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Posts posted by Taki

  1. I setup some Multiplayer Games with QB. It was Fun in CMx1 to buy Units and the Value System based on points. Where the Tiger was Cheaper in Mid44 then on 1942 because there wherent so many.

    So will you bring that System back for CMSF? Or is there something like this going on behind the Scene when you choose what Type of Units or TOE is going to be played? Or is it always like this:

    1. I choose INfantry with Stryker and alwas get a Battalion or COmpany or what ever and

    2. Choose Tanks for the Enemy and he always get a Platoon of T55 or so?

    What is going on behind the Scenes? Or is there anything going? Is it fair and balanced?

    btw, the Problem with Setup Zones is still the Same.

  2. I tryed some QB 1.07 with an Online Player. Set almost everything to random and gave it a try.

    Map looked very Promising and i had a Mounted Company with Bradleys. As we started the Game we had Same Setup Zones and it was a 20min setup 10min playing mess since we quit.

    I thought that QUickbattles should be working now? Am i wrong?

  3. I don't know how things work in real life, but in these situations I think information passing could, and should be a bit faster than it is in the game. On the other hand, information passing of units that the spotter doesn't see important to _his_ survival should be slow. For the TacAI to decide which ones are important and which ones aren't isn't probably easy, though...

    There is somethin else come to my Mind. What about overload of the C2 Systems? If nothing is shared on the System the INfo goes a bit faster and if hell brokes loose the Info goes slower over the Network? Any Chance to simulate this?
  4. i Quote to dursus cause thats put into words better then i could say in English: "The solution is simple. Spotting of units whose information has been relayed to the spotting unit should be much faster. Also, the player should have some more knowledge of the information relayed to the unit."

    Thats what i have seen too. The Spotting Times should be shortened extremly when i got Exact Recon pos of the Enemy. The C2 System of giving away Infos seems most of the Time too fast (When i read Ambush Alley and what Confusion they had on th Radio) but often falls too short. In CMx1 you could gain more Value out of good Recon Work.

    You get me a bit wrong here Steven but i guess i didnt explain it so well.

    On the one Hand its to unpredictable because it dont follow what should be logical right. Like having C2 Command and Recon Units spotted the vec it still takes a Tank to long to spot the Enemy (like 15sec or so). Time is shorter but still too long.

    On the other Hand there arent so much uncommon things happening caused by Detail in CMx1. Okay the enemy had a Tiger you had no Cannon wich could penetrate it. But there where so much things that could happen that you can beat it.

    Like heavy Snow, good Recon to Spot him first flank it and take it out, Armour Weak Spots, INternal Armour flaking and other things.

    In CMx2 things are "unpredictable". With some solid sanity what usually should work in RL isnt working in CMx2. And on the other Hand its too predictable in terms of "nothing uncommon is happening. M1(Tiger) is always winning T-72 @ any Range.

    Hope that expresses my thoughts more then the Last Post. With some Tweaking and fixing and going more in detail i guess the Sim is getting even better. Hope for more patches to come.

    Sry for my bad English. ;)

    Greetz from Germany


  5. Another situation could be Shoot & Scoot. In CMx1 a unit could target enemy units it cannot see, so individual unit's spotting time didn't matter much. Now you have to move your unit to Shoot position, wait for it to spot and shoot, then reverse.
    You cAnt Shoot and Scoot in CMx2 anymore when you have the underdog Tank. Its as simple as it is. Spotting System exspecially with Tanks is weird sometimes and not only in Testing Situations. I talk of In Game behaviour in MP TPC/IP (and must be the same in Single Player)

    Reason to me is: there isnt so much simulated. As Redwolf mentioned there should be better Spotting Times with Firearcs and units that has been spotted by other Friendly Units that can inform you where it is so you have a Clue where you have to search.

    CMSF in its actual state is a Dice Roll with the bitter end for the weaker Tank almost all of the Time. You cant Shoot and Scoot, you cant flank. Its just to unpredictable and things that Logically would work in RL (like a Commander Unbuttoned comming over a Ridge knowing the Exact pos of an enemy M1 and just dont find it, or find it Plings with MG Fire and the M1 Turns and Kills you) just dont work.

  6. @Chelco: Even with that in Mind it feels to accurate. i cant see any diffrences on Spotting TIme or accuracy with diffrent Daytimes, Range, Optics, Hull down and so on.

    I read some Reports that even Experienced Tank Crews took their Time with Leopard A6 to Hit and Enemy Tank. Even with the Laser Rangefinders Firecontrol Systems, Gyro Stabs and Target Computers.

    But i guess its a Simulation Probem too. With CmX1 WW2 Scenario it was enough to Simulate Diffrent Types of Ammo, Gun Performances and Good/Medium/Bad optics and armour.

    On CMx2 you have to SIM that whole things mentioned above and as it is right now i got the feeling that some things arent simulated right now.

  7. I didnt try to Ambush them or Rush them. I took the Key Locations on that Map and waited for Tanks to pass. Same with another Tank wich was some Kind of "Hull Down" facing right into the Direction where the Enemy was expected.

    Guns perform too good for my Taste. Its 1 Shot 1 Kill if you got that Sabot Rounds. Fireaccuracy = too good spotting sytems = to bad

  8. Does anyone have a Site on where i can found out more about the Diffrent Modern Tank Setups and where they are diffrence?

    The Handbook falls a Bit Short there. Like "What is Contact ERA" and such things.

    So can anyone Link a Site where the Equipment of Modern Tanks and a LIst of it what this and that tank have are explained?

    And another Question. Is there a Real Penetration Modell on Tanks and is the Exact Position of an Impact Point Calculated (like hitting the ERA Armour Plates with Heat) or isnt there one just Impact Points like "Side, Rear, Front"?

    I know that lots of things are kept secret. But there also should be a lot of values to Estimate about and values that are written somewhere and how well X Gun performs against Y Types of Armour.

    [ February 14, 2008, 04:54 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

  9. So i played a QB today. I was very excited about how its gonna be with 1.06 and played a Scenario a Guy built and wanted to playtest it.

    He used a Modified Airfield map with 2 Obj. Worth 500 Points. You also would get 500 Extrapoints if you destroy 75% of the enemy Forces. Game was RedvsRed

    Well. I started with about 3 Platoons of Infantry 5 Mortar barrages and about 2 RPG Teams. I had 3 T-55MV versus his T-62MV. Therefore he had lesser Infantry and lesser BMP then me.

    i worked out a Gameplan on what i would do similar to CMx1. I was a good player in CMx1. So after 10 Minutes of Setting up we started.

    After 5 Minutes i quit. Tryed to take the Key Locations and all of my 3 T-55MV where burning unable to spot the Enemy. Even on 100m and right into the Direction i was looking my Tank didnt spot him in Time and shot him. Greatest Problem with playing a balanced Game Online is that you can just Guess about Reaction Times of Tanks, Spotting Systems, Armour Values, Bullettype and such things even when you read the manual twice or more.

    Go with "1 Shot one Kill on every Tank" and you are on the Right side. I lost all my T-55MV because the performed so bad in Spotting. I had the Key Locations and everything was working as planned but enemy always spotted me first and killed me.

    So here is a Summary of the Greates Problems i found:

    - To much 1 Shot 1 Kill, even Hig Tec Firecontrolsystems should use more then 1 Shot on an enemy Tank bevore they kill it.

    - No Clue on Armourvalues, Gun Performance, Tank Reaction Times, Spotting Times etc.

    - No WeGo TCP/IP, the Game is more Fast Pacet in Modern Scenario. So you have to go faster then in WW2 Sim. The Unpausable gameplay is doing the Rest on Confusing you and you cant Execute any GAmeplan on Scenarios greater then a Company.

    - Lag of Sim on Secondary Tank Equipment like Laser Warningsystem and such things. In CmX1 i had the Feeling that every System in a Tank (Radio,Gyrostabs etc.) had an outcome on the Overall Tankperformance. In CmX2 i dont have that Feeling or at least any insights on if there are any and what they are doing.

    - buying with Pointsystem isnt in the Game for QB so far. It was great to have a Pointvalue for Every Unit in the Game with CMx1 and it was well balanced. That is what im missing in CMx2.

    So will all that mentioned above the most Scenarios are peremptory bevore they really begun.

    Its like a Head to Head Cowboy Duell. The one who Fires First kills the Enemy. And after your Tanks are down (and you dont have Javs) its just a matter of time.

  10. Hi.

    Started the TF Narwick Campaign over again. When i started it first i recoginized that the 75mm Recoiles Rifle is extrem Powerfull against Infantrie.

    I had a HQ Unit in the House and on 200m i had Fireline to a 75mm Rifle. I shoot nothing happend (what is okay because i only had 2 Guns on Entrenched enemy) but then they openend Fire. 1 Shot 2 Kills. Another of my Squads came in. Same again. Every Shot is doing heavy Casualties to my Troops (wich where in a Stonehouse). If my Bushwackers would do the same work the Scenario would be a Piece of Cake but they dont and this is right i guess.

    So i got a Feeling that its doing too well.

    What do you think about it?

  11. Im right at the Moment playing the TF Narwick Campaign. I dont play it like "RPG" and its not so much Fun if you play every Scenario as One. As i noticed the Missions are tied together to Campaign and losses are count so i will start over New later on.

    But what i noticed that there are HUGE Diffrence in playing 1.06 then in 1.05 both Campaigns need to get down Tweaked in Enemy Strenght because every UNits "Tactical Value" counts more now. Totally diffrent Game.

  12. So im here for playing TCP/IP if you like to. I was a Challenge in CMBB but dont know how good iam in CMSF. Never played a Real Enemy so far.

    So if you like to play TCP/IP with me my possible Playtime is GMT+1 (European Time) from about 16.00 to the Late Evening.

    You can try my IC Q# 218394439 if you like to play a game. Time to test the Multiplayer! Join me! smile.gif

  13. Thx for the Update. I wait for a better Campaign after a better Patch 1.06

    If i could make a Wish i would wih it stays the Tactical Challenge but not all that much Fighting and Casualtiys and such things. ^^

    Its challengin as it is till Mission 1.04 and a good RPG Feeling.

    Hope for more



  14. I played the First two Mission of the Campaign. Displaced Units occured but that will be Easily will be fixed by BFC.

    Reason why i started this Topic because of the New Cover&Concealment.

    Its definatly changed and its going into the right Direction. With 1.05 it was to deadly. Not enough Concealment and to accurat Fire. With 1.06 it plays totally diffrent and i wish i could have the Old Weapon accuarcy and Concealment back.

    On the other Hand i get some weird spotting Problems with the new Patch. I noticed that when i started to play that Airfield MIssion in TF Thunder Campaign where all the REDs where lying in the Open. For over 20 Minutes a Syrian Squad in good Shape lying on Flat Desert Ground didnt manage to spot a Stryker 30m away in the open. Stryker doesnt spot them too.

    That wasnt the only time i noticed it.

    Dont understand me wrong. We need more concealment from trees bushes houses and better cover for units lying down maybe in a broken down house or similar. But there is something wrong with the spotting and concealment system.

    Other Example is that i drive with a Stryker 15m away frontal on an enemy squad lying not dig in straight in the plain open, no gras, no bush, no rocks and i need more then 5 mintes to gun them down.

    Please BFC take a look at that. Make them MIA or Prisoners. Me for my self would give up when im lying in the open 400m away from the next cover and a stryker circeling around me.

    So what about you. anyone else seen weird Spotting and concealment Situation?

  15. Originally posted by thelmia:

    I ran some scenarios I made back in August but gave up on. I found the AI forces rapidly and efficiently following their plans and owning me. It was great- before they would drive in circles and run back and forth across a road. They could not win the scenario in 45 minutes even without opposition. Now, the computer kicked my ass in 15 minutes.

    Small arms combat feels much, much different. Infantry is much harder to spot. Snipers work right. I love it.

    Finally, I can recommend this game to other people. It's fixed.

    Same here. Every little Unit got more "Tactical Worth" now. Infantry is getting the Queen of the Battlefield again.
  16. My First Impression on Ghost Campaign is that its more Challenging. Houses provide more cover and Low Wall Bug made it easier to approach onto houses so the First MIssion is tougher.

    What i also seen in 1.06 is that every man and Equipment Stuff counts more in a Tactical Way. I dont know how to say but i guess lots of Missions now need a New Balancing. FOr Ghost Campaign that means to me when i look further to the Later Missions that i got slapped again (for my Kind of Taste Losses more then 15%) because its togher now.

    Its still too Hollywood Like and Intense to me. But that is the TF Thunder Campaign to me too.

    On the other Hand i really like the F-16. Adds style to the "In the Game" RPG Feeling.

  17. Second Impression here cause there is no other Threat around. ^^

    I played the TF Thunder Campaign over new and the First Mission got Units not at their Position as it should be and it seemd tougher and bloodier. I lost 1 MBT and 10 Dead US Soldiers and about 20 Wounded but i killed 22 Enemy Tanks and half the Syrian Armymen.

    Missionfile Broken or did they Change the Campaign?

    Game plays totally diffrent now. Keep the Patches coming BFC!

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