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Posts posted by Chainsaw

  1. Just played it and I liked it. own casualtys was one wounded so I consider it a bit to easy,but its a really good "beginners" mission, I will recommend this one to a friend of mine thats gonna buy CMSF and Marines.

    Thought about doing a tutorial as a pdf and attach to the scenario? with pics etc to show the "school solution" ? remember a few of those scenarios from CMBB that really helped me thrue.

    Good work!


  2. Just had the chance to play a bit this weekend, and the thing I looked forward to the most in Marines are the SMWAW as its close to our M2 Carl gustav (83 vs 84mm, same range, same open sights, almost same loadout etc)

    So Ive been taking the time to play around with the assault groups, and man I love those SMWAW!!!!!

    I have fired ONE Javelin in the campaign so far, and thats on the mission where the enemy counterattacks you (no3?), the rest of the work was done by AT-136, LAW, M32 and the SMWAW :D

    oh man its so coool... im in love

  3. You know the ? icons denote sound/C2 contacts and are therefore tactically relevant? Like the grey tank/generic infantry/MG in CM1?

    They are still a true PITA if you want to take good screenshots or get good imersion from turning of all icons so you just see soldiers and tracers and detonations...

    and a red "?" mark in it all...


  4. Guys, what's the deal with 15 sec, where do they come from? Do you somehow set the duration or are they intrinsic to WEGO? Also pls explain 'hulldown'.

    Totally new to CMSF+CMM (@1.10) Sabrefly.


    1. 15sec comes from when you hit "Pause" the first pause you hit is 15sec, next is 30sec and up to 1.5 minute. its default and nothing we can do about it. would be nice if BFC could make it 5,10,15 seconds and after that 30 and so on.

    2. Hull down is when the AFVs hull (body) is in cover behind a berm/obstacle and only the turret is showing, wich gives the result that the AFV is betther protected but can still engage targets with its main gun.

    Look at http://www.fprado.com/armorsite/Merkava-Pics/MerkavaMk3-firing-lahat120.jpg to get an idea of what I mean, as you see the hull is covered while the turret is still able to engage.

    next step is "turret down" (I think its called that in english atleast) wich is the whole AFV in cover just below the berm, if the AFV have hunter/killer kapacity often the TCs PERI is sticking up so the TC can see over the berm. This gives the advantage that the tank is in full cover and only the small PERI is visable wich makes it hard to detect. I dont know how good CMSF can portray this thoe. Something to test.


  5. try to get them as forward as possible, into a good positon and then leave them there for spotting and sniping, works great for me.

    but try to keep them moving around so you dont stay on same roof/floor all the time because if so the enemy will find you in the end. so let them engage a few targets from one position, then get them out of there and have them crawl into next position maybe a house away from your first position.

    Remember snipers are good at collecting intelligence without getting detected themself, so use them for that as well. if I cant find any good use for them in the built up areas I often position them to cover my flanks so I can get intelligence if any opfor are trying to flank me, freeing up real "power" to do the combat instead of flank security.


  6. But this can also seen as just a group movement command. We don't actually care in what formation the units will end up or having any formation while moving. Just that teams of the same squad will go to the same action spot and that platoon's squads end up close to the HQ. No need for special case coding. Just issue a move command near the destination for each team (putting teams of a squad in the same AS) and that is all.

    that you can already do.... if doubbletap the Plt HQ and the whole platoon will be hightlighted, then you can just press "move" and to wherever you want them. and they will arrive in total caos, but thats what you wanted.

    and about your other suggestion, personly I dont like it at all and cant see any real use of it if you fight as you should. despite seperating the teams you still have the squads fairly close to eachother so they are in command lines etc.

    Its rare I mix upp platoons at all, sometimes during crossing a road with on one good crossing etc, but for the rest I make sure to keep them seperated.


  7. The MGS is difficult to play with in WEGO if you get it to area fire at a building it uses up most of it's ammo in 1 min. This is why I've previously suggested a 'Fire Short' command to be added for the benefit of WEGO players where units can be instructed to fire in 15 sec increments much like the 'Pause' command works. So potentially you could get your unit to fire for 15 - 45 seconds.


    thats already doable if you do read huntarrs tips....

  8. Didn't I read somewhere that unguided bombs were completely phased out?

    So I don't think we'll need the unguided/laser designation any more.

    Are you sure? because the standard Mk 82 GPB are pretty accurate when delivered by a "non useless" pilot so it would supprise me if they phased unguided bombs out.

    and I cant see how they always can have the targets lighted up for the guided munitions?


  9. This is the only forum where the devs laugh about bugs ;)

    not really, theres www.steelbeasts.com. Ssnake have laughed over a few bugs, including one bug where you could catapulte a tank a few miles in the air by using the ARV... :P

    the common thing is that both Esimgames and BFC are small niche games and I guess they have to listen and communicate with the crowds that does play their games/sims....

    and Im not complaining over that! :D


  10. There is a big difference in firing a SAW effectively inside a room when you are shooting blanks as to compared to live-rounds. Live fire is more difficult to keep on target and the muzzle climb in much more pronounced.

    We cleared rooms with the M240 (swedish version) both blank and live firing and it worked like a charm :D

    but damn if you forgot your ear covers... ooohhh,....


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