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Everything posted by Petteerr

  1. Hi i have cmsf and all of modules but i cant add any kind of precipation to maps through editor.No fog, no rain, no snow etc..is there any way to enalbe these options through editor?
  2. Is there any way we can edit files so we can have a ai vs ai battle?
  3. Ok i think i fixed it i changed some things about resolution on bldw.ini and ww.ini and now works i have just to change my resolution corresponding to what i put on ini files..thats all for now
  4. Hi, I have a strange issue with tow,i have windows xp3,phenom black quad edition 2.6 and gainward 4870X2!My motherboard is assus m3a32-mvp deluxe wi-fi! Theater of war uber patch were working correctly but suddenly the last 2 days when ihit the game exe the windows just rotate the background image and nothing happens i have to rotate again at 180 to have normal windows enviroment! I can load normally mission editor but i cant load the game,just rotate the winows envirmonet no mater what resolution i use and thats all! Any idea what causing this?
  5. Kieme(ITA), Reading the manual if i understood it says that both sides can have AI plans so doesnt this means we can have AIVSAI at least this is what i thought. Yes actually i try to make some units of blue force to be AI while i keep a unit to be controlable from me. Saying sth like AIVSAI, i think it can be done,or not?
  6. Hi, Iam trying to create an AIVSAI scenario but i cant do blue force controlable by computer.I have read the manual and accordingly i have put AI groups to blue force(f2-f8) and i have create AI plans but when itry to play i dont see units being controlable by AI. I purchace a heavy infantry combined arms and i give it A2 Group, i then go to AI MODE and i create group2 plans.So after,i go to test my mission and the Heavy infantry combined arms are not AI controable.Please any help? Is there a scenario tutorial for AIvsAI? Thank you..
  7. Hi, Same problem here,after playing for a couple of minutes it crashes to desktop or reboots!!Lately when it is to crash it reboots all the time,i also have experience the runtime error when i try to exit the game! For me, with this patch the game is unplayable AMD5800+ X86 ATI X1950 GT 512 MB 4MB RAM ASUS CROSSHAIR 600 WATT WINDOWS XP SEFVICE PACK 2
  8. I didnt meant to make Campaign with huge maps and thousands units,etc(even if i dont find it such a bad idea,lol). Iam just saying that for those who would like to create massive battles(mission editor) wouldnt be so bad to change that limitation!
  9. Thanks for your correspodance.if that could be possible on a future add-on i think would be cool!
  10. Is it possible to change this limitation on future patches or add-on's? Making bigger maps will need much more units.
  11. Hi, Try to create a mission and i like to put as many units(detachments-tanks-artillery) as possible.I have noticed that when too many units (groups) exist on mission editor when later you try to run this mission it crashes to desktop! When redusing the size i can play the mission,so my question is does anybody know what is the size limit of creating a scenario with many units at first?? I dont think its matter of pc because it crashes to desktop no chance to run and test the frames!
  12. I agree with Tofke,i think a surrender option would be very nice,enjoyable,and interesting feature. Calculating skills,morale,health status,if commander is alive,etc, a surrender feature would have fun! Also why not after surrender to see the surrendered units take some kicks on the as. by the opposite units as i have seen to some interesting ww2 documentaries.lol
  13. About the realism of the game,i was testing the various inf-off-summer-winter (officers) mainly for german units uniforms and their insignia on the uniform(shoulder) and i think that many ranks apears to be shown up on the uniforms(shoulder insignia-collar insignia) mistakenly. Though iam not sure about this,have anybody else checked this? e.x A Captain-ss unit officer appears(i dont remeber if it was summer or winter i think was winter 40-43) with two star on collar and with no stars on shoulder insignia,is this right? I think should be with three stars on collar and two on shoulder insignia. Many others also.
  14. Lol, Yeah that was interesting weird stuff. If you find anything relative Cincinatvs please feel free to post it I think it would be nice if we could edit some of those sounds!
  15. Hi, Thanks for the reply.. I dont disagree with that,i subscribe with this point of view. But i was wondering for some people who dont have so much time to make all those triggers and variables as me,lol,why couldnt be a prefixed AI tactical so we can use it.I know that every mission is different and the capabilities with those triggers could be really unlimited but would need many hours of doing for each mission.I think would be better if there was a prefix tactical AI intelligence or many prefix tacticts to choose from so we adapt our mission to those prefixed tacticts of AI(About support). As concern the movement of Artillery if we give an attack command or storm command we notice that Army groups consisted of soldiers and some vehicles(spg tanks etc) will move to attack or storm to the specific RECT while Artillery crewed units standing there with out moving.Why not reacting as the other vehicles,notice enemy and take suitable positions to attack and adapt their positions acordingly the situation? As i said i understand the values of triggers and variables but trying to make things unlimited or too much complicated sometimes we miss the point.I think it wouldnt be so difficult if you made a choise who want to use prefix Ai for some units and who would like to create a new tactical using all those variables.Like enable prefix Ai or disable etc. As concern moving artillery i really cant understand why spg's and tanks moves while artillery stay there?We dont need to add anything when we give an attack command or storm so they move right? why to be different with Artillery units? We also could use triggers and variables for moving with a SPECIFIC ways tanks and spg etc,but when we give Runcommand we notice that they simple move.Now if we want to do sth different than just move we could make some triggers etc.The artillery guys seemed to be forgotten! Its a very nice game with many features and capabilities,why not try to make it for people that dont have much time as simple and as more functional as it can be?
  16. Hi, I would just like to mention a few things that i found to be little dissapointing as concern desinging missions and AI intelligence! As I have also reported in my other topic, I believe that it is not so interesting and useful for needing we code always using triggers. Eg I had reported that [AI] does not select automatically the use of artillery or bombing(any kind of support we enable) according to running situation, should that is to say we we mark to him with triggers the region where it should it affects. Also, from what I have tryed up to now the artillery of [AI] it is not moved if is not used again code from triggers! While we as human players we can move the artillery as we want this doesnt happen with AI intelligence.(I mean dynamically and according to situation)Triggers is sth static or need much programming to be part dynamic. Trying to create a mission doesnt mean we just create it only for others,i would also like to test this mission but without knowing where he Ai will support its Army or where to Strike or how will move its Artillery.(through premade triggers)I believe this should be fixed at future patches,some things about Ai Intelligence should be basic and should not need triggers.I mean should be more easy for the simple creators(who dont have much knowledge about programming) of missions.But i also strongly believe that those things would be there without needed to be triggered as the Automated reaction of finding a better place to hide or to outnumbered the enemy or even to fire, i believe the Automated support of fires and Automated strikes for AI(when we enable) should be there as basic features.
  17. Hi Cincinatvs, Unfortunately i havent figure out,its being along since my last visit to il-2 forums,i hope soon we could hear and edit those sounds.
  18. I suppose inside this file we can hear the sounds we hear when we play.Is there a program converter that we can use to convert this file so we can use with windows media player? Can we edit those sounds?
  19. Blond_Knight, If you have any success please report it here. I would like to see if you managed to do the trick with the spotter and the created rectangle.
  20. So,what can we do to make Ai support itself?I mean to let Ai choose where to support its Army without having to code it(Ai to choose itself wich rectangular or point to support) Mean without coding it through triggers except just enabling it! Is that possible? Or need a patch?
  21. Ohh I forgot to mention that of course i have add units to Ai support through the mission tab(press to edit supports). Although i have done this and enable it through triggers as i explain above the Ai doesnt seem to react.Even if they need to get support they never choose to support their Army.I think the only way is to code it thorugh triggers where we choose where the Ai to strike but as i explained like that is not very interesting! So does anyone have tried this? Is there anything else i could do so that Ai support itself?
  22. Ok, Iam messing with the editor and i have create one mission where i try to test various things.One of them is AI artillery support,i have add support to Ai army and i have enable it through triggers.(just enabled it,didnt give order to bomb or support a particular rectagular or point) AviaSupportChangeState ( 2 , ALL , ENABLE ) ArtSupportChangeState ( 2 , ENABLE ). The disspointing is that the Ai intelligense doesnt choose where to use Artillery by itself i think that we have code it through triggers but like this it isnt so much interesting and moreover even we that we taste the mission and also play it we know where always the Ai will shoot. Am i wrong? can we make Ai to support itself(automated,dynamic) with out having to code it?? Thanks..
  23. I have read those docs and i couldnt find anything,maybe its my English,so if you know,can you be more helpful? Is there anybody who could help please?
  24. Hi, I was messing with ME and i cant find out how to move Ai units. I have created an enemy group consisted of various enemy Ai Units but i cant move them to a specific area, how can this happen??How can i issue waypoints or give orders so groups can move and protect(defend) a specific area? Also,when i add an artillery unit and i choose to add crew,always it appears empty on the mission,its the artillery and the four man that suppose to be the crew are all around but they are not "into" gun.How can i man the arty gun from mission editor?
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