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Posts posted by CBR

  1. Is Monty's scientists talking about quick fire fire plans (Like CM style foo officer with a radio and support team watching fall of shot) or the more formal program shoots ( Predictive, ranged, and or registered).

    It only mentions predicted firing. There are no examples of battery(troop) accuracy with observed fire. I guess it should be fairly accurate and within less than 50 meters?

  2. If I understand it correctly then the wind and temperature meant that the mean point of impact simply shifted. The maximum was 700 yards but the average value was 200-250 yards.That was a survey of Operation Veritable.

    The books also mentions a survey of Operation Switchback where it was down to 4.8% but apparently meteorological effects mean not so much compared to calibration.

    It also has some figures showing impacts compared to the target, and you get both types really: either the target is in the periphery of the impact zone and then a couple where impacts seems pretty wildly scattered.

  3. I would also question the apparent underlying assumption that map predictive fire in 1944 was so bad that an artillery unit that knew where it was could not put down a round within a few metres of where it was required. Getting rounds accurately on target without spotting rounds was an essential feature of the creeping barrage and that had been pretty much perfected by the autumn of 1916.

    If one goes by the conclusions in Montgomery's Scientists then only about 5.1% of the rounds hit within a 100x100 yard area of a target position.

    The main reason seems to have been meteorological effects. IIRC it is mentioned somewhere (one of Terry Copp's books?) that they did try to improve it after Normandy(using balloons and radar) but the effect might not have been that great.

    Edit: for mortars it would IMO not be as bad though.

  4. Yes they were deployed. I tested both as German as well as American to check how many soldiers were cowering.

    I'm sure shorter range is better but that goes both ways and, in my admittedly limited experience with quick battles, HMG's seems generally to be overwhelmed very quickly at shorter ranges, as if they simply can not deal out enough firepower against multiple targets.

    But it is my understanding that HMG's could easily be deployed several hundred meters away from front positions and expected to support them. I just don't see how that is gonna give any good effect in this game if they can't deliver more firepower?

  5. Now I might just be an ignorant armchair general but I do have the impression that HMG's (in this case MG42) don't suppress that much.

    I ran a few tests on a flat map and noticed how they fired and they seemed to do only about 50 to perhaps 70 rpm. That strikes me as more typical of a LMG even though they clearly could see multiple targets.

    I don't know what to expect from HMG's but from what have read so far they should suppress enemy troops more than what I see in the game.

    Or am I just missing something?

  6. As it is DHL that is shipping it, I presume its their fee of 187,50 Kr you have to worry about. http://penge.dk/forbrug/artikler-forbrug/de-dyre-pakker-fra-udlandet (Sorry, in Danish)

    But if you are lucky the package will go through without being noticed by customs.

    I have no life so decided to cancel it. No need to worry about a potential hit of an extra $55 and the money is already spent on a bottle of Calvados :P

  7. Is that the Martok I think it is?

    I remember playing Empire on the Amiga. This game seems to have more advanced options for land combat, but back then I always thought it played best with small islands and with the focus on navy/air, as that was most fair and the naval/air aspect was the most detailed anyway.

    But I'm certainly looking forward to see how this game turns out.


  8. That looks like its a global "either or" setting and not something that can be made user configurable. We will look into it though.


    Ah yeah I can see it is not a simple option to add. But apparently it can be done by adding a language and call it say English(UK) and change the time format for that.

    Also located an add-on http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=97469 No idea how easy that is to setup. Im just desperate for my beloved 24 hour format heh


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