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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. The other lesson from this video is that the quality of your grenade toss is a life and death issues in trench warfare. The Ukrainian soldier had one or two good throws, and one truly great one. The Russians throwing was uniformly horrible, and... well, they are good zeds now. I have seen a few of the six shot grenade launchers in videos from Ukraine, it seems to me like we ought to send a couple of thousand more.
  2. Ukraine is winning for a lot of reasons, but sheer off the scale courage is surely towards the top of the list.
  3. Modi is holding all the cards here, Russia just doesn't have any other customers that can take volume of oil they need to sell. Putin can't afford to admit that his balance sheet is even worse than eveyone already assumes it is. . I wouldn't be surprised if India manages to put off resolving this until their is a new Russian government. Everybody keeps saying India is dependent on Russian arms but the Russians can't produce a tenth of what their own forces need. How exactly they are going to keep supplying India is a bit of a mystery to me. Not to mention the graphic daily proof that the Russian stuff is junk. Last but not least how exactly does India expect to deter China with Russian weapons when Russia is basically a wholly owned Chinese subsidiary at this point. I m still waiting for an explanation of how that works.
  4. And even with the one guy hitting his limit, it seems like solid, well run unit.
  5. This came out about a month ago, but I just found it, Navany's operation savaging the Moscow Elite for their many, many crimes.
  6. The Ukrainians are just flawless at this stuff.
  7. You can quibble about some of the air defense stuff, but everything else you just listed is actually ~20 years old. When you consider the extent and persistence of Chines and Russian espionage, if they are learning much new the regimes in question need to shoot whole buildings full of people for incompetence. The real secrets are how to MAKE the critical parts of various systems, and make them with enough quality control that they work reliably. And almost all of it is in the process of being superseded by a new generation of gear. Ukraine is beating Russia like a drum with stuff NATO considers borderline obsolete.
  8. And they are right to be angry, people need to understand when to listen. I understand understanding is greatly improved latrine digging.... That said, the Russians know they launched the bleeping thing, and even their excuse for a targeting apparatus ought to be able to figure out they didn't hit what they were aiming at, and the light show over Kyiv was not exactly subtle. So this is a great time to drive the point home about not posting things while stakes are limited, at least by shooting war standards.
  9. Line of the the day, I am lucky I wasn't holding coffee.
  10. This however is the Ukrainians. I have been slightly disappointed that they have derailed two fuel trains, but not had the extra charge or two to set them on fire. And if I was the guy in charge of air defense at the Kerch bridge i wouldn't be sleeping all that well.
  11. Von Runstedt's excellent advice made since then, and makes sense now. Every single thing Putin has done since last June, If not January 2022, has made no sense at all. He has already put Russia in a hole it will take a generation to climb out of. If he keeps digging for another six months it could wind up taking the better part of a century to recover.
  12. So send enough ammo and equipment to get it done.
  13. Noon tomorrow is not too soon! Actually I would argue it is a year late...
  14. Yet another four legged Ukrainian volunteer who just needs a drone ride the the spot where he can do the most damage. Can you imagine the chaos if he was dropped into a crowded dugout in the middle of the night.
  15. Many thanks as always for keeping us in the loop! is there any indication what the UR-77. was shooting at? Video has fantastic atmospherics, but is not terribly clear.
  16. From the articles conclusion. He peels the outer layer of a very large onion. Or to put it more accurately he discusses only the innermost layer or two of a very large onion. He talks a fair bit about the necessity of shooting down the other side drones, and seeing the enemy before he sees you, but does not once mention that the only way to do this is with a your own drone cloud. I suspect he is good friends with the part of the army establishment pushing a manned recon helicopter Then of course the question we have been discussing intermittently for nearly 2500 pages is whether you need need a mechanized column to exploit the victory your ISR bubble has just won over the enemies ISR bubble, or is excellent comms to your, hopefully longe range and relatively precise, fires complex enough. If you lose the aforementioned ISR battle a mechanized column is just a bunch of targets, Ukraine has certainly proved that much.
  17. You are inadvertently pointing out the difference between The War in Ukraine, and the various counterinsurgencies the U.S. has been involved in for the last twenty years. There simply are not any meaningful number of civilians in no man's land between the Russian and Ukrainian positions in in and around Bakmuht. The problem is telling the difference between friendlies and enemies when both sides are covered in the exact same mud, and in many cases using the the same or similar gear.
  18. The I would argue the the Javelin is doing quite a bit more than that, given its ability to stay locked on with radically changing view aspects and target maneuvers. Next generation tank FCS Should enable things like passing the view from the commanders sight, or a remote drone view, to the gunners station. The gunner pre approves all four targets in a specified order, and tells the FCS to fire the instant it can bear on the target. Thus the tank could emerge from essentially complete cover and fire four rounds at four preselected targets, and be reversing back into cover in less than thirty seconds to assess. Of course next level is for the platoon commander to be able to set this up for four tanks at once. So you would be looking at 16 rounds going down range in thirty seconds with no double targeting. It would make a heck of a show when they crested the ridge.
  19. Probably just opportunistic, hey boss there is only a squad manning that whole kilometer. That said, if Ukraine really is strong enough attacking between Donestk, and Luhansk, then driving South to the Azov BEHIND Donestk City would be about the strongest statement it is possible to make, short of driving on Moscow
  20. I agree we are a long way #3, I would ague that in a lot of ways, the Javelin's targeting system for instance, and a lot of functionality in air defense systems, we are already at #2. The next stage will be those sorts of systems on things like a tanks main gun. Where the gunner just clicks an image with a mouse, and the tank's FCS does everything else. And then the next iteration gunner can click three images, and watch the FCS engage them in order, while all he does is make sure he is still happy with the targets, and the barrel isn't about to smack a tree. At which point we come to Steve's favorite question, does the gunner have to be in the tank?
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