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Posts posted by Taki

  1. I like it so far. Much Improvment is the First Impression. Tryed first Mission of the Ghost Campaign and i must say it plays diffrent.


    Hope there is more Patch like this be done. There are still more things that needs tweaking and fixing. But i like how you stick to your Product making it better and better after the First Selling Rush is over!

    Great Company. You payback!

  2. Im really Glad taht BFC is working on Making CMSF the Game that People expected patch by ptach comming.

    No Rushing,. 2 Patches and boom the Next "Buy this Modul".

    Thats what i like about BFC. Hope there are more Patches to come. There is still a way to go.

  3. I agree with the People above.

    Last Campaign i played was the Ghost Campaign. There i was never reloading any Scenario at all.

    It was Fun to play and had some real "into the Game" Feeling to me till the last 2-3 Missions showed up.

    When it feels unrealistic to me i reload or quit. That was what i did after a whole Company of mine got wiped out in a never seen Attack by the Enemy. smile.gif

    Better get your workload into a good looking RPG Like pdf like Webwing did and work more on the playabilitiy of the Scenarios then adding AI Plans. Thats my point of view. smile.gif

  4. Im waiting for the Next Patch and your New Version to come. Never seen a Mission or Campaign that good in CMSF.

    When both is released i will come up ontop with a new AAR Threat on 1.06 and your New Realease playing it as far as i can get without loosing Fun (maybe i would have made it in the End but at what costs of US-Troops?)

    Anyway. Good work. S!

  5. "Too Hollywood like" is my Opinion on that too.

    I liked the First Missions till i had a Complete Company Wiped out by a Militia Force Equiped with APCs and Running like Fanatics onto my Positions.

    I liked the First Missions where you had to Plan carefully and good logic Strategy worked out. After that it became a bit too "Hollywood-like" Masses of Enemys too much to shot, to many own Casualtiys reminds me more of a 1h "Black Hawk DOwn" Movie then on Combat Operations.

    Anyway the Best Missiondesign so Far and a Realistic Ambiente and RPG over more then 1 Mission was Fun to play.

  6. Maybe i have been Missunderstood or maybe its denieded anyway.

    Why dont doing a Knob where you can Hit "Linie" Button so that you can Maximise FIrepower when your Squad moves or the Hill? Why not Push Column and a SQUAD moves a bit faster. That shouldnt bee to much to implement because as you stated there are TACAI doing FOrmations allready. Like when you placing your Squads in a Position in Setup Phase or giving them a Direction where they should look.

    2 More Knobs = Micromanaging? Hell no. If its for more Realisim and Gamecontrol that the TacAI cant handle so far its a good Deal.

    I dont want a Platoon Sized Formations Control like many Tanks driving in Wedges. Just that a Squad can Form up in Some way like Line (when they approach over a Hill) or something like that.

    But the Arguments are always the same here:

    -takes to much ressources and Time

    - to much Micromanagment

    - Next patch brings Imporvments

    If there are no Squad Level "Formations" are implemented that the Player have control of i hope for hm.. (lets be realistic) 1.08 there wont be any Squads have their Crawl to death or can form up a Linie or get into Positions after you gave a Firecommand that everyone of the Squadmembers can shoot back.

  7. Yeah maybe ist the style i played and how the Mission Design affected my Choices.

    In the Briefing there is mentioned to fall back. As the Stituation was after 20Minutes loosing Men bye men (i used Take Cover, popped up fired on Inf in the Open and take cover again let them come closer, I wasted only 1 LAW on infantry the Rest just Missed completly on those APCs on 100m). i tryed to Retreat with Parts of Units useing smoke and some Units wich stayed infront.

    Its okay to sent in that overhelming Forces. But they came in SO fast that i tought they will overrun the Positions with the APCs and then no retreat would have been possible anymore.

    What did the Attackers? They stopped at the Bridge. Script should attack and occupie the whole Town with such an overhelming Force.

    My Suggestions for that Mission are after i play a diffrent style and pure RPG (another Approach to the Ghost Campaign i guess)

    1. Give the Order of a "Stay-at-all Costs" or "Coordinated Retreat".

    If i would have planned with a Retreat i just would have sent out some Recon Units infront and placed the Backbone of my Platoons in the Rear of Town.

    "With a Stay at all costs" i probably would have stayed but i dont think so. With a Look at the Battlefield, how much AT Cabability was left after 20Minutes and how much casualtiys i got in this time every RL Commander would have retreated i guess. No Black Hack Down Movie or FalludschaII

    2. Making Retreating an "Option"

    If you want to make Retreat an Tactical Option there can be some Ideas i had that can be done.

    1-2MG Stryker wich could Drive like Bus can try to get some of the Squads out of Trouble. Sadly we dont have any other Squadsize Carring Units to evac the Troops.

    On the other Hand i observed that the Enemy is comming very Fast. The APCs comming in fast and there where almost no reason why they should Stop at the Bridges.

    Anyway. I had my Fun. I liked the realistic Feeling of the Campaign so far. Even writing was Fun to me.

    Im looking forward to play the next Mission maybe today. But on your Last Comment i guess it will be even more Slaughtering then the Missions before.

    Its not your Fault but i seen in CMSF that the Mission Endings are mostly Total Defeat or Total Victory with High Body Counts. No Inbetween Results like it was in CMx1 like "Draw" or "Tactical" Victory so far.

    The Problem with it is to me that its hard for Enemy or yuorself to Retreat and the Game is very static. AI isnt Retreting or get breaked Moral to fall back. They start in a Position, they stay there. Also Casualties in the open are to high and anythin else then Trenches or Houses give to less cover/Concealment to Infantry Units (US AND Syrian too)

    Anyway. I liked it so far and will probably play the Rest of those Missions. Take this AARs as a Tribute to the Campaign that you designed.

    Great Work!

  8. Personal Player Note on that:

    I´m a bit sad what happended to that B-Company. I started to Like that Men like McNutts, Captain Atak or Corporal Kay. They all gone to Hell. A good Story with B-Company with a Bad Ending.

    What makes me a bit upset is that you have absolutly no chance in changing this. As we all know is that Falling back in this Game is somewhat useless if you do it on foot. Pathes are ereased for no reason and everything fall out of your Control. There are simply too much enemys and APCs, RPGs and other Stuff.

    If there is a Hint in the Design that there is comming such a Force and you should do a Coordinated Fallback with Support of Some Strykers i would Say "Hey thats okay". But not only my Men had no chance i hadnt one too.

    Heard something about Fallback but never imagined it will be THAT hard.

    I´m thinking of playing the Campaign on or not. Its a RPG Campaign and almost 100Men died that Day out on the Bridges almost killed 1/3 of a whole Battalion.

    But anyway it was Fun and Challenging.

  9. p_1199654976.JPG



    [Heroes at the Bridges. Heroic Attack on that Slaughtering APC. Sweet Revenge!!]


    [Total Defeat]


    Denouement of that Operation for B-Company

    Officers and Lots of Soldiers from 1st and 2nd Platoon died. 3rd Brought the most of their men home.

    B-Company never had the Chance to hold the Bridges nor where there a way to retreat [OT Note: It was anoying to lay escape Routes over and over again just to make the AI erease them in no time, there should be a "Fallback" Button]. Smoke and staying calm didnt help.

    WIthout MOrtar or Airsupport they where outnumbered and outgunned. THe Lack of AT Cabability (the few Laws where not enough) changed the Tide but the Loads of enemey would have won anyway.

    The High Command is rethinking of moving on at Operation Ghost because of that tough Hit on the US-Troops.

    Captain Atak suspensed from the Army for 3 Month due to Mental Traumas like the Half of the Rest of B-Company.

  10. So Captain Ataks Hands are shaking after he and about 30 Men of his whole Bravo Company make it out of this F***ing town.

    The High Command i thinkking about breaking this Operation due to the Massacre that Happended near the Bridge.

    Captain Atak felt guilty for not Staying with his Men. He had a Clear Overview over the Field of Slaughter. He rethink the Moments and he think of it again.

    He thought:"We never had a Chance. Masses of Enemys nearly twice or Three Times that much as our Men. Heavly Armed and overequipeed with RPG29 and RPG7. Crazyiest think was that they where Supportet bye BRDM-2. Bravo Company only had Few LAW where all missed on that Distances."

    Everything went okay till those Ordes where falling in. They had Control over the Enemy till those APCs showed up and without any Middle or Longrange Anti Armour Support they where done. Simply as it is. 3/4th of B-Company is lying dead on the Battlefield. Brave Men like McNutts or McNeal died. Last thing he heard of was that they captured Crazy Leutnant cannon. They speared his HEad onto the Bridges and grind their Commrades Bodys through the City.

    He never Heard of Corporal Kay. Brave Man who was totally overrun on the Right Flank Scouting.

    They couldnt Retreat the enemy was firing from all Sides. Even in Guarded Rear Areas of Town the enemy managed to kill them on the Open Road. It was just not real.

    As Able Company came to Cpt. Atak they said as they seen those Mens falling around like Ghost: "Dear god what has happend Cpt.Atak? We are here to sent Reinforcment and retake the Bridge!"

    "We got Slughtered. If that is all what you brought" he overlooked the Troops.. "then you wont Stand that Enemy. APCs and Masses of Infantry well trained and armed. No chance without Tanks or Strykers. We need Heavy Artillery and Airsupport..." he said and Collapsed.

    The Commander of Able Company Found a Camera one of the Wounded Soldiers gave him with this Photos. They speak for themselfs caught that Blood Bath into Pictures.






    [Last Pic Taken from Corporal Kay alive]



  11. So here we go again.

    As everything went as planned so far Captain Atak hear of the not so lucky Performing Carlie Companiy.

    "Thats what happening when you sent Green Guys to war".

    As the Captain Thought this they heard some AK-74 Fire on the Other Side of the Town and some People Screaming. The Radio was noiseing from an Incoming call.

    "This is Ltd. McNutts Speaking Sir. Recon Patrol says that there are some Riots over there on the other Side of the Bridges. They are armed and Dangerous. What should we do Sir!" Mc Nutt asked

    "Setup Defencive Postitions. 3Rd Platoon on the Left Flank, 2nd and 1st Right Beside them".

    "Roger" McNutt said. And the 3 Platoons where setting up Defensive Positions. 1st and 2nd Platoon Managed to put up some MMG near the Main Road to double Cross that Right Bridge without beeing to exposed. As they setup Positions with good overviews over the dry Riverbed and the Bridges they got Prone. No need to spur on that Mob out there by showing to much Military Presence. The Villages People where almost gone but they didnt like the US Troops very much. But good point was that they left the Mosquet intact so the made some Friends here so far.

    "Sir! There are Enemy Vehicles comming to. Its getting hot in here"

    Captain Atak took an overview about his Setup. Then he seen the Flanks exposed. When they have Vehicles they can Encicle us fast and cut us off from Resupply and Fallback Positions. So he orderd

    "Too every Platoons. Leaders are adviced to seperate some AT 2 Men Units and Guard the Entrances in our Part of the City. Also too Teams should Guard the Left and Right Flank." he made a short Brake.

    Then he added "And bring up that Corporal Kay on the Right Flank in that Trenches. He looks bold and clarified. He should lead a MMG Squad into that Mosquettowers and another Squad guarding the Area. He knows the Terrain."

    "Roger Captain" The Platoon Leaders said.


    So the Plan was to building up the Defense and let the Enemy come Close. Then Start Mortar Attack on Enemy Concentrations and if they come to close then Fallback into Town and but the Remaining Attackers that made it over the Bridge retreating. If everything brake to pieces they would Fallback onto that Hill where they came from.

    "Here is Captain Atak Speaking. Riots and Militia otw to our Positions Soldiers.HQ element is Sprinting on that Hill in our backs to give some Mortar Guidance from up there and have an overview onto the Battlefield. My XO will stay with you here in Town and im just a Few Meters away. Stay calm. We will make is Soldiers!"

    Captain Atak said and sprinted back to that Hill he mentioned. Should the Enemy come. The US-Troops where well prepared.

  12. I seting up Defense on a Platoon. The Platoon Leader is 25Meters away. but the MMGs got the First Point in Chain of Command Red. They have no Radio and no PDA but have C&C to the Battalion and the COmpany but not to the HQ unit 25m away?

    How far should that Shouting Distance work? Is it bugged? Or is 25m yet to far?


    [ January 06, 2008, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Taki ]

  13. You also loose alot of Firepower and it can make the Diffrence to Move a Squad up a Hill and getting fired at and cant maitin a Fireback because half the Squad is infrton and get fired on and the REst is in the Back dont get infront. A "Line" Command would do.

    And why no "Micromanaging"? The whole Game as it is right now is Micromanaging. You have to Babysitting the Units with pathfinding. You have to setup Aerafire all the Time and Supressive Fire cause they dont do on their Own. I press Pause every 30seconds i guess but thats okay i can live with it. But no Micromanaging? Heck we have right that at the Moment.

    So thats no Argument to me why there should be no Formations.

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