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Posts posted by abukede

  1. some thoughts here..

    I personally feel one of the more entertaining aspects of the game is the Carrier Warefare... if you are Japan or the USA... one of the big fears and worries that nag you are guessing where the enemy carriers are. The Pacific is sooo huge that as Japan or the US you can literally strike anywhere. When you guess right or draw the enemy into a trap... sink 3 or 4 carriers in one blow... You know the other player is destroying his keyboard. what an amazing feeling.



  2. I have been playing SC Global for a while now and just wanted to toss you a hearty thank you for the wonderful game you made possible. The series improves with each game/addon and I have loved them all. I am playing my first multi-player with Happy... and it's been terribly fun. I expect him to get more than he bargains for in Russia.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to enjoying your future work.


  3. He generally struck afterwards. At first I thought it was a flaw... then as the game progressed I realized it was not. Each of us play differently for different purposes. The reason he struck after was so that the entrenchment and effectivness of the unit dropped, meaning his airunits took less casualties. Which in turn allowed him to build them up step wise in a quick manner, unleashing more destructive capability.

    As to the positioning of your fleet... it can be the most nerve wracking decision you make.

  4. I just want to say that Operation Z is a lot of fun. I just finished one hell of a game with Jason as Japan... most challenging opponent I've played so far and I was 'just' able to squeak out a victory with 4 turns to spare. Actually I did not think I would be able to overcome him as early at 43. He was that aggressive. I think it's fair to say we've both experimented heavily and are eagerly looking forward to a rematch as I know our actions gave thought to new strategies and techniques. Our game saw the complete over-running of China by the end of 43, almost the collaspe of British defense (he really came that close) and the attempted invasion of Austrailia (did not work out so well for the Japanese amphibious units). Hell at one point Jason's IGN even took out 40% of the allied fleet in one shot 44! It was so decisve a hit I was forced to pull back and regroup rather than hit him back and it really complicated my late game strategy. It was a game of moves, counter-moves, blows and counter-blows. I would love to see the addition of a replay button that replays the entire game... somthing that could be posted on the forums for others to watch.

    The only serious irritant is the weather, which I think at times is heavily overdone. The last twelve turns of the game saw Japan rained in 5 times!!! And during the critical phase of the operation when I took Kyushu... i had clear weather and on Jason's turn his entire airforce was grounded. :(

    The Operation Z campaign is awesome and the game that Hubert delivered is probably the best WWII strategy game vs. a player that I have played. Excellent job to all who developed it.

    Also my opponent I fully recommed as the most capable player. He really gave me a run for my money. If you are looking for one hell of a challenge and the serious possibility of getting ripped apart... Jason is your man.


  5. Anti-Tank

    I feel the anti-tank units should be eliminated from the game or modified. Modification should be like an arty defense when an armor unit (only armor) attacks an adjacent unit the anti-tank fires a defensive shot, kinda like lending supporting elements. Otherwise I feel they are useless.


    Also... I think the game should include cavalry units for Japan, China and Russia as these were used during the war. The russians utilized cavalry up until the end of the war.... though not sure about the japanese though I suspect they had at least one cav unit left in china. The Japanese cavalry was small in comparison to the other combatants. China had a considerable number of cav divisions.

    Supporting evidence of Japanese and Chinese Cav units/divisions in China





    Japanese OOB (a pretty good one)


    Cavalry were able to move during the rainy season when not much else could. I think it would add a little dimension to the game and allow players to move around and behind the enemy in difficult to move places... like the russians and chinese did during the war.

  6. I dont think that the fall of Singapore so early in the game is a "game winner." Hell you can even lose china and make a comeback. I've done it in 1 game already. The power of the US is weak early on and requires the US player to really think, plan and take risks... in later turns the US becomes a power house that if deployed right can not only push japan back but starve her as well. A key aspect in the game for the Allies is "how" you deploy GB and Austrailia alongside the US to contain and delay Japan till the US can become the tipping point.

    A mistake not to be made is giving up early because Japan rushes across the map. Strategy for the Allies in early game should be to slow and contain Japan without taking catastrophic carrier or fleet losses. Early Mid game should see a cessation of expansion for Japan as the reality and fear of where the allies will strike require a redeployment.

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