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Posts posted by GSX

  1. Those individuals on a certain other forum are, for lack of a better term, nuts. Even though it is clear we will never, ever, in a million years do anything to even remotely please them, they obsessively read this forum probably more than anybody else other than me. I can't say they obsessively play the game, though, because last I heard one of the leading tailpipes over there hasn't so much as touched the Demo. Which tells you about how much interesting stuff is going on in that life :)

    It's completely psychotic behavior. I don't think a psychiatrist in the world would give them a free pass on their activities. It's absolutely unhealthy.

    But hey, if they want to waste their precious moments on this Earth having extreme OCD about a game they hate... that's their choice. It's our choice to pity them and (obviously) not read a word they write.


    Er Steve, you are aware the Forum they are on about isnt Gamesquad? Right?

  2. I never use "hunt" anymore for infantry except for very specific tasks like clearing buildings. "Hunt" just seems to get my men killed, because it gives enemy infantry more time to spot them and shoot them.

    Instead, I keep 2/3 to 3/4 of my men on overwatch keeping an eye out and the rest, I always move on "Quick", always from cover to cover, the aim always being to move to a good observation/firing position. They get to the new OP faster and then have a longer time to spot whatever maybe around.

    I'm with you. I rarely use anything but quick for my infantry, haven't for about 3 years. As you said, hunt usually just gets your men killed quicker.

  3. You didn't stumble, perchance, on a particular cabal of banned grousers did you? If the game was made of bacon they'd be complaining about it not being dry-cured applewood smoked bacon. There's nothing in the world that if you really wanted to complain about it that you couldn't find cause if you looked hard enough.

    I was reading this earlier and was waiting for someone to make the obvious wrong assumption based on a stupid pre-conceived notion that GS is for banned grousers. It's a bit like saying BF is only for Fanboys. In truth both sites are somewhere in-between.

    I suppose Matrix is just full of whiney banned grousers then:D

  4. Don't forget the effect on the British divisions. Risk averse, not wanting to be the last man to die, etc. Now, before the flames start, that was a gross oversimplification, but there were comments - contemporary - about the desert veteran divisions not performing at the elite/crack/veteran level expected of them. (I'm sure this would be true of any other nation as well, given the same circumstances.)

    Also, and your points taken on board, its a big difference running around the desert for 2 years and then suddenly finding yourself in tight hedgerow country. Im sure more than 1 'Desert rat' found that a bit bewildering.

    This is a good example of how a veteran unit could become a regular unit though as it moves into an alien environment. Of course the men from the 7th Ard et al probably did feel that theyd done their bit though.

  5. That sounds reasonable.

    On the other hand, what is the game definition of experience in terms of "regular" as opposed to "green?" I can see conscripts as being quickly or poorly trained, green as adequately trained but unseasoned by any front line duty, regular as well trained and/or having some front line experience, veteran as having considerable front line experience, crack as having a lot of battlefield experience and elite as...what? The most experience and still surviving without becoming stale or gun-shy?

    What makes this a bit confusing to me is that, say in the quick battle screen, we get to choose our units by different levels in four categories: experience, motivation, fitness and leadership.

    To me, "veteran" just speaks of experience. On the other hand, "crack" and "elite" imply something more than just experience...attitude, maybe, or confidence? If so, those speak of training, motivation and leadership...the latter two of which are already supposed to be separate categories.

    Perhaps I'm going too deep into the conventional meanings of these terms. After all, the game category for this is "experience." Perhaps the intention was to simply have convenient terms to describe the experience spectrum from "barely trained" to "most highly proficient" in the art of combat, and these words were selected as being ones people are most familiar with. But when most people casually use the terms "crack" or "elite" they generally intend to describe a host of combat qualities not limited to mere level of training or experience.

    Anyway, just some thoughts and questions on what these terms mean, both in game terms and with respect to history and the real world.

    All good points but Id add that some units that never saw combat until D-Day were regarded as Crack or elite. Take the Parachute units in Normandy. Pegasus Bridge for example would have been taken by troops which would only have been Green in the above context but I dont think you could describe them as Green in any other way than unbloodied. Same goes for various US units, Rangers etc......

    Definitely hard to quantify exactly.

  6. You can. Doesn't make it true though.

    There are several threads mentioning the AI's unfortunate selection of massed ATGs, particularly in small battles, and it's been mentioned pretty much every time that this is a bug that slipped through.

    You also don't need to play a human to avoid this. You lose some of the fog of war, but you can select the AI's forces yourself if you want.

    Thats what I do. I wondered about that AT selection. Mind you, AI will never beat human for an opponent.

  7. Yes this is the problem really, solid AP shot is "detonated" on trees, and not just big trunks either, a smallish branch can stop multiple AP rounds making them very very effective cover in the game. Even .50 should shred through trees which are mostly air after all, but whole bursts can be stopped dead.

    This was pretty much my point and not the effects of HE rounds. However, I didn't realise that enough shots will kill a tree, guess I didn't give it enough time.

    But I do think the problem remains, the AI seems to aim for the dead centre of a vehicle and so getting that tree to line up dead centre on your Sherman means your pretty much invulnerable from the front to any calibre AP shot. Well, from what I'm reading, for a few shots anyway.

  8. Something I knew about in CMSF has just become much more important in CMBN.

    The ability of the tree to withstand any kind of projectile and not be damaged in the slightest.

    In CMSF there were so few trees I considered this pretty unimportant but CMBN has a lot of trees. If one was being gamey a good tactic would be to park directly in front of a tree with the tree exactly in the middle.

    This may be the very reason we see vehicles in archive photos running around covered in tree pieces as they discovered the fantastic anti-armour properties of the Yew! This of course led to a fully fledged 'wood' race where one side vied with the other for the latest technological deciduous armour. I think in one photo I noticed a GI assaulting a Stug with a decidedly dangerous 'Pine Cone'.

    Seriously though, is this something that can be addressed or is it hard coded into the game?

  9. Cheers buddy :)

    That's ma baby - glad you enjoyed it.

    Aye, I should have guessed actually. Probably one of the best scenarios Ive seen for CM-2, and dare I say it the best map Ive ever seen in any CM game period.

    Keep up the good work mate.


    How long did the map take to make?

  10. Played this one last night. I don't know who made this map but I'd like to congratulate them. I had a genuine 'WoW' moment. I only went in to look at it and started playing it and couldn't stop. It's truly a fantastic map that shows off the new game at it's best.

    I don't want to spoil it, but it has everything. Close in infantry fighting, nail biting ambushes and even 1500 meter tank duels.

    It's a long time since I've enjoyed a scenario like that one. Stupidly I had it set on RT as well, which is probably not ideal for this map.

    Anyway, well done to the author for a fantastic scenario on a brilliant map.

  11. I think that .50 was intended for AA defense, although historically, Audie Murphy put it to good use against German infantry at the expense of his hide...he stood on the rear deck of a brewing up TD (M-10 or M-36 I can't recall which) and used the weapon to break up an infantry attack. AFAIK That's about the only practical way to fire the .50 forward, is from the rear deck.

    I'm not sure the same shouldn't apply to the Shermans. Wasn't their 50 cal mounted as AA and only useable from outside the turret?

  12. I personally couldn't agree more. CMx2 is not the same game. It's a new game that has some features that a previous game had. I thnk if anyone sticks with learning it they won't be disappointed.

    Me, after playing the engine for four years I can't bear to play the old game. The improved camera controls alone are worth sticking with it for.

    Like someone above said. If you want CM-1, then go play it, not everything is brilliant in CM-2 but it's become a good game over the last few years and one that definitely deserves a good look.

  13. That is part of a long running discussion with GSX and others about the accuracy of infantry/formation modeling in CMSF and how much of infantry combat is still abstracted (obviously less than in CMx1). Although some of his comments have merit in the context of modern combat, they are less relevant in the context of WW2 infantry combat. Squads can be split, so you can use proper covering fire/maneuver tactics. Infantry probably still bunches up too much, although that was more common in WW2.

    In other words: ignore him. :D

    (ps- GSX or Geordie and I go back a long time, all the way to CMBB PBEM games at the Blitz ;)).

    Yep, and I have absolutely no problem with the abstraction. In fact the greater splitting has refined this a lot. Its still there but a lot less significant!

    And, feel free to ignore me at will, Im pretty pedantic when it comes to infantry and its wiley ways......

    Oh and hello Sgt J..... maybe a PBEM at some point?

    BTW, enjoying the game so far, infantry is doing OK....

  14. What part of it is abstracted? They get fudges to balance out AI limitations but other than that the same hit detection is used on infantry and vehicles.

    I have been informed by BFC that infantry is abstracted to take into account the fact that they cannot becuase of the action spots occupy the real space that infantry would. They dont for example deploy into extended line or file. Therefore when they are hit the PC makes a small decision as to whether they are a casualty. It actually makes sense to abstract this as Im sure everyone would be very annoyed at loosing all their infantry every time an MG catches the infantry gaggle.

    Also, I have been informed that throwing a grenade at a close vehicle is meant to simulate a close assault, as it was in CM-1 games.

    Unless this has changes from CMSF then we still have 1-1 abstraction in CMBN.


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