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Everything posted by poesel

  1. Ok, done that. There is a newfile under the old link including a very_small_triangle.obj. No sticking out of the head anymore. Tanki, Ididn't change the trajectory because the flight time of the smoke round is just around 3 seconds (because of the low projectile velocity). The ability to lob it over objects seems useful and, well, it looks cool. So now I would like to know what the others think of this mod and if it should be included in the game? There is still some work to be done. One point which only TBG could do would be to change the explosion and shaking effect for the round which is obviously too much. But I don't know how to suppress that. Other things would be a change in the turret graphics to include a mortar, a smoke round icon and an animation for the shell (which is currently just the mortar shell). And a bonus question: I looked at the mortar ammo supply: The Thor-MC has 40, the Palladin-MC just 10. That should IMHO be 40/20 and 10 for the would be Thor.
  2. Cool! Really - can't wait to use this. Now I just need an explanation what the symbols mean. Who can draw on the map? Everyone or just the commander? I don't want to sound unapreciative so forgive me the question: do the bots know what the symbols mean? Would the no drop sign stop them from dropping there?
  3. On a second thought: maybe the gametype could be specified in the ScenarioList.dat like: Raid.scenario Objective So it would even be possible to run the same map with two gametype in the rotation.
  4. Yes, they crash both. Did some testing... That is the command line: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../lib ./SpaceVikings -enterlobby false -hostmode server -numbots0 6 -numbots1 6 -maxclients 12 -deploymenttime 100 -dynamicbots true -uselos true -collisiondamage true -gamelength 3 -lobbyname "Creature Zoo" -password xxx -gametype Objective If I don't set the gametype the server will always crash. If I set the gametype to either Objective or Territory then the respective type will run but the other will crash. So I ran both scenarios (by deleting the other from ScenarioList.dat) and encountered some oddities: - the game time starts earlier than deployment time (I only noticed because of the short times used for testing) - I couldn't see the server in the network overview though the Squidlord obviously could: I saw him connecting but getting disconnected later. I could only connect per direct play - the number of dropships is still 15 although I set it to 0 inside <GameType> - I connected twice but in the log it said it didn't know the user and created a new one. From the logfile: CLIENTIDMSG: szVersion = 1.1.5 CLIENTIDMSG: Client is using PAT? CLIENTIDMSG: Swapped port = 59673 but msg port = 9968 SERVER: Request from host CLIENT: Account not found for poesel06; creating new one And the ConnectLog: poesel06 connecting on 8/28 at 20:57 SquidLord connecting on 9/9 at 8:0 poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:4 poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:12 poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:22
  5. Better yet install libaa1 from the paket manager. A bit strange though because libaa is IIRC a standard install.
  6. Ok, I tried HotDropZone and HouseToHouse -> PedestrianZone and DriveIn. Those worked solo on the Mac but did crash on the Linux server. I tried to validate against the xsd and found out that the xsd included in DT is older than that on your website and both do not include 'NumDropshipsTeam0'. Got you again So here are the scenarios without dropships. If someone could be so kind and tell me whats wrong with those. I they work I'll put them online. PedestrianZone DriveIn Any proposals for a change in the scenarios would be apreciated.
  7. No, inside a PhysicalObject in an ammo definition (like for the plasma mortar).
  8. Can I mix .obj and .cob in one model? I can't make .cob files.
  9. First kudos to the developers: I had the idea this morning in the car and needed nothing more than a text editor. The flexibility of the game engine is really great! There has been some talk about outfitting the Thor with a small grenade and a smoke launcher. Nothing easier than that! I took the grenade launcher data from the Paladin mortar and aplied it to a Thor. Just add another gun and it will be available through 'r'-cycling. Only problem: DT needs a modelfile although the mortar should have been integrated in the turret (that is: invisible in game terms). Deleting the modelfile line will crash DT. Since I don't know how to solve this I left the model as is and so the Marder gun is sticking vertically out of the turret. Not nice but works. For the smoke I reduced an ordinary mortar round so it does no damage anymore. The smoking pieces should do the trick. Problem here: the number of theses smokers depends directly on HEBlastDiameter which in turn effects the amount of shaking and digging. So to get enough smoke the round does quite a bang and shake but does no damage at all (and does not dig). For game balance issues the number of mortar rounds is reduced to five and their range to roughly 2km. There are 15 smoke rounds with a range of roughly 500m. You can get the mod here: Smoker Mod Just unpack in the Mod directory.
  10. <AmmoType> <Filename>120mmHE.physicalobjectgroup</Filename> <Icon>AmmoHE.png</Icon> <Speed>1500.0</Speed> <Spread>0.01</Spread> <Name>HE</Name> <NumberOfRounds>10</NumberOfRounds> <Classification>HE</Classification> </AmmoType> The rest is clear but what effect does Classification have? Edit: while I'm at it, what does: <ExplodeFactor>1.0</ExplodeFactor> do? Changed it from 0 to 100 but saw no difference. [ September 08, 2006, 05:54 AM: Message edited by: poesel71 ]
  11. A 'yes' reply to 'or' questions? Programmers answers... My guess: yes, a forcefield would 'push', yes, power reduction is a function of armour thickness.
  12. Sure, will do. I just don't want to learn scenario design while I'm still with the vehicles Maybe Haven and the city map(House to House?)?
  13. Change your runClient script so that strace is directly before ./SpaceVikings. That will get you LOTS of text
  14. And playing instead of posting helps to up the numbers too What I noticed that know everyone I meet from the forum. There is next to no player who doesn't post here and plays regularly. Maybe a hint in game to the forum would help to get those who missed the forum at all. I'm now off to gaming.
  15. 1,2,6,7 - yes (although 7 is happening already IMHO) 3) - not really 4) observe bot games? 5) just annoys people This game is a very good multiplayer game. But I think it failed selling a lot in the first few weeks. This is a chicken and eggs problem and probably a marketing failure. Maybe because battlefront never had such a multiplayer game. Again guessing: the WWII mods purpose is to get all the WWII buffs out of their holes and so create the critical mass to fill the servers. I'm not sure how that will collide with Theater of War though... (which is not an issue for me since ToW seems to be Windows only) Since the Linux and Mac market has no competition for DT it may be a good (albeit small) target. [ September 07, 2006, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: poesel71 ]
  16. An example from the LightTank: <Contact> <Name>RightTrack</Name> <Position>6.5,14.2,-3.4</Position> </Contact> I can understand by heart how some people loathe to write documentation (I do!) but still there are some who apreciate getting it (me ). Any form would suffice.
  17. Just to make sure: with this new 6 models for armour method we don't need to designate a named picture (front.bmp,...) anymore, yes? I'd like to clarify that for the Wiki.
  18. The classic escort mission: get points for getting a certain vehicle / type of vehicle to a certain place on the map. You could get points continously for being there or get points once for leaving the map through this place. Other vehicle types wouldn't score points. That could be a symmetric mission (both get points for getting somewhere) or asymmetric (only one sides gets the points). In the latter case one side gets points in advance or gets extra points for destroying the special vehicles.
  19. Look for something like ENOENT which means that it couldn't find something. Maybe consider switching to unstable. I' ve run debian unstable for years with no problems.
  20. How did you get a new glibc? Did you change runClient.sh? Starting the game with strace might show you were the problem is.
  21. Oooops, now that you say it: the scaling of the gun is probably wrong. I just glued it to the turret without much thinking since the gun is an extra model which I don't want to change. Should be the normal 120mm. That 200m would probably just rip the turret off
  22. Yes to crash pods! Make their landing point a bit inaccurate and the pods just a bit steerable to avoid unsuitable terrain. Would also make a nice experience to only get a straight downview camera while dropping and crashing into the ground
  23. The motor engineers found out that the chassis is too small for the motor. The turret group didn't like to have the motor in the way. The chassis people didn't like the other groups to meddle with their design. After these differences were axed out (which is meant literally as it is the custom on the 'Hjemsted') the Apollon looks like that (side and back in isometric view): Side: Back: You may note that the small platform under the turret is still there. It would be removed for the 20mm version. Thoughts?
  24. Just mail it. Address is in my profile. Lets discuss the rest per PM as it will probably not be of much interest for the rest.
  25. That goes to our respected scenario makers. Its a simple idea and might be of interest to others: A (mostly) symmetric map with 2 or more reinforcment zones per player and NO dropships. The gametype would be Objective or Territory (which I have to say don't know the exact difference) and both parties start with 0 points and try to get hold of 1 or more objectives/territories. The idea is to take out all the out of space outflanking possibilities and see what happens when you have to go all the way.
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