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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Well that is true of virtually everything said on this forum isn't it? I am simply looking trying to encourage people who are A in Russia, and B suicidally brave to spend their lives and futures wisely. Three minutes of sign waving for what amounts to life in a Gulag just doesn't seem like a good bargain.
  2. Iwas referring specifically to Avdiivka, and how it is just too risky to push western SAM systems forward there.
  3. I think Ukraine's casualties are between a tenth and fifth of the Russia's. Which isn't great, but is tolerable given that the alternative is the entire country being turned into a concentration camp. There is at least some possibility the the Russians will wake up one morning and realize that they can just go home. The more ammo we send the faster they will figure that out.
  4. That the Russians can't lose a couple of thousand people a day for forever.
  5. My impression, and it is only that, is that it is the glide bombs that making the difference. Russia has reportedly dropped literally a couple of hundred of them on Avdiivka in the last couple of weeks. Ukraine either needs enough SAMs to be able to take risks with them, or it needs those F16s in service with the Meteor AAMs. I think those are the only thing Western inventory with the range to keep the F-!6s out the Russian AA envelope.
  6. this is an escalation by the Russians but all the coverage does a lousy job of pointing out that this is not a technical breakthrough of some sort. It is just just a violation of a fifty year old treaty. The treaty is fifty years old because the technology to do it has been around for at least that long. The U.S. should be very clear that the first two things we will do if the Russian were set actually set thing off is kill every Russian soldier in Ukraine, and their entire surface navy.
  7. I freely acknowledge that these people extremely brave and well intentioned, but it would be vastly more useful to get sent to a gulag for railroad sabotage than for holding up a sign.
  8. Yes but Ukraine getting hammered makes Biden look weak, and bad. If they can't get something thru Congress in another month he needs to start declaring things scrap, or selling Ukraine 155 shells for a dollar apiece, or otherwise take a hammer to the bureaucratic porcelain. I am not saying that is a good option, just the best of the bad ones available.
  9. This, Putin is making a push to reset the entire board in his favor. This is of course facilitated by both Mike Johnson and Donald Trump. Biden needs to find a way to push back, HARD.
  10. The Democrats have to keep the pressure up. There need to be people flying all over the country if that is what takes to get. the discharge petition done. If the petition is impossible then They need to do THIS before Ukraine's military position is unsalvageable, not after.
  11. The nonproliferation treaty died when we didn't send Ukraine enough support in the first year. Trump's recent ranting is just nail gunning the coffin shut like a carpenter who took a bunch more meth to make it to work on Monday after an all weekend bender. Always good to see and indication the Pentagon is paying attention to what is happening in Ukraine. Sweden seems to be the world leader in conventionally powered submarines, a version of this system on a USV that could submerge for the last ~ten kilometers of its attack run would have ships breaking in half from 500kg warheads going off under their keels with no idea what had killed them.
  12. It is even more noticeable when you compare it to the Bradley firing in this video. The 25mm is stitching rounds down that tree line like you laid it out with a ruler.
  13. Just the overpressure from a blast that size would be lethal for the better part of a hundred meters wouldn't it?
  14. This all true, but the USVs we have seen in action have all been cobbled together bits of civilian tech put together with limited resources. The extremely obvious thing we haven't seen yet is these USV's being equipped nice modern torpedoes. When that happens their lethality ill increase by at least an order of magnitude. Throw in that nifty Swedish system that lets a use liquid oxygen to extend the range of underwater operations, and you are talking about something truly nasty. The_Capt is also quite correct that we haven't seen UAVs employed at see in real numbers. Edit: And once the the USVs are capable of coming in underwater, even for a kilometer or two, they will be capable detonating directing under the keel, ships don't like that.
  15. Well the Russians hung on to theirs, we have seen a few in Ukraine.
  16. I do hope the drone bomber was ok. I wonder if a TOS-1 going boom has a particular signature on the infrared satellites the U.S. uses to detect ICBM launches? It would be interesting if there was another source of data on how many of them have been vaporized.
  17. Because Putin wants a negotiated solution so badly...
  18. I watched the whole video and I have some quibbles Russian fourth gen fighters are unquestionably obsolete, I think the jury is still out on NATO fourth generation platforms, which A is a broad category, and B depends heavily on the exact ECM they are using. The second thing is that S400s have not proven nearly this good at shooting down cruise missiles in Ukraine, Never mind the fact that they can barely detect HIMARS/ATACMS at all as far as we can tell. My last quibble with all games/simulations involving aircraft and missiles is that it comes down entirely to guess work on real radar cross sections, ECM, Radar ranges and so on. Even after two years of war in Ukraine a lot of this stuff is a guesstimate at best. And of course Ukraine has gotten virtually nothing produced in the last ten years other than NASSAMS, and perhaps some of the Patriot missiles. Lockheed should give those to Ukraine for free, because it has been the most effective advertising campaign in the history of mankind.
  19. This is the thing, even the best case scenario would suck. The sane peoples caucus just has to pull it together and win this.
  20. No but I am about to go look...You are teling me there is a translation availble?
  21. We can agree to disagree about how awful Trump will be then. Since the best case scenario is sort of awful we should perhaps to everything possible to insure the Democrats win, though! So lets move on to the situation around Avdiivka. Does anybody have a mere detailed map of this area where the Russians seem to be finding a seam. Is there an obvious place for the Third Assault brigade to set up another defensive position? Or are they going to have smash the Russians back out of their recent gains.
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