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Posts posted by Baneman

  1. ...

    Flat shooters like the 88 have an enormous zone of dead ground behind any obstacle in their view so there would only be a few specific times they could fire over an intervening obstacle to drop fire on a target, a hill in between for example, provided the target and the gun are many hundreds of metres from it.


    Surely as Flak guns capable of shooting practically vertically, they should have vitually no dead ground/minimum range ?

  2. If you want the crew and passengers to leave the vehicle at the start of the turn and walk to a destination, select the vehicle, press dismount and issue move orders.

    If you want the passengers to leave the vehicle at the start of the turn and walk, and the vehicle to drive somewhere after the passengers have gone, select the passengers, press dismount, then issue move orders.

    If you want the passengers to leave the vehicle at the end of the vehicle's movement, issue move orders to both units, don't press dismount.


    Sweet ! Thanks for that juicy piece of info !!

    Never realised that passengers could use dismount to get out before vehicle movement in the same turn.

    Brilliant :)

  3. If you mean the guys manning the vehicle you can't. (Or I haven't been able to get it work at least)


    As far as I know, them you tell to "Dismount" - passengers you just give a movement order.

    I'm sure I got the driver out of a 250/1 this way. Not tried with trucks since I haven't played a game with a truck yet ;)

    The only way to unload at a waypoint is to make that waypoint the END waypoint. The pause command will not work.

    It's a little bit of a pain, but workable.

    Given that there are no longer command delays, this isn't too painful. What's painful is losing 50 seconds of a vehicle's movement because you needed to get that guy out.

    Or worse, ( back before you knew this), watching your FO careen across the landscape while the mortar crew are going "WTF ? Where's he going ?"

  4. I'd like to know too.

    I've noticed that if you tell a guy to get out of a stationary vehicle and that vehicle has a movement order for that turn, that he doesn't get out until its movement is completed.

    So even if you give your halftrack a 30 second pause before its movement begins, the passenger wont get out until it's moved.

    Not a problem for RT, but in WeGo, it takes an extra turn to get them out and get it moving.

    Unless there's a "trick to it" that I'm too dim to fathom.

  5. Hmm, how do you "know" if the FO saw the spotting rounds ?

    In CMx1, this was abstracted ( as I understood it ) that if a spotting round was fired whilst the FO had los to the target, the mission was then on target.

    Are you saying that if your FO can't see the spotting round fall, he can't ( and doesn't ) correct the barrage and it ends up off target ? Do we need to draw a LoS targetting line to where we see the spotting round fall and cancel if it's not in his LoS ? And since there can be more than 1 spotting round, how many that he can't see is "too many" ?

    That said, most of my arty mission ( thus far ) have been pretty close to where I wanted, so would appreciate the clarification.


  6. Further to my question about when you get a "gunner'd" 251/1 and when you don't, if purchasing, I ran some QB selection tests.

    It seems you get :

    Panzergrenadier Battalion

    Batt Hq : 251/1 No Gunner

    Coy HQ : 251/3 No Gunner

    XO Team : 251/3 No Gunner

    Platoon HQ : 251/1 +Gunner

    Squads : 251/1 +Gunner

    Heavy platoon :

    HQ : 251/1 +Gunner

    HMG squads 2 per 251/1 : No Gunner ( makes sense as the HMG squads are 6 men each and a dedicated gunner in a 251/1 takes up one of the 12 passenger slots ).

    Pioneer Battalion

    Batt HQ : 251/3 +Gunner.

    Vehicles purchased singly :

    250/1 : +Gunner

    250/3 : +Gunner

    250/1 : No Gunner

    250/3 : +Gunner

    Couple of questions then arise :

    1) Since I thought the */3 model is the radio-equipped version, why does the Panzergrenadier Battalion HQ get a 251/1 ?

    2) Why is it that the 251/1 is the only version that comes without a dedicated gunner when bought individually ?

    3) What is the rationale for the other distribution within the battalions ?

    I'm not trying to say anything is "wrong" (particularly in the case of Q3 ), but you guys did all the TO&E research and I'd really like to know why.


    ( I only ran about 4-5 purchasing tests, so if it's more random, my bad )

  7. ... The US and the Soviets used shells with explosive charges (like the Germans) that would be devastating even with partial penetrations, and unless the fuse was a dud, the shell would explode even in a open marder fighting compartment after passing through the armor.

    Hmmm, didn't know that, thought all AP was solid to differing degrees of hardness.


  8. While the Marder crews saved money on air fresheners and candles; the interior didn't smell nearly as bad as the diesel, feet and ass smell of an enclosed tank. However that open fresh feeling that Herman got, with long locks of blonde hair flowing in the open top was often tragically cut short. Snipers, air bursts, grenades and shell splinters made open topped crews vulnerable. I have seen in game mortar kills with rifle grenades and HMG's.

    Marders are risky as are any open topped AFV. Another case of GWSS. German Weapon Superiority Syndrome.

    I think he's talking more about its possible survival from an AT round at range, not all the things that infantry could kill it with close up - all but mortars aren't going to apply at 1000m ( maybe the sniper ;) )

    I tend to agree that maybe they should spot a bit better than a buttoned tank and maybe they could be a bit harder to spot if hull down.

    I'm not too sure any crew are going to be sanguine about a red hot AT round going through any part of their vehicle though - at best, they're going to floor it in reverse !

  9. On a lighter note - in one of my Pbem games which is just beginning, it turns out that while using the (T)argetting tool to determine Los for my plucky dug-in defenders, I inadvertently clicked on a patch of ground ... and didn't notice.

    So as the battle begins and the enemy have yet to be seen, I hear firing and after hunting around the map, find this unit determinedly "befehl ist befehl !" hurting the ground near them :)

    Immediately made me think of that scene in Band of Brothers where they creep up on a German MG at the crossroads in the night and it's firing blindly into the darkness and they're all wondering "What's he shooting at ?"

    Hehe, this game has everything - even muppets.

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