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Posts posted by Destraex

  1. I own the original TOW. But have not played it a great deal due to a few things.

    Chief amongst them was the frame rate issues.

    Will TOW2 have fixed this problem? I am assuming #2 is not a sequel, but rather uses the same engine.

    P.S. I will be playing a lot more TOW of it with the new patch to see if it has improved..

  2. the strat map is pretty much the same concept as cc4.... so you are right their. To be honest I have probably played cc2 the least. But that was more due to the periods I had a computer more than anything..... many people think cc2 was the best one.

    I rather fancied cc1 as one of the better ones. But nobody seems to like that one. I liked the sounds in cc1, the fact that things seemed to be a little more scaled (tanks and men) and the same truce style warfare that cc2 had. Other things that were good were the general advance order, general hold ground and general retreat.

    BTW in cc5 you can still truce

  3. "Battlefield2 offers up an exceptional first person perspective on mordern infantry"

    I play the realism mod for BF2 but cannot say it has anything on reaslism for infantry compared to Armed Assault. THe vanilla bf2 off-course is a complete load of @$@% when it comes to weapons, damage and just about anything else you can think of. Only thing it has going for it is team work.

    I think we all know that RTS is not a simulation but its it is good from the perspective that you get to see what happens tactically and learn without watching icons or being restricted by the FPS perspective. It just turns the icons into 3d graphics thats all. I have to say CMSF has more realistic command and control than TOW though.

    LAst time I checked BTW SBproPE was only a small community that was lucky to muster 50 peeps once a week for multiplay

    What upset me about spproPE was that it was too expensive for my friends to buy and too obscure - when you are talking $130 US to wait three weeks for a USB key its not exactly an impulse buy. If I wanted to play it now I have a vague idea of where the USB key is ;)

    I don't regret buying it though.... Although I must say that its more fun to roll 3D units around and control them than be FPS one shot one kill most of the time.

    Besides can't you see that RTS is the way wars will be fought in future ;) The first armed remote control combat drones are already in action. Prepare to fight from your PC

  4. Shiftz I also own steel beasts PE and agree its the most realistic simulator out their. Problem is nobody owns it and it requires a usb key for play. You also cannot really control an entire force effectively but rather just a platoon.

    I still think the AI is dumb for some parts of Steel Beasts - i.e the helecopter AI and lack of real air power.

    I agree that I want to see a European war scenario depicted in CMSF like in SBproPE but cannot see it happening.

    Command and control simulation in CMSF is something I think it has over SBproPE and infantry and force control size and did i mention infantry control and simulation...... in sb infantry are very - well static and useless

  5. To be honest I think based on the demo I will end up buying both as I love the change in theatre and time that CMSF represents.

    We know that Battlefront are already working on an expansion with possibly marines and coop play so I would not hold your breath for a new ww2 game. I would estimate at least two years if not more before we see another CMx2 game and it may not even be ww2. Afterall ww1 and other

    On the other hand we have TOW here and now

  6. I thought that CMSF was every bit as scripted as TOW... I think it even says so in the manual IIRC

    I don't think either game has an "adaptive AI" that will change tactics mid game without a trigger being hit

    Tow is certainly prettier and has a lot more variety as you would expect from the different timeframe.

    TOW has most things that CMSF has.... TOW just needs a little more love I think.

    Close Combat offcourse will let you create any map as far as I am aware and the AI will take time to create generate its own pathing and understanding. Did CM1 engine do that aswell or was it scripted?

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