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Posts posted by FAI

  1. Originally posted by LongLeftFlank:

    Wow, that looks like a pretty cheap vacation getaway spot. Ever try surfing that beach? (Ya smell that?) Expect it's overrun by Aussies though. :cool:

    I don't think you'd wanna surf a beach with an HMG and sniper rifle in overwatch, no matter how cool the rifle is smile.gif

    Curiously though, where is it?

  2. Originally posted by -E:

    I know what the invention is and have created a countermeasure. I can't tell anyone though, because it would upset the balance of power and make the Peng thread obsolete.

    And all this talk of metal underpants chafing is completely off track of the original reason for their invention... explosive diarrhea (aka: shrapnel farts).

    Due to the peculiar ways of my latest invention, I was able to counter the countermeasure you just created. Don't ask for any details though, because I will not risk my pelt in a forum consisting of complete strangers, or the ire of Peng thread dwellers. But if any of you happen to be a relative of someone in Raytheon or BuWeap, please send me a private message at coocoo@bananas.com.
  3. Originally posted by GDog:

    Well I'm just wrapping up the 1st of 3 battles in the operation. The next battle takes place at night. I'm planning an infantry assault on one pillbox that has a big firing arc across the battlefield. If sucessful this will grant me control of one flank and further extend my deployment zone for the 3rd battle.

    From there I can assault the main objective from outside the firing arc of at least 1 of the 2 remaining ( or spotted so far ) bunkers.

    I've got a sizable force of Free French under my command and have spent the entire first battle carefully claiming much of the map and moving infantry into position for the night assault.

    I'll let you know which of your pillbox busting techniques works best!

    So, how did it go?
  4. Originally posted by ironbar:

    As this discussion has focused almost exclusively on penetrating body armor, both soft and SAPI, I wonder if anyone has any insight into the parameters of a non-penetrating, debilitating hit. At some level blunt force trauma has to become a factor, if not spall from rigid armor. I wonder how much mass at what velocity it would take to put a troop in modern armor out of the fight; 12.7, 14.5? Or something like a .458 Magnum sporting round ?

    12.7 or 14.5 will do...

    [ November 21, 2007, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: FAI ]

  5. Originally posted by GSX:

    I dont see a non US module any time soon (within the next 2 years). The revenue would be very limited for BFC. The bad choice of game setting doesnt really add to anything by including French etc.

    Actually, they would have been better fixing this thing in Afghanistan, a lot of NATO is there and it would have been a better representation of modern insurgency warfare.

    Which isn't "cool". It's not much fun calling a 155 barrage at some caves, or fighting an insurgency warfare v.s light infantry only opponent that has no tanks.
  6. Originally posted by Kite:

    regarding GSX's comment: It is an idealogical difference. It is NOT understandable to me how someone can kill their fellow countrymen while attacking an enemy.

    Nothing against you GSX, just my opinion.

    Mind you, killing fellow countrymen is a touchy subject in most freedom fighting movements. Nobody really wants it. But the reasoning is, as far as I can tell, if it takes the sacrifice of a few (or a lot) of said fellow countrymen to achieve victory/freedom, an stop further bloodshed, then so be it. Perhaps in the long run, fewer of them will need to die.
  7. Originally posted by Jarhead0331:

    My friend, you have no idea...I swear I developed carpal tunnel typing up that report! And I narrowly escaped a vertical envelopment maneuver conducted by my wife, irate over the fact that I was busy in front of the computer on a saturday night. We staff writers at wargamer deserve combat pay!

    Somebody must make a haiku out of this... :D Something to compete with that wife out of LOS haiku :D
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