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Everything posted by InvaderCanuck

  1. Dai Katana destroyed many peoples lives. I am sad to see it reached so far ;p
  2. I agree completely. When I was just a teenager I found the close combat games. I loved them. I played the hell out of them. Later on I found Combat Mission. I thought to myself "excellent, a 3d Close Combat, I did some reading and found out it used some weird turn based system. I was skeptical. So I tried the demo and I HATED it. About a year later, I had that familiar itch to scratch so I decided I would try it again, this time I knew what to expect, not a fully real time game. I loved it and I have been hooked on CM since CMBB. This is very similar to Close Combat. It is lighter, quicker paced and enjoyable. It is not hardcore, but it is fun. Would I prefer to be playing CM:SF right now? Absolutely ;p This is interesting to play with in the meantime. Especially considering I can never find people to play TC/IP CM with.
  3. Yes. It took me my third attempt. I got rid of the Bofors and took a third 75 MM. When I finally won my total casualties were 8 infantry. The key is careful placement of your AT assets. On the right side of the map there is that line of bushes that run over that hill. If you place one gun slightly behind the crest of the hill it will make that gun very difficult to hit. My other two guns I placed behind the tree line on either side of the road. The spot if this is too vague is in front of your rear bunker on the left side of the map. If you go down to a person eye view of the terrain, you can find locations to place guns where they are just barely peeking over the crest of a hill. For the infantry, I had them hold position and not return fire until everything was good and close. The second mission however, ouch ;p Three tries now and its rough.
  4. That is a pretty rediculous faller buncher there. With all the fuss of low impact logging, and the fact skid trails have a huge environmental impact, I am not sure I understand the logic of a walking faller buncher. I mean, unless they are heli-logging the skidder still has to come pick the timber up ;p
  5. I thought I had it bad with buggered football knees at 27 ;p Better get this game out soon while MikeyD still has some time left imo.
  6. Since I have a good connection, and I could not possibly abide by 45KB/sec when other people are getting 1000+ I decided to try a download manager. I installed GetRight, set it up. Tried to download. Said the file was not there. Yes I used the text link. I uninstalled GetRight after a few failed attempts. Went back to my Firefox download manager. "you have reached the maximum download count."
  7. 46KB/sec here. ETA 10 hours. Weird when I routinely get over 1500KB/sec normally from DL's that will support it.
  8. I'd love to play some CMAK or CMBB but it is so hard to find people to play TC/IP. Everyone wants to play by email so they can spend 6 hours pondering each turn ;p
  9. There is a perfectly good explanation as to why the individual soldier is rendered with such a low polygon count. You don't play the game zoomed in close enough to tell. Sure, you CAN zoom in that close, but then you are playing the game at a severe handicap. I occasionally hit 'enter' to get a soldiers eye view to check very basic LOS. Beyond that, why would anyone spend much time zoomed in. It is a trade-off. Do you invest massive resources on pimping out soldiers which may be present in the hundreds at any given time when the player is rarely if ever going to actually look at them in close detail? I think the answer is no, you do not invest the resources. Not because you are lazy, but because it is wasteful. This is not Company of Heroes where you ARE that close to the action, and half the game is watching the combat animations for the "oooo that was cool" factor. This is a strategic war game, where realistic penetration and distances is important. The game needs to be functional above and beyond anything else. If having low detail soldiers means higher playability, then have lower detail soldiers for FFS. It is like Supreme Commander. Nobody plays the game zoomed in close enough to marvel at the detail of each individual unit. Everyone is playing zoomed out to the point that you are moving triangles and squares around. Yet the game suffers terribly in larger games because they put so much effort into the details.
  10. Graphics while important, are far less important than any other aspect of a game. People who complain about games based on "Oh gawd it looks 2 years old" are silly.
  11. You don't click on the commander, you click on his hat icon above his head.
  12. AMD 64 3700+ 2Gig Ram SLI'd BFG 7800 GTX Running it @1400x900 Smooth
  13. I generally hold fire on all units until they begin to cross the trees on the opposite side of the field. I have no problems killing one or two II's but no matter where I tend to put my PAK's they get obliterated within a few seconds.
  14. First off. I love the demo. Second. This is the long anticipated 3d CC successor i've been waiting for. Third. I swear to god the Germans have frickin' lazer beams on their heads in this map. I've run it so many times. My Paks are repositioned to the right side of the map. Holding fire. Instantly I am taking mass quantities of fire. Within 30 seconds both PAK's are KO'd. The only way I have found that I can keep them alive till the Panzers are in closer is to disembark them immediatly. This still hasn't changed the outcome one iota. While re-occupying the guns the lazers again pew pew me into non-existence. Is it just dumb luck that the PAKs survive long enough to do much of anything? I looked at the "walkthrough" and the whole "move your paks to the right side by the trees so you can avoid being spotted" is just frustrating because no matter where I put those guns they are instantly nuked.
  15. The concept that weight does not affect top speed is totally bogus. Physics disagree with it, and so will anyone who has participated in athletic competition in which you wear a significant quantity of gear. The heavier you are, the slower you will accelerate, the slower your top speed will be. It is all about power to weight ratio. You may increase your power relative to what you used to be. But less weight will always = faster and quicker. You can talk about doing PT in full kit and it not affecting you, I don't buy that. If anything you are simply getting in better shape. Your top speed will still be higher if you strip it all off. The relevant point I suppose is, are you ever going to be flat out sprinting? I am sure there are times you would want to. How is this modeled in the different movement modes? Or is it even modeled? No clue ;p
  16. Am I stupid blind or both? For the life of me I cannot find any way to que up multiple way points for a single unit. Have I missed it in the manual? Im certainly accustomed to shift+clicking in virtually every game to set them but this does not seem to be working for ToW?
  17. Some German generals considered the war lost as early as 41, when the Soviets were able to replace armies wholesale and put them infront of the German army groups. Alot of people think that Hitler made a mistake with the Kiev encirclement. The reasoning behind this is that it cost Germany Moscow. This is to suggest that capturing Moscow would cause the Soviet Union to collapse like a deck of cards. Actually, it was sound strategic reasoning that lead to this encirclement and Guderian helping AGS out. Had AGC pushed directly to Moscow, they would have left themselves in a very weak position with an exposed flank. AGS would have been tied up much longer. Overall the net territorial gain would have been less. Ah, but what was the industial worth of Moscow? Well, argueably, having the whole of the Ukraine in German hands was more detrimental to Soviet efforts than the fall of Moscow. Had AGC pushed directly to Moscow and taken it, they would have been in a precarious position come the winter offensives, which may have had disastrous consequences. The idea that Moscow was the key to conquering the SU is really little more than a light at the end of a tunnel for the Germans. Would it have been a blow? Sure, but look at the determination with which the Soviets defended. The loss of a single city, even one as important as Moscow would not have caused them to fold. Happy Newyear btw!
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