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Posts posted by tc237

  1. "Why Mister", "for baby"
    I still hear that in my dreams.


    Question for the Fins,

    When my unit was deployed to Macedonia in the '90s on a UN mission, we had the pleasure of serving with a Finnish unit (FinCoy IIRC).

    The Finns I talked to said they weren't an actual active army unit, but had been recruited specificly for the UN mission.

    Some of the guys had extensive experience and prior deployments, others had recently signed up.

    (I did have a nice long discussion about hockey, they could not stop raving about Teemu Selanne, for good reason).

  2. That would be a dream come true.

    Currently I have 6 test maps and would love to simply copy&paste a few together.

    It would eliminate the need to redo all the work and tweaking it took to get the maps perfect.

    Another request:

    The ability to scroll the Editor's map using the keyboard (arrow keys or WASD).

    I have dual monitors and the Editor map won't scroll once the mouse moves off it's monitor.

    Also keyboard for changing objects facing.

    I know the team has other issues to solve first.

  3. Maybe a SBCT guy can answer this:

    Regarding that plow in the pic, how effective is it?

    Does not look like it can dig in very deep.

    Does the vehicle have enough power to plow through hard ground?

    How many hits can that plow take?

    Just throwing some question out there.

    Like M1A1TC, I'm hoping a full featured obstacle/counter obstacle feature is eventually included in the game.

  4. Also, along with the contour lines, use plenty of elevation points along the way to force the terrain into place.

    Sometimes lower/higher elevations will "leak" through your contour lines causing the jagged effect. Use contour lines two squares deep to prevent the "leaks"

    Let us know if you need more help.

    (edit:You can e-mail me the scenario if you'd like)

    [ August 13, 2007, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: tc237 ]

  5. Originally posted by SlowMotion:

    But when I tried to use Mark Mines command, it was always disabled. I really wonder if all engineers can do this? Or is it that it's not possible in all situations?

    I've found that the Engineers have to be fairly close to the minefield for the "Mark Mines" command to become active.

    Try that.

  6. Thanks SlowMotion,

    I've run a few tests also. (Veteran level)

    After a unit hits a mine, a red warning sign pops up.

    Units will continue to walk into the minefield and take casulties.

    If an Engineer unit "Marks Mines", the warning sign turns green.

    Other Units will now bypass the marked minefeild and attempt to walk around it.

    Looks like Engineers units don't breach the minefield, they simply mark it for other units to bypass.

    If there are unmarked mines flanking the marked field, units may take casualties when trying to bypass. So make sure your Engineers mark all the minefields in an obstacle blet.

    Anyone else have info on this?

  7. BD,

    Thanks for starting this thread, I've been pondering the same things.

    My problem is that I just can't settle down and make a scenario.

    I have too many ideas to try out and end up wasting time messin' around with the editor.

    Possible scenario ideas:

    - Expand on the Syria theme with scenario's based on another axis of advance towards Damascus, etc.

    - OIF Mar-Apr 03: 3ID battles (these can almost be a mini campaign), smaller actions (101stAB, 173rdAB, 82AB)

    - OIF May 03->: stuff that BD mentioned.

    - Gunnery Range :)

    It's time to just sit down and get to work.

  8. BIAP did get hit a lot by rockets in late 2003 -2004. Don't know what they did to try and stop it.

    On our FOB Rustimayah/Cuervo we did pretty much what NormalDude describes. Scouts setup Op's and our TF mortars (M1064 120mm) fired some CB that put a stop to it for a while.

    Oh, watching those 120mm mortars fly out of the tube, they look like footballs sailing into the air. Awesome sight. Loud as Hell!!

    Don't worry about Rob Ross, he's just bustin' our chops...

  9. Originally posted by Angryson: I like how the turret door moves with the turret. Now we need a mod for the driver honking the horn before he drops ramp.
    LOL :D:D

    If only there were a picture of a pin-up girl on the turret shield door, bottles of water stuck in every possible crevice, and index cards pasted inside the turret which displayed target ranges for last year's gunnery.

    Now I got to make a NTC/CMTC M1A1 skin with Beef Jerky pouches and Chicken n' Biscuit boxes shoved into the Ready Ammo Rack!

  10. Originally posted by Splinty:

    That is all IA now,were you guys getting mortared alot back then? We're going back and forth with FOB Loyalty as the most hit FOBs in Iraq right now.

    Not really.

    The first half of our deployment (summer-autumn 2003)was fairly quite (for my unit, other then major events like the UN bombing).

    Don't remember the first time but it might have been in Jan 2004. And even then it was maybe once a day/night. I think our scouts from 2nd ACR setup an OP and caught the guy.

    I do remember it started raining on Nov 17 and did not stop untill late March. :D

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