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Posts posted by abukede

  1. I can tell you all for a fact that when the WWII campaign is done... and played on the current map we've been testing with WWI... it will set a new standard and bar for SC. Think of true manuvere on a grand scale and you get the concept. On the flip side... the WWI campaign is terrible fun and due to map size there is a lot of strategy, planning and at times a lot of manuvere. Fun stuff.

  2. I've managed to take Paris twice in early 1915 and 1917. Against those same players I was not able to duplicate that again... seems they learned their lesson. The game slows on the Western front and then speeds up on the Eastern front... You have to be careful as the Central Powers because you do not have the resources to go on the offensive everywhere at once. There are 4 main cash sinks for the Germans... 1. Western Front, 2. Eastern Front, 3. German Navy 4. Diplomacy and Tech. Depending upon what you want to do... you have to balance them very carefully and it is extremely tough. If you are not successful... and put too much effort in one area you will lose. Essentially you have to be patient and plan ahead carefully to achieve long term goals.

  3. Episode 3 has just been released. It's been a lot of work and fun in coming.

    In this episode the Regulars move out under command of Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn. Dr. Warren dispatches Paul Revere and Billy Dawes to warn Hancock and Adams the regulars were out. Major Mitchell's patrol creates alarm and havoc. Gage's timetable and plan begins to collapse through a series of errors, miscalculations and blunders. This series follows and details the events and people from both sides with passion. The goal is to make History interesting and fun.

    Episode 4 will see the beginning of the fighting at Lexington and is currently under production.

    You can find the episode at the hosting page:


    Itunes should have Episode 3 up in 2 or 3 days. You can subscribe to the show and it will automatically download. Zune... same deal.

    I hope you enjoy,


  4. The second podcast episode of my series on the start of the American Revolution on April 19th, 1775 has been released. You can find both the first and second episodes on the host page below:


    Itunes is still updating (takes a bit of time to load) Expect the second episode to be up on Itunes in less than a week. You can find my series on itunes by searching 2 Cent History. Episode 3 will be released before December 20th.

    I've spent a year researching this topic so please let me know what you think and thank you for everyone who emailed me feedback and kind words from the first episode.

    I hope you enjoy.

  5. Long time Strategic Command Player and fan here. I just began a history podcast. It's completely free and I am doing it simply for fun. Call it a misplaced degree in History that I've rarely used till now. This project took a year to research and there are some really cool stories I managed to uncover in some very unique and dusty old libraries. :P

    The first episode is part 1 of 5 focusing on the events surrounding the start of the American Revolution on April 19th, 1775. Future episodes will focus on events from Modern to Ancient times. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

    Episode 1: Shot Heard Round the World


    Hope you enjoy,


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