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Posts posted by GSX

  1. In another thread there was some discussion about players caring more when their units took casualties in CMSF than they did in CMX1 and whether this concern was due to the modern setting or 1:1 modeling or both.

    This reminded me of an issue I’ve thought about numerous times when playing CMX1, and that is Unit Preservation. This concept was first introduced into board Wargaming way back in the early ‘70s by Jim Dunnigan in a number of old SPI games. Here is a extract from the rules of the man to man level game “Patrol”.

    But, the asymetric nature of CMSF forces you to preserve the Blue Force. If you dont, you loose. The game is designed for you to conserve your forces and so I dont think its anything to do with individual players.

    If you can only take 10% casualties or loose a mission, then guess what? Your going to do your best to take less than that 10%.

    However, when we get back to WW2 with CMN I imagine that it may be back to objectives at all cost and getting the war over as soon as possible and so I imagine victory locations will be more important then we see in SF.

  2. When you get lower down in the ranks you find that a lot of them have an obvious and inherent interest in historical military settings. When out of uniform they have even been known to pursue those interests even more than they did when they were in uniform.

    In short... these folks will come along for the ride automatically.

    Er, not really. I fit exactly into the category of serving military who likes wargames and loved CMBB etc. I also like SF a lot too, but Im not an automatic sale for CMN. If the Demo is good and its an improved SF then I will buy it. However, if it doesnt match up to CM-1 for ww2 then I will just continue with what I have.

    So im definitely NOT along for the ride....

  3. Split the javelin section into teams - 1 launcher in each team...

    Exactly. Also, I imagine that the sniper team engages targets at the optimum range for their weapons. Not much point in snipering when the enemy is 300 yards/meters away. Some SF maps just dont do snipers justice. I know if I was on the ground and had an automatic weapon and my enemy appeared 200 meters away I would start putting down fire, mainly because 1 sniper round isnt going to stop a whole platoon of incoming 7.62!

    So I think its about right, taking range and opposition into account.

  4. Heh... yeah, the old Sherman debate is a sign of the times :D I personally *love* Shermans armed with 75s. Against infantry, ATGs, buildings, defenses, etc. I'd rate them "Suburb". If the map is open and I'm facing a platoon of Panthers I'd downgrade that to "Crappy" :P


    And who can ever forget the 'Sherman Firefly', maybe weaker than a Panther in a one to one but certainly more roadworthy.

  5. Not quite correct. For a module, the maps, Red force AI instructions, map art, and a dozen other things can all be done well ahead of time while waiting on the TO&E. After the TO&E is firmed-up game engine work and scenarios/module construction can proceed concurrently. You of course can't build scenarios of any sort without the TO&E because the TO&E provides the core units. It would be like trying to play tennis without any tennis balls.

    Ah thanks for that info. Then I presume the CMN campaign cant have anything done to it until the games done? I did understand from the boards here that one of the reasons for the delays with the brits and marines was campaign testing and re-testing. Even on release wasnt the Marines campaign broken?

    Im just not a big fan of the current campaign system, it just doesnt feel like a campaign at all. Maybe it will be different for Normandy.

  6. BFC has done a very nice job of having troops bugger on out the back door when under pressure. I can't recall which patch that was, it was quite awhile ago. Posters have even 'complained' about how they hose-down a building with enemy in it and assault only to find the Red infantry has scampered one building over and are now waiting to blast your your guys as they enter! Makes MOUT engagement in connected building compounds considerably more challenging.

    Although and to be honest, more often than not, the Syrians just leave the building and hide behind it, only to be mown down when the good guys enter the building in question. Well thats my experience......

  7. But, and correct me if Im wrong here, the campaign cant be started until the game is done. So a completed game is held up until a campaign is worked through its design and tested.

    Can the campaign designers work on a campaign before the game is complete? Or modules for that matter?

    My question is, why have a campaign when it seems to add a few months to a complete game, especially when the campaigns dont feel like Im on a campaign but rather a series of unconnected or semi connected scenarios.

    Of course, I remain to be corrected here as I dont really know anything that I havent read here about timelines etc.

  8. Guys... those of you who play RealTime exclusively, do you do it to exercise more control than you would have in WeGo? Roughly how much longer does it take for you to finish a game vs. the realtime clock of the game play. Above I estimated that a 30 minute scenario takes about 90 minutes to play in WeGo. Do WeGoers disagree with that?

    I think it depends. I definitely dont pause every minute in RT but in a larger battle I do it quite often. Then again in some WEGO battles I zoom thru a lot of turns because I know that nothing is happening. So some WEGO games that should last 30 minutes I may finish in 25 or less. Alternatively, some RT games that should last 30 mins, always last at least that, but more often less.

    However, Im in the no command delays camp here, I actually agree that theres enough going on already without having to figure in differing times of delay for advancing troops of differing quality for example.

  9. I think like every force, the Air Force brings something to the party. If the RAF Regt wasnt out there the Army would have to do it. But of course they wouldnt. Inter service rivalry is alive and well and long may it be so. However at the end of the day I think we all appreciate what the individual forces bring to the mix. Im sure the Army would do just great without air support......

  10. Nope - just takes a whiley to balance the scenarios out through playtesting so that the campaign works.

    Thats pretty much my point though. It seems like the campaigns take a long time to work out and this seems to put the brake on the finished article being ready.

    I take it the campaign cant be made before the game is ready and then it seems to take weeks if not months to sort out the flaws and bugs in it. Not to say I havent enjoyed playing through a lot of scenarios in the campaign but even to me they seem to be a little bit disjointed. Its really like playing a bunch of random scenarios rather then the feeling of taking core units somewhere.

    Still, there must be a reason for having a campaign at all I suppose, Ive just never really figured out what it is yet.

  11. Yes, delay in getting the game prepped for release. From what I heard, a problem with some of the campaign scenarios cropped up and they needed to be re-converted.

    There seems to be a running theme with CMSF concerning the campaigns. It appears to me that they seem to be by far the biggest brake on any game or module. The games and modules seem to be ready but get held up for months in the campaign ironing out phase.

    Is the campaign design flawed?

  12. I figured the checking-in pilot really was saying "approaching from the east" to underscore that the RAF units would be based at airfields in western Iraq and thus would be approaching the battlespace generally from the east (as least relative to the "Highland Games" campaign).

    I imagine that they would be approaching from the RAF Base at Akrotiri, a much easier option.

  13. I think BFC's explanation for the lack of info on the aircraft loadout is that the men on the ground wouldn't know what the available aircraft are carrying. I don't know if that is true or a justification.

    All i know is that in real life the aircraft commander is required to give the JTAC/FAC details of what ordanance hes carrying.

    For obvious reasons, different weapons have a different safety distance from your own men.

    So if your 100 meters away and hes dropping a 1000lb bomb, it may not be the wisest of options.

  14. As for CM: Afghanistan's delay... it's the typical problem we developers have! Finishing that last 5% takes way, way longer than anybody expects. We're working very closely with our Russian partners to get it done ASAP.


    Aha, and this is the primer for, well er, a CMN release in September after all!

    Back to serious land though. Is it true that testing the campaign takes a long time and if so, why not release the game before the campaign is ready. Would this make sense for those that are only interested in QBs etc? Im not particularly bothered by not having a campaign to be honest as I find them a little bit Mundane, all that not knowing what your core units are and having most of the scenarios unconnected just doesnt really grab me. I will play them and have done, but its not why I want any CM game.

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