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Posts posted by poesel

  1. Its not server not showing up, its the clients that do not see.

    I have no problem with the Linux client but both Macs on the same router simply do not see the server (although they can connect per DirectPlay).

    Edit: the server runs under Linux

  2. There doesn't seem to be much interest for such scenarios as I can see from the lack of comments here and lack of connects in the log (a total of 2 - including me...).

    Edit: just noticed that the server has died 10h after I started it (and I was away). Nothing in the log. That may be the cause of the low connects smile.gif

    Clay, what do you use to keep your servers running (assuming they run under Linux)?

    [ September 15, 2006, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: poesel71 ]

  3. Uuups, missed that tag. Yes, its in the Wiki.

    I played around a bit and my guess is that 0.1 is the max value (going higher doesn't make a difference).

    You are quite right for wheeled vehicles. Its quite funny to ride the paladin on its two back wheels though. smile.gif

    What would be better for the feeling of driving an internal combustion engine is to decrease the acceleration over velocity. Thats what you have in your car but here its more like an electro motor.

    Tracked vehicles are another thing. I did test driving with the cutter and an apollo. The AccelerationRate should be 0.1 or at least 0.05 for both of them.

    Giving the cutter an TrackAcceleration of 12.0 (yes. from 4.0 - not typo) makes it a joy to drive. This is the punch a construction vehicle should have. The low topspeed then fits perfect.

    Raising the acceleration for the apollo from 4.0 to 6.0 makes it a better attack tank. The paladins will still outrun it - no problem here.

    IMHO all tracked vehicles should get a raise to 0.1 including Thor and Mercury. Try it - you will like it smile.gif

  4. Next try with a no dropship map. I took Hubs Iwo Jima and enlarged the deployment zones. Only other change is that the fog distance is now a bit bigger because I got shot by bots I couldn't even see (but they saw me obviously!)

    The scenario is here:

    Iwo Jima P

    I hope this time noone has a problem with the map. It works for me. Maybe its an encoding issue? I don't know how DT knows its the right file for the scenario.

    Some comments would really be apreciated.

  5. GMT+1 here. Anything past 0700 GMT on a saturday morning is okay - my daughter doesn't let me sleep longer anyway.

    Maybe sunday would be another option. Noon in the US is late evening Europe which is doable for both.

    Btw: wait for the WW2 mod? When do you expect that coming?

  6. I wanted to do some test driving with an improved cutter so I upped track acceleration but I doesn't have an effect (that is from 4.0 to 100.0!).

    What I can see in the gunners view is that the throttle is rising only very slowly (throttle goes in .1 steps from 0 to 1).

    Now I'm guessing: the actual acceleration depends (linear?) on the current value of the throttle. So the longer you press the pedal the higher is the actual acceleration.

    This is unfortunatly not the case for internal combusion engines.

    If the input method would be analog and the input value would be directly mapped to the throttle then everything is fine. For a digital input this is just an acceleration delay and makes the vehicles sluggish.

    Additionally if you release the 'w' key the throttle goes immediatly to zero and you have to build up throttle again. This is _very_ inconvenient for tracked vehicles because they don't roll out.

    What I suggest is that for digital input methods the throttle is set to 1 with no or a much much smaller delay.

  7. Hmm, don't know. I have no logfile smile.gif

    I think I'll switch to another anyway. This map with that configuration is pretty boring as the bots keep coming down the streets in singles. After the Thors are removed its like shooting ducks.

    Maybe Iwo Jima would be a better choice as the deployment zones could cover the whole border of the map.

  8. I think we all agree that the cutter is too slow, too thin armoured, too sedate, too complicated to maneuver and too prone to toppling.

    Still it provides three functions: digging trenches, removing mines and taking over enemy stations.

    The trench digging thing is rather cumbersome because of the lack of maneuverability and dangerous because of the thin armour.

    Mine removal depends if anyone can see you. Anything bigger than 20mm will just kill you.

    Taking over is hard because you often get shot after a long boring drive. Its ok that its hard but the way is frustrating.

    I would propose to actually seperate the two functions:

    The trench digger together with the mine removal in a tracked vehicle. The takeover function in a paladin.

    The trench digger would be more heavily armoured (more Thor than Paladin), have a better acceleration and the added ability to drop mines and sensor jammers.

    It would loose the 20mm for a 14mm rotary (to make up for the weight), loose the takeover electronics (again weight) and the ability to withstand EMP (because of no electronics (although I don't understand why electronics would actually help against EMP))

    The takeover would be a 20mm Paladin with Hermes speed because of electronics. It would withstand EMP but could of course not dig or remove mines.

    The trench digger could then actually go anywhere near the enemy and build some forward defenses. The ability to drop mines and jammers gives it a nice support role that people might actually like to play.

    The takeover Paladin is fast enough to give the enemy a surprise and a properly concerted attack with smoke and EMP might win you the enemy base.

    Amount of work: mine laying and jammer dropping would be a new feature, the rest is already in the game. A redesign of the cutter hull is something that I would like to do as soon as I really know how to make vehicles.

  9. Remember that the Thor-MC has 40 ammo. With a reload time of IIRC 6s thats 4min of continous firing. Thats nearly enough time to continously call the galaxy.

    Invulnerable? No. If its alone just drive there and kill it. Even a Bacchus could do that smile.gif

    If not then you have bound two players to a single weapon which is IMHO the right price.

  10. Look at what Blender can import. Both can do DXF at least.

    We need 3 separate .obj files, so probably 3 Sketchup files will be the way to go.

    Read through a physicalobjectgroup file and you will see that each vehicle part is referenced.

    Just pull a point to the other line. Sketchup will automatically delete matching lines and join the faces.

  11. I like the design, too. Its blockiness puts some fear in the enemy.

    But why do you put a 76mm coaxially to a 120mm? Both are long range weapons. Rather put an advanced ammo loader in the turret with a faster loading time to give it an edge over the Thor.

    120mm from behind is a bit much: how do you get any 120mm close to something like this? At least some Paladin carried weapon should be able to penetrate. Maybe 76mm close from the side and 20mm close from behind?

    adzling - still waiting for your mail smile.gif

  12. about 2): Google Sketchup can only export to Sketchup or Google Earth or 2D...

    Sketchup Pro can do more including .obj but not .cob (which we don't need at all).

    Sketchup Pro will run for 8 hours though before you need to register. So you can do the modelling in the normal version and do the export with Pro. Just don't leave it open when you go to the loo smile.gif

  13. Ping seems quite nowmal. 93ms to TBG with little to no deviation. When I do an update I usually get >600k/s.

    The server is now up and running. Its currently only the dervative of HotDropZone because of the gametype issues. Any comment to the setup would be apreciated.

    You can get the file from:


    If you don't see the server (like me) try direct play with ''

  14. Ok, done that. There is a newfile under the old link including a very_small_triangle.obj. No sticking out of the head anymore.

    Tanki, Ididn't change the trajectory because the flight time of the smoke round is just around 3 seconds (because of the low projectile velocity). The ability to lob it over objects seems useful and, well, it looks cool. smile.gif

    So now I would like to know what the others think of this mod and if it should be included in the game?

    There is still some work to be done. One point which only TBG could do would be to change the explosion and shaking effect for the round which is obviously too much. But I don't know how to suppress that.

    Other things would be a change in the turret graphics to include a mortar, a smoke round icon and an animation for the shell (which is currently just the mortar shell).

    And a bonus question: I looked at the mortar ammo supply:

    The Thor-MC has 40, the Palladin-MC just 10. That should IMHO be 40/20 and 10 for the would be Thor.

  15. Cool! Really - can't wait to use this.

    Now I just need an explanation what the symbols mean. smile.gif

    Who can draw on the map? Everyone or just the commander?

    I don't want to sound unapreciative so forgive me the question: do the bots know what the symbols mean? Would the no drop sign stop them from dropping there?

  16. Yes, they crash both.

    Did some testing...

    That is the command line:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../lib ./SpaceVikings -enterlobby false -hostmode server -numbots0 6 -numbots1 6 -maxclients 12 -deploymenttime 100 -dynamicbots true -uselos true -collisiondamage true -gamelength 3 -lobbyname "Creature Zoo" -password xxx -gametype Objective

    If I don't set the gametype the server will always crash. If I set the gametype to either Objective or Territory then the respective type will run but the other will crash.

    So I ran both scenarios (by deleting the other from ScenarioList.dat) and encountered some oddities:

    - the game time starts earlier than deployment time (I only noticed because of the short times used for testing)

    - I couldn't see the server in the network overview though the Squidlord obviously could: I saw him connecting but getting disconnected later. I could only connect per direct play

    - the number of dropships is still 15 although I set it to 0 inside <GameType>

    - I connected twice but in the log it said it didn't know the user and created a new one. From the logfile:

    CLIENTIDMSG: szVersion = 1.1.5

    CLIENTIDMSG: Client is using PAT?

    CLIENTIDMSG: Swapped port = 59673 but msg port = 9968

    SERVER: Request from host

    CLIENT: Account not found for poesel06; creating new one

    And the ConnectLog:

    poesel06 connecting on 8/28 at 20:57

    SquidLord connecting on 9/9 at 8:0

    poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:4

    poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:12

    poesel06 connecting on 9/9 at 8:22

  17. Ok, I tried HotDropZone and HouseToHouse -> PedestrianZone and DriveIn.

    Those worked solo on the Mac but did crash on the Linux server. I tried to validate against the xsd and found out that the xsd included in DT is older than that on your website and both do not include 'NumDropshipsTeam0'. Got you again smile.gif

    So here are the scenarios without dropships. If someone could be so kind and tell me whats wrong with those. I they work I'll put them online.



    Any proposals for a change in the scenarios would be apreciated.

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