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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. all your troops start dismounted and have to exit on foot Russian troops fleeing after their lines were shattered left behind so much ammo and weaponry Ukraine struggled to handle it all (msn.com)
  2. no actually not. As divisive as things are here any mention of either side here is heading into US politics. How about "Russian soldiers are about as disciplined as a herd of cats". or sumfink ^edit That is probably unfair to cats but you get the idea.
  3. If he'd just changed that to Russian regime at end he'd have been spot on target.
  4. Vladimir Putin Bailed on Top Military Meetings in Sochi After Crushing Losses in Ukraine War (thedailybeast.com)
  5. Kind of off topic, but I do have one major gripe. The F'n Russians have ruined military fiction for me. Now every time I look at a book depicting a Russian advance all I can think of is... "yeah no way. Too much fantasy, maybe I'll go back and just read the Silmarillion". sigh
  6. It’s Time to Prepare for a Ukrainian Victory (msn.com)
  7. and a slightly different perspective from a Russian soldier 15,000 dead after longest Russian drill weekend ever (duffelblog.com)
  8. LOL we had a worse outage when some vacant building a few blocks over caught fire.
  9. I wouldn't read too much into that. The US is fully committed to Ukraine. This could be just f'n with Russia. It all doesn't matter until Russia actually cracks and realizes the game is up and they need peace more than Ukraine.
  10. Russian 'Fear of Failure' Helps Ukraine Offensive, Ex-Defense Minister Says (msn.com)
  11. I had the first guy from a post Haiduk put up. As to the other guy - I may need to add a new section.
  12. The one item I think we can all agree on is UA opsec has been spectacular. We know very little about the UA tactical structure and if they are actually distributing small packets of armor to back up their spearheads. Also there was at least one post by Russians of an armor counterattack that just simply got shot to hell by AT weapons and possibly arty. (typically it sounds like they didn't have infantry support.) One possibility (and this thought comes from an earlier post by LLF of a drone recon of a Russian position) It may be (and very likely) that UA had reconned the Russian defenses in depth and knew there wasn't much in the way of armor facing this area. One other thought - it seems UA forces are quite used to taking on enemy armor with just AT weapons. I suspect that is not the case with Russians especially all the new cannon fodder that has been pushed forward. Just a few tanks could make all the difference there.
  13. okay enough of the 1973 parallels. I don't think this one is behind a paywall, but text below As Russians Retreat, Putin Is Criticized by Hawks Who Trumpeted His War (msn.com)
  14. The Wire - one of the best television series ever! IMHO As to Kadyrovs they are there because reportedly the traffic lights conspired to get the 20th MRD out of position. The Kadyrovs will combat and defeat these traffic light traitors!
  15. "I want all the widows boarded up immediately." rumored command from Putin yesterday. ^edit - I meant windows, maybe a Freudian slip?
  16. I'm betting even if this is planned as part of celebration, Putin's sphincter is seizing up pretty tight.
  17. sounds like a good time for hackers to blare some UKR flags on monitors.
  18. Regarding these Russian troops deploying in Moscow. just to make sure I don't go too whacko - this isn't related at all to Moscow day events is it? This really is deploying of troops unexpectedly? Next question... who is commanding these troops? Putin or someone else? Guess we'll know later today.
  19. Moscow Professor Warns of Rising Social Tensions Without Victory Soon (msn.com) Don't hold your breath.. oh wait yes, please hold your breath! Put a plastic bag over your heads it'll help!
  20. wake up to 130+ posts. holy crap. And a shout out to Vovchansk! That was the town I suggested for targeting way way back at beginning of Russian Izyum offensive. Okay I was totally wrong about everything else but I did name one town correct! Too early to open wine, but my coffee tastes phenomenally great this morning. So the Russian army has been shattered, the 3rd string AK is getting scattered in penny packets uselessly. Russia has no other serious reserves to commit so the only option it to strip other areas. I don't expect general mud to force a complete halt in UKR operations. There are just too many gaps now for Russia and those light forces can still move. So now can we talk about a REAL operational pause? What are thoughts on the ability of UA logistical system to maintain this thrust or is it time for a different sector of the front to get hit?
  21. geez, talk about just being plain stubborn or as Andy Dufresne might have said - obtuse.
  22. ahh wasn't it mentioned here recently that the real sneaky Russian plan was to overwhelm UA resources with PoWs?
  23. They don't need article 5. Poland could just decide on their own to join the fight with Ukraine.
  24. Had to repeat this one. Wonder how Putin feels today.
  25. I'd like to suggest in the interests of perspective we stop referring to them as 3rd Army corp but instead as 3rd string. It's a lot closer to the truth of the impact they will have.
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