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Posts posted by poesel

  1. With 500m/s you get a range of about 4km (on Hopewell). That range seems ok for me.

    Unfortunatly you can't see the launcher very good on those pictures and I haven't found a better one.

    But I'll go with that feeder principle as it solves another problem: the launcher is IMHO still too good (even with reduced ammo).

    I'll make a launcher 'block'. The launcher will only be able to pivot around y (up and down). That should make it sufficently difficult to aim. smile.gif

    For the record, heres the Nebelwerfer:


    Unzip in Mod directory. Look for the Paladin NW.

    The settings for the ammo will stay for the next iteration. Btw, the smoke trail effect looks REALLY cool.

  2. Aha, learned something new. Thanks for that. Still some questions:

    Given the same circumstances and the same velocities (disregard the burn phase for the missile), the missile would fly further because of its aerodynamic properties. Right?

    About what velocities do we speak? DT has AP at 3000 and HEAT/HE at 1500, the medium mortar at 500. So would 500 be ok (with a flat trajectory)?

    What I get from the description of the Nebelwerfer[1] the missiles left a trail of smoke behind them that would give away the position of the weapon (I like that). Do missiles smoke after the burn phase or was that a speciality of the Nebelwerfer?

    And for Clay:

    Thank you! Would it be too much to ask for two more?

    1) <ShotDelay> - time between when the trigger is pressed and the shot is actually released

    2) <MultiShotDelay> - time between two shots in a Multishot

    1) would be to simulate a slow weapon or loading/charging time

    2) the same for multiple shots (to clarify: I don't mean bursts, its for <ShotsPerFire>. This is currently ~300ms (fixed) and probably corresponds to the 30Hz server clock. I don't want to be faster, I want to be slower)

    [1] I'm going to model this after the Nebelwerfer and not the Katjuscha because (currently) DT originates all shells/missiles from one point (usually the barrel). The Nebelwerfer has the barrels in a circle while the Katjuscha has them on a line. So the circular design gives a better illusion.

  3. Nice to see that it works now.

    Game balance wise its much too good now but I first want to get the model right and then see about the other things.

    I don't think I can mod EMP because there is no ground based shell that can do that. The orbital EMP is not in an XML file. But a ground based EMP weapon would sure be fun. smile.gif

  4. Ouch, I think I know: the Inventory.xml has an entry for my try at the smoking Thor - which is not included in the mod. Stupid copy&paste error.

    I only wonder why it worked for me?

    I have changed the file behind the original link. Would you download and test again?

  5. IIRC the turrets of old had ammo that had a density of one and thus weren't affected by gravity. I've tried that for normal ammo to no effect.

    What I wanted to do is to create a dumbfire missile. So I need a flat trajectory and a slow ammo velocity. But then the range is very short. Of course - a bullet has no propulsion in flight. But a missile has. So I thought I could circumvent that with density.

    So what can I do?

    As a side note: the <Density> tag is in the Wiki (bravo for that) but what does that mean:

    '...As we move toward the SpeedStep implementation...'


  6. Iceman:

    I use Sketchup. You can add textures but only one per mesh/face. No UV mapping. That works ok for the gun but would probably look horrible on a vehicle.

    Note that you have to copy the texture to the data directory. Sketchup puts it in a subdirectory and DT doesn't find it there.


    Your problem is in SmokeGrenade.physicalobjectgroup. I haven't touched that.

  7. Aah, the joy of being loved for making an area bombardment device! ;)

    Some questions for Clay:

    Is there a way to have two different models/textures for loaded and unloaded gun? The missiles in the launcher would be visible thats why I ask.

    Sketchup puts textures in a separate directory and this is mentioned in the .obj. DT expects all textures to be in the main /data directory though. Is this a bug or a feeature? I just need to know, its no problem to copy the files.

  8. Ok, so here extra for aittam a preliminary version:


    Heres a screenshot:


    Its obviously lacking a turret and some decent settings (ammo is 100, reload 1 second). Happy bombing.

    Oh and does someone have a good source for nice military soundfiles? Nothing against the missile launch sound but I would like to have something more, well, screeching. smile.gif

  9. Another armour question:

    'Front', 'Left',... are just names for 6 armour values. If there is an object which has only one armour value from all sides, would it be enough to make one collision object which would be identical to the complete object, give it a name (say 'Front'), assign it a value and be done?

  10. Ok, you got me to look it up. smile.gif

    Wikipedia tells me that the german rocket scientist Robert Nebel was one of the developers but it was not named after him. That device was part of the 'Nebeltruppe' which was a disguise for a chemical warfare unit.

    The Nebelwerfer was really a rocket launcher. See some pictures here:


    The correct name for what I thought was a Nebelwerfer is 'Nebelmittelwurfanlage'.

    What I wanted is this:


    But I think I'll go with the six in a circle design because that makes the shot animation easier - yes I know I'm cheap smile.gif

  11. Great! Getting a smoke trail for a projectile flying over half of the battlefield will definetly look cool! smile.gif

    My intention for this unit was to provide the poor planetary dwellers with no orbital support some cheap area bombardment capabilities. A rocket launcher rack strapped to a paladin seems fitting. Slow speed, slow turret rotation, slow reload, long range, big bang.

    It would have a low trajectory so it couldn't shoot over high hills.

    Nebel(=smoke)werfer(=launcher) - no Iceman, I wanted something that makes dents in other things smile.gif

    But I really like to see Clay mention smoke grenades!

  12. I'm trying to create a rocket launcher similar to what the russians had in WW2 (I don't know the correct name).

    I have the Paladin ATGM. Switch the missiles for a light mortar round and set ShotsPerFire to 3. Thats fine so far. Nice area bombardment. Spread is worse enough for not making it too effective. smile.gif

    One problem: how do I get a smoke trail? If I switch to the TOW model file it just flings the missile around (with no trail) and taking the TOW animation with the light mortar settings doesn't work at all.

    I had hoped to be able to use the missile animation and just stop it after a second (faking the burn phase of the missile) and let the thing just fly ballistically.

    Any hope for that Clay?

  13. Sometimes you have a picture before your inner eye and its obviously not the same that others see. smile.gif

    I always thought the mine layer would be some device at the back of the Mercury. Something like a cannon shooting straight downwards. Thats why I never thought of aiming as an issue Alex. Stop, press fire twice and you have that depth 2 hole. The direction the turret currently points to would be the direction of the charge. Thats all about aiming.

    The digging mortar sounds fine, too.

  14. I thought more like that: you drive to the desired spot, press fire and set the charge. A little flag appears. But you want a deep hole here, so you press fire again and set another charge under the first. The flag gets a second streamer and thats it. Go to the next point.

    I think its enough to have depth 1, depth 2 and maybe depth 3. No need for a depth value.

  15. Yes, forgot the HE. Silly background. smile.gif

    About two charges in one place: if you'd explode the upper one first it would (probably) work. I dunno, I always had to use a shovel for that kind of work.

    Nonetheless: even if not SO realistic it would be easier gameplay wise. We don't simulate soil composition or rock formations so IMHO that won't hurt much.

    Edit: yes to the Mercury!

    [ September 18, 2006, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: poesel71 ]

  16. I like that too. I'm with Toby about the dead-man switch but not about that signature thing. You wouldn't wate precious antimatter to dig holes. The resulting explosion and dustcloud will show the enemy anyhow.

    What I don't like is the fixed rate of fire for the charges. Rather drop the charges with the normal fire button. That way you could easily dig deeper trenches if you'd fire twice on the same spot. There should probably be a limit how deep you could fire (=how often you can fire on one spot).

    The placed charges should be marked by a flag or something. These markers get stacked if you fired several times on one spot.

    The charges explode as Clay said.

    Altogether that would make digging easier since you could place the holes at will without a time constraint and you have a good overview where you have placed the charges.

    Another big problem is that witch explosive charges you can only make holes, not hills. Or to be exact: you make craters and that is not a defensive structure. The charges would need to have a direction in which they will throw earth. Maybe that can be assigned by the direction you look when you press the fire button to set the charge.

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