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Posts posted by Honch

  1. I think that PZGNDRs scale is perfect in his A3R mod (the AI scripting changes must have been a bear) but I would love to have it back in the SC2 "brand" with the original colors with all of the roads, terrain etc. Maybe he has this kicking around before he "re-branded" it to A3R?

    Whether it is a true Corps level scale or not it doesn't matter. The point is that the current FALL WEISS scale is TOO BIG! Even a 25% reduction would be a great start. Something along the scale of Battle for Russia would be a dream.

    Realistically, the editor allows for a maximum map size, why can we not have a FALL WEISS that uses more of that allotment?

    As for actual tiles, Paris to London, I suggest would increase by 3-4 tiles.

    And yes, my mod would use a histroical OOB at that scale and include adjustments to economics, movement and time scale. I wanna get started but don't want to do the work of re-creating the map (or even re-converting the A3R mod map) and definately not adjusting all of the scripts. Yikes!

  2. I know that I have harped on this before but from reading the recent posts about the exciting Patton Drives East expansion etc. I wanted to start a thread where players can post their agreement that a FALL WEISS map at about 25-30% reduction in scale (to more closely represent corps/division level) is something everyone would enjoy, especially the modders. I have been waiting anxiously in order to adapt my MOD to WAW.

    Artillery, special forces, engineers and even tank groups would then be more appropriate for the game. Right now WAW is an army level game, only the Soviet units are realistically appropriate for the scale. Adding important cities and towns as well as countries would also be easier.

    We all love the moddability of the game and the continuing commitment to expansion but I think this new scale map would bring ALOT of players and modders back.

  3. I agree with PPH on all counts, its stuff I have been calling for since SC2 was first released. I plan on adapting my mod to WAW but it can't be done until we have a true division level map for 1939 FALL WEISS. The current map scale is to large to include many things, even artillery and special forces are not realistic.

    Once the new map is avaialable with all of the AI scripting I will adapt my mod which includes:

    1. Garrison/Militias replacing engineers. These will be used to simulate British Home Guard, Volkstrum, SS Militias, Territorial units etc.

    2. A-bomb replacing rockets.

    3. More events such as annexations of territory by Germany and Italy, Free France, various other historical events.

    4. Addition of more countries such as Croatia, Netherlands and Slovakia.

    5. Addition of more cities and forts such as Manchester, Naples, Izmir etc.

    6. Historical OOB including expanded navies and armies of ALL nations.

    All we need is a bigger map!

  4. Does this mean that sometime post release Patton Drives East we will get a proper division level map of Europe to use with Fall Weiss? I have not played SC2 WAW since the original release as the map scale is too large. Commander: EAW has an excellent map size but moddability and the AI suck!

    I had grand plans to adapt my Honch Expanded mod to WAW but will wait for a division level map.(Or really anything smaller scale than the current)

  5. Good points...

    I have decided to change Rockets to A-Bomb and make them only available to the US, and very few of them. It worked well in my old MOD.

    Garrisons will be very limited in all respects, no tank attack, one action point etc. so if you want to amphib them, fine, but they are almost useless except for defense against partisans and poor infantry. They can be upgraded though.

    AT and Special Forces will not be available.

    Engineers, paratroops and AA WIll be available.

    Still hard at work.....

    Question: Do the Special Forces units have any special abilities? I may use that unit for some kind of alternative infantry unit such as marine or soemthing.

  6. I have decided to use the regular Fall Weiss map as the starting point for my Expanded Mod. (As I did for SC2) The A3R Mod has no roads or railways and while I like the scale it would be too much work to add those back.

    I will be adding a select few columns and rows to expand the map in certain areas such as Britain, Germany and the Med but it is still basically an army scale map.

    Therfore, my question is this:

    I personally don't beleive that Special Forces, AT and Artillery are realistic units to have at this scale. I will change Special Forces to Militia/Garrison and Artillery to Atomic Bomb. I will probably leave AT out altogether.

    I will keep the AA and Rockets just for fun.

    Is this fair?

    Any other suggestions?

  7. I am here, I do have WAW and am working on converting the Advanced Third Reich MOD map back to WAW by adding back terrain etc. The scale of the map is very good.

    I will add in the following from my HONCH MOD:

    1. Historical OOB.

    2. Atomic Bomb.

    3. Scripts for Territorial annexations.

    4. Scripts for UK Home Guard, SS Militias, Free France and Surface Raiders.

    5. East Africa theatre.

    6. Trans-Jordan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Vichy Morrocco, Vichy Algeria and Slovakia.

    7. Script to create Croatia.

    8. More cities, forts and towns.

    Life is a little hectic right now but I am working on it.

  8. OK, I have decided to take it upon myself to use PZNGDR's A3R map (awesome scale) and convert it back to an SC2 map with all of the usual terrain and the new roads and rail etc. It looks to be time consuming but what the hell.

    I will also add much of the extra features that were in my original Honch Expanded MOD including the following:

    Historical starting OOB

    Historical Nazi flag

    More fortresses including Metaxis line, Izmir and Stavanger

    More towns

    Change rockets to atomic bomb

    Change Engineers to Garrison/Militia (with ability to build forts)

    Add the Netherlands, Trans-Jordan and French North Africa

    Expand the map to East Africa and fill out Saudi Arabia (removing the need for the Persian Gulf loop)

    Add scripts for:

    1. Split up of Yugoslavia after Axis conquest.

    2. Territorial annexations by Germany and Italy after fall of France.

    3. Activation of SS Militias, Blue units and UK Home Guard.

    4. Surface Raider impact on Atlantic convoys.

    5. Forced surrender of Italy.

    I WILL NOT go as far as filling out Africa this time or adding Western India and Venezuela. Nothing ever happened there anyway.

    If anyone has done any of the above, please let me know and we can share scripts and ideas.

  9. We ABSOLUTELY have to have a larger map. Its way too crowded now with all of the extra units that can be purchased.

    Hubert, have you looked at the scale of the map for Commander: Europe at War? Its fabulous. (About the only thing about that game that is)

    Modders may try and expand the map (reduce the scale) but the scripting would be a nightmare to update for most modders.

    It needs to be a Battlefront project.

  10. Waiting patiently for the new expansion. CEAW's scale and user interface are nice but the moddability and level of detail just don't cut it. (for myself at least)

    From what I've read, WaW looks perfect but ................. what about a map scale that really gives us "corps/division" level play? Even though someone keeps saying that the map is bigger it is still an "army" level scale in the screenshots I have seen. Am I wrong?

    The last piece to Hubert's perfect efforts would be a map that uses up all available hexes through the editor. That would truly be PERFECT!

    I know that I could do it myself but then all of the scripts would have to be redone. yikes!

    Can I hope?

  11. I am back from a brief stint playing other games and then trying out Slitherine's Commander. Great scale and gameplay but not historical enough or moddable enough. No weather, no diplomacy, yikes!

    Anyway WaW looks awesome Hubert. I will delve in as soon as it is available and set to work on my Honch Expanded Version updated to the new expansion. This time I will not bother with the rest of Africa, nothing much would ever happen in any of the games I played, but I will concentrate on adding in the scripts for historical events and what-ifs.

    Looking forward to being back baby!

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