to Japan to restrength as the US arrived in Guam without any escort. I had moved my 2 special tactical wings (kamikazes) around Guam and moved my fleet within range. Next turn the US debarked amphibiously and I easily destroyed the HQ, corps and Arty. Placed a bomber, a fighter and a tactical air newly built on outer islands in hops of spotting US naval units. The next turn spotted a large portion of the allied fleet. My carriers are up to strength and I am moving to intercept them. I have been able to get some of the Japanese carriers up to airwing strength 12... thanks to bombarding chinese units.

    I think as long as I can see the enemy fleet and not be surprised by them I will do okay. The trick is not losing your carriers and keeping enough ground based airpower to assist you in as much destruction as possible.

    Been very fun so far. My only real complaint is the mobility in china (fixed by research), lack of strength in the island chain. Japan should really have 2 more corps in the pacific to give the allies a run for their money in island hopping.

    Been a lot of fun so far.

  5. Having been an addicted Strategic Command player I must say I love the addition of Pacific Theater. I am still in my first game playing as Japan. I just entered 43 and I am impressed. China is on the ropes... concentrated airpower against them. Austrailia has lost a lot of ships. UK has shown up with a carrier in the Indian ocean... surprise attack on one of my destroyer units. I am moving carriers to kill it. I have also taken Guadacanal and am in the process of fortifying the island, and reinforceing it with air, ground, HQ and AAA. So far the USA has not made a move against me which worries me greatly as I am very weak along the island chain.

    I absolutely love how carriers work with separate airwing. I would like to see this addition to the other SC games.

    My only complaint is I think Japan starts overly weak in the islands.

    Cant wait to play this game multi-player as the strategy options appears to be wide open and nail biting.

    Keep up the excellent work.


  6. Oh... a few additional requests/throughts:

    1. British XXX Corps with two experience bars... located in England to represent superior leadership and discipline to arrive in Aug 40. So the player is not tempted to send them to France.

    2. Patton to begin in USA... and an understrength USA armor unit to represent the foundation of armor that he and eisenhower started prior to the outset of war.

    3. How about a second land/fortress square for malta with a fighter unit (strenght 3) based there to represent the fighter squadron based there that withstood Axis attacks even when they only had 3 ready aircraft.

    4. Two additional axis subs in the atlantic to make the war in the atlantic that much more of a fight for life for Britain. The sub war almost brought the Brits to their knees.

    Additional thoughts:

    I played the campaign to the end serveral times and enjoyed it a great deal.

    1. I invaded spain and found that the Spanish economy suffered from lack of oil due lack of supply from USA... can you get rid of that message once Rumania joins? Oil. It's also annoying to have it pop up each turn for the next 3 years.

    2. Germany failed to bring land units to Africa (computer AI) but brought the entire German airforce which was defeated by land units. Is there a way for Rommel, 1 corp and 1 armor to appear by Tripoli in the beginning of 42?

    3. Romania and Hungry don't automatically join... you need to invest... was this intentional?

    4. Can you put a city on Crete to make it worth capturing with a German airborne?

    5. Is it possible to begin the game 2 or 3 turns before Germany invaded Poland? Give the player a choice of troop placement? Also have France, England and Poland at peace at the beginning of the game? Basically force a Polish war by Sept if Germany does not attack.

    Thanks for the great campaign. Keep it up.


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