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Posts posted by juan_gigante

  1. I'm refering to having a specific round type pre-loaded. So that at the beginning of the scenario, the gun or tank would already have an HE in the tube, ready to go, instead of how it is now, where they have a magic shell that can turn into whatever they what in the tube, ready to go.

    Because this was an issue that tankers historically faced, I think it would be a fun little tidbit to have. The ready racks sound like more effort than they are worth, however.

  2. I'm refering to having a specific round type pre-loaded. So that at the beginning of the scenario, the gun or tank would already have an HE in the tube, ready to go, instead of how it is now, where they have a magic shell that can turn into whatever they what in the tube, ready to go.

    Because this was an issue that tankers historically faced, I think it would be a fun little tidbit to have. The ready racks sound like more effort than they are worth, however.

  3. Perhaps I'm a bit behind the times, but I'd like to speak up for "Dug-Out Doug". That nickname is actually woefully inaccurate. Douglas MacArthur spent large amounts of time at the front, in combat. He repeatedly (against the advice of much of his command staff) put his own life in danger so he could examine the current state of his fighting units. This was a habit of his from WWI (where he went over the top with his men) on.

    And while I'll admit that sacrificing the initiative immediately after Pearl Harbor was a bad, bad decision, his defensive campaign in retreating into Bataan / Corregidor (sp?) was impressive. And even though early in the retaking of the many South Pacific islands he took his lumps, he soon adopted an strategy of bypassing and isolating Japanese strongholds and starving them out, saving the lives of many American soldiers. Was he a glory-hound politician? Yes. But did he still get the job done? Yes.

  4. I'd like to think about this from the other direction. Let's say that ATGs are holding uo my advance, I don't have any arty spotters or on-board mortars nearby, and the guns are supported by nearby enemy infantry. I've got a few tanks around. What would be the best way to take them out? HE from the tanks from just out of LOS? Pin the guns with long-range MG fire, then Shoot-And-Scoot with tanks?

  5. I would rather wear it in close range city fighting than while I'm running across the bare steppe. But I think it would be more effective at long range. After all, at close range, a bullet would still have enough power to punch through the armor, and it wouldn't protect against being hit in the head with a rifle butt. Whereas at long range, you're more likely to get hit with shrapnel, which I would imagine the armor could handle better.

  6. I remember reading a book about Stalingrad talking about how the German tankers had lots of trouble from that. They would want HE loaded to take down buildings and kill infantry, but they would want AP loaded for Russian tanks.

    I think this is a feature that should be included, but I would be a little worried about player control balance. Either there would be too much player control and we would have unrealism and irritating micromanagement, but with not enough player control I have this vision in my head of the Tac AI doing some really, really dumb stuff. Not just loading the wrong thing (realistic for tank crews to sometimes select AP when all enemy tanks are dead), but things like all the tanks in the platoon selecting the same thing or other iffy things. I think it would be better to err on the side of less player control, but the potential for irritating things to occur is a bit daunting.

  7. I remember reading a book about Stalingrad talking about how the German tankers had lots of trouble from that. They would want HE loaded to take down buildings and kill infantry, but they would want AP loaded for Russian tanks.

    I think this is a feature that should be included, but I would be a little worried about player control balance. Either there would be too much player control and we would have unrealism and irritating micromanagement, but with not enough player control I have this vision in my head of the Tac AI doing some really, really dumb stuff. Not just loading the wrong thing (realistic for tank crews to sometimes select AP when all enemy tanks are dead), but things like all the tanks in the platoon selecting the same thing or other iffy things. I think it would be better to err on the side of less player control, but the potential for irritating things to occur is a bit daunting.

  8. But bats will come out!

    And Michael, I was agreeing with you. I was saying that whats makes Stonehenge so cool is that stripped down spelling. We agree that extra "u"s are lame. We agree Stonehenge is cool. I was merely adding an addendum to your point. Besides, us Washingtonians have to stick together against the rest of the lamezors on this board.

  9. Actually Sir 37mm, it may interest you to know that I challenged MadMatt a week or so ago... I made a special thread for it. It is a few pages back and is called "Time To Go Head Up". I won't post a link because I don't like you very much and would enjoy having you do extra work.

    I gave it some thought, and I elected not to challenge you, Sir 37mm. I would prefer to challenge someone who would actually finish a game with me, not run crying to their mommies around turn 13 because "The mean man killed my panzers!". Besides, I'd feel kind of bad about taking you to the cleaners like that. I'm just like that. It's not that I'm particularly good. It's that your remarkable lack of skill at doing, well, anything makes it an impressive achievement everytime you even figure out how to turn your computer on and stumble onto this forum. But, if someday you decided to man up and take your lumps, I suppose I could make time in my busy schedule to slap you around a little. Just make it a small battle, so that you will have less time to feel the pain, and maybe I'll show a little mercy.

  10. I wouldn't joke about moose porn. This was a recent news story up here in the greater Seattle area:

    "FRIDAY, JULY 15 There's no easy way to say it: Today brings the story of the Seattle man who was f**ked to death by an Enumclaw horse. This intricately twisted saga first burst out of the bestial underground into mainstream existence back on July 2, when a 45-year-old Seattle man was dropped off at the Enumclaw Community Hospital, where he was soon pronounced dead from injuries sustained while having sex with a horse. This collection of facts formed the core of today's Seattle Times report, which put the sickening scandal on the cultural map, and positioned Times writer Jennifer Sullivan as Horsegate's own Bob Woodward. Tomorrow Sullivan will continue her quest for the Pulitzer of Ick with a mind-bending follow-up report. Among the revelations: The Seattle man's specific cause of death was acute peritonitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines the abdomen) due to perforation of the colon; police believe the 40-acre farm northwest of Enumclaw was visited by "a significant number of people" who met over the internet and longed to f**k livestock; and, perhaps worst of all, a whole bunch of the interspecial f**king was caught on film, with authorities seizing hundreds of hours of videotape from the farm, including footage of men having sex with horses, and yes, including footage of the Seattle man getting fatally banged. Extra weird twist: Washington is one of 17 states that don't outlaw bestiality, leaving police with diminished prosecution options and inspiring the U.S. Humane Society to use the case during the next state legislative session as a prod for outlawing sex with animals in Washington. As for the true victims in this story—the fatally horse-f**ked man's family—the man's relatives told the Times they never suspected he was involved in bestiality, and admitted they were surprised when he purchased a Thoroughbred stallion earlier this year."

  11. And everyone knows that everything that sounds the same is spelled the same.

    However, despite our language differences, we can all come together and bask in the awesomeness of this paragraph, found on the American Fence Association website:

    "Fence professionals who want to improve their skills and learn the latest techniqes should attend Field Training School at its new central location in Tulsa, Oklahoma."

  12. Damn, Colt, it's great to meet another Minesweeper player. Nobody ever gives it the respect it deserves. About five years ago I got a new computer I didn't put any games on it for about a month and a half and just played minesweeper. And it is great to use as a distraction while you're trying to get work done.

    My high scores on my old computer were

    Beginner: 6 seconds

    Intermediate: 33 seconds

    Advanced: 88 seconds

    Now I again have a new computer, and I haven't made my way back to there yet, but I'm working at it. I think I'm actually going to take a screenshot of my best times screen on the old computer before it becomes my sister's, just so I can remember the good old days.

  13. Let's see...

    You made a slight change to my name, you called me a moron, you used the word inane, you told me to sod off, and you included a brief footnote.

    Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what one would expect. No imagination. If you're going to insult me, at least think of a reasonably clever way to do it. See, if I were to come in here and just say "Wankers.", it'd be dumb. One, because that's just dumb, and two, because I would be ripping off Elvis. It is important to do something reasonably fresh. If you're going to waste BFC server space with your insults to me, take the time and think of something witty. After all, does it not say in the rules that one should show wit and imagination? Go back a few pages and read the Justicar's insulting of me. He showed a little creativity, he didn't just post the same "standard Peng" crap that everyone always does, from which you have clearly taken much inspiration.

    But I'm a nice guy, so I'm going to give you another chance. This might be tough for you, but take that little brain cell of yours, work real hard, think of something funny, witty, and original, and try insulting me again. C'mon, try it.

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