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Everything posted by para

  1. Issac I sent you my turn and i didn't get one back. I presumed you was busy and would get back with me when you was able too. having said that i have been having problems receiving email turns from Boo. so it could be my isp.i will send my last turn again today [ August 26, 2006, 07:52 AM: Message edited by: para ]
  2. true about the ai.I always struggle against humans,but i managed a tcp/ip tactical victory attacking over one last week so i am happy.
  3. Those 152's reload bloody slowly.Took me a while to figure that out. what do you think to my strategy? I strung the at mines and the barbed wire along my right side of the map. This made the axis go up the middle and the left towards the flag.they sent men forward and came into contact with my defenders,the tigers joined in the assault. i had hid the 57's either side of the map and waited till the tigers exposed their sides or rears. I had the 152's behind a little hill. i opened up with my 57's and then when the tigers turned to face the 57's i shooted and scooted my 152's.the 57's took out 2 tigers and my 152's the others.then i slaughtered their exposed infantry.
  4. Well i'm really pleased with myself.I have finally managed a major victory on the russian training map 411?(the one with the 4 tigers v 2 su122's)after about 8 attempts i finally managed to ko all the tigers and cause 1800 axis casualties. I used to **** myself when i saw tigers now i have learned how to use feints and tactics to outwit them. The feeling you get killing a tiger with a 57mm at gun is great. i love this game
  5. I would love that word document. If possible could you email it to me but not on the email in my profile. [ August 21, 2006, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: para ]
  6. JasonC Where are these training scenarios located please
  7. JasonC see post below [ August 18, 2006, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: para ]
  8. I understand i shall look into it when i get home. cheers
  9. Originally posted by Drescher: Hmm, not so sure if this helps, but this happened to me and it took me a while to figure it out. I too am behind a router, there are 3 computers running through this router. It is a Netgear, I dont know if this applies to others too. Whenever I start my comp, it gets assigned a number within the network. Problem is, this number is not static, it changes according to when I start it. IE when my comp is the only machine working it is x.x.x.1, normally, when all are working its x.x.x.2 etc. So I have to look up in the router settings more or less each time I try to setup a TCP/IP game to see what devicenumber I got and usually change portforwarding settings accordingly. There are two pc's running off my router.Can you explain how to do the above please
  10. para

    A New AAR!

    I want the demo now or i'm going to hurt you!
  11. Ahhh the penny has finally dropped! That makes sense to me now. Thanks again JC ps are you in the forces or is this all self taught whilst playing the cm series?
  12. Is there anything you don't know? as usual JC a very informative post, thanks.
  13. I have the 88 page booklet that came in the dvd case from cdv. Although i have read that the disk contains another book in pdf format so i will be checking that out..aha there is a pdf manual on the disk,i shall print that off.it mentons tcp/ip probs! [ August 16, 2006, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: para ]
  14. 00X00000000 00000000X00 00000000000 00000H00000 X0000000000 000000000X0 I am really trying to get a to grips with all this military knowledge you guys have so don't get angry with me if the following is stupid.the h=Hq 0's are the grunts, what are the x's?are they squad leaders? am i correct in saying that to get across open ground you would form your men like this 15-20m apart? is this they way to get across all open ground no matter the distance?would they moving advancing or running? would you be combining all of the above.
  15. Jason I'm not quite clear about your 'blob' formation would you mind just doing abasic diagram for me thanks
  16. I haven't got the cmbb manual.Could you cut and paste the pages for me please
  17. We live about 70 miles(100Km?) from each other and the map was 25+turns. we are both using routers-we have made sure that xp firewall(exception)allows cmbb access
  18. We live about 70 miles(100Km?) from each other and the map was 25+turns. we are both using routers-we have made sure that xp firewall(exception)allows cmbb access [ August 15, 2006, 02:16 PM: Message edited by: para ]
  19. we played a map friday. It took about 5 or 6 attempts of him or me trying to host/join. we allowed cmbb access via our avs and xp firewalls.We tried the whats my ip test and eventually got it to work,with me as host. Then last night same thing happened again,this time though by turning off our av's it connected and we played a map. when we tried to play a 2nd map we had the connecting problems.I hope this makes some sense to you
  20. 1 same person hosted...me 2 didn't change any settings,well none that i know of. we keep getting the 'error unable to connect to ip' message. we have done the 'whatsmy ip.com' thing-opened up ports in network-turned on and off anti-v progs-turned firewalls on and off-it has worked on two occassions only thus far
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