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Posts posted by aittam

  1. Originally posted by poesel71:

    Where I go with yurch is the digital behaviour of AA: if youre inside the radius, you get killed, outside you land safely. Rather having a gradient with decreasing probability to get shot or get hit would be more interesting. You would never know and maybe get lucky.

    Another interesting thing would be if the dropship could abort the drop or chose another landing spot if under fire. That would make it harder to land on a pixel.

    I like this

    For the rest I understand both sides arguments and I think they are valid in a map dependent way

    What would be useful is a movement sensor to integrate the panel, a kind of stone-like, uneasy to spot, unsofisticated that tells you :" enemy coming this way or just movement from these coordinates"

  2. Originally posted by yllamana:

    I'd like this also. It looks very messy in there. Please put it somewhere nice like suggested above, I may never forgive Mac Halo for creating a folder in ~/Documents (in the home folder itself is more forgivable because I very rarely look in it rather than in a subdirectory).

  3. Originally posted by poesel71:

    Sorry, I have to disagree. One hit will cripple you while the mbt will most probably be still alive after 3 hits from the 76mm (depends of course).

    At great ranges the palladin can easily outmaneuver the shots from the 120mm while giving a steady stream of shells on the target. If the enemy is human and keeps the front pointed to you then you have a standoff. No chance for the small caliber to penetrate there. But if he turns or looks away or you can maneuver to his behind - bang! smile.gif

    I usually try to get around them and put in my hits before they realize i'm shifting from one side to the other
  4. I agree that two experienced players under a tower protection are almost invincible, to tweak a little ions towers should'nt be able to intercept any volley but just work as AAA platforms and may be antimissile, this way a party could deploy just out of the AAA umbrella and move to engage the ions guys

    the idea to nerf a little the AAA towers it's ion independent, on the grass map if 'im defending i'll go close to a tower with an ATGM and get around 20 hits before been force to leave by some ions (they are the only effective weapon under AAA cover)

  5. RIPper that's the down side of ion beams, i thinks with autofire or no flash effect they will overpower everything else

    did you notice the balance between you with the ion thor on the west hill and somebody else on another hill with atgm under turret cover? the twoof you are the only ones that could hit each other

  6. don't forget that those GI shoul fit inside some of the vehicles avaiable in game so if you comapre the size of the cockpit with the infantry space they can not wear heavy armour/mobile suit unless there will be two kinds of GI a deployable one from the mother ship with mobile suit, let say a three to five man platoon capable to carry heavy weapons with out mobility decrease and a second type deployed from APCs with limited manouvre range and a couple of antitank weapons, may be their engage range or fire direction could be determined by the APC player to set ambushes and/or point defense

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