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Posts posted by GSX

  1. That's too funny; you are showing your colours here. :) Try standing back a few feet and be a little objective. I just went and browsed the latest 'topics' there, guess what? It just confirms what Nicdain said above, the same people grinding the same gears, ad nauseam.

    At the risk of fanning the flames, I'm reading some of that stuff and think it would be perfect satire if they weren't so serious! :) I am reminded of the scene in Full Metal Jacket where the Sgt. confronts the psycho in the washroom - "What's your problem boy! Didn't your Momma love you enough?" Or some such :)

    na mate, its not about colours at all. Im in no ones camp here, some people are far to quick to label people. All im saying is that theres an inbetween where most of us lie.

    Have I discussed CMSF negatively, I certainly have. Have I discussed it positively, yep that too. Ive seen it happen all too often that a few guys are dismissed as malcontent's or miscreants just because they dont follow 'the party line' of another site.

    On a CM discussion forum not owned by the company that makes the games I would expect guys to voice opinions that vary wildly from the norm here. And if this includes some that you dont personally agree with, then thats your problem and not mine.

    So please dont try and label me as showing any colours here just because I may think a little differently from you do.


  2. No, it's an opinion ;) And might I add, an opinion based on nothing substantial since you don't have CM: Normandy in your hands to compare against CMx1.

    Ok, enlighten me on just how mega significant being able to drive under a bridge will be in CM Normandy. And I'm not being a smart arse here, Im genuinely puzzled as to how it will significantly affect the game over say CMSF, where I dont have that option.

    I also think its time to compare CMN to CMSF and not CM-1, which although definitely doos not have water is in the same stable as CMN.

  3. Well to be fair, development of CMSF is basically finished by this point. I think we all agree that CMSF works well now and only some bug fixes, planned for 1.21 are required. Even when the British module was being worked on, Charles was spending a lot of time working on Normandy and the time to push the British module out the door from the time us Beta Testers got our sweaty little hands on it was not appreciably longer than the time it took to get the USMC module out. There is only one Charles, but that are many "volunteers" behind the scenes to do the grunt work. :)

    I though the Brit module took way longer than the Marine one? I remember it being announced before Xmas 2008 that the Brit module could be out before the end of the year but that it was being delayed till after the holidays (much like CMN is now), then it took until Jul 09 to see the Brit module? Was the marine module held up that long?

  4. One supposes having a small minority perpetually upset is a compliment.

    For F's sake guys. Is GS and its opinions that worth all the fuss?

    I happen to agree and disagree with a lot of what everyones saying about certain elements out there that only want to trash the game.

    However I have found that a lot of guys at GS actually know what they are talking about game mechanics wise. Also, they are talking CMSF at a CM forum and interestingly can discuss a lot of thing that would be considered negative here and locked, but at GS, because its not owned by BF, they can discuss.

    Theres a real lot of guys here that saw no wrong with a game that came out 2 years ago. Theres a few guys at GS who still trash it.

    Somewhere in between lie all the other guys who just like it as a good little wargame.

  5. While all this ejaculation over a few bridges is fine and dandy its not really a significant bone is it? I can see now why Steve is not keen to open up a new forum or even give away any more info. Lets face it, bridges will be very insignificant in the game for a variety of reasons and will more than likely not be much different in practice from what happened in CM-1. Now Im not degrading the bridge chatter here its just a fact.

    Lets say I get a game set up, what am I going to do, yes, place my heavy tanks nearer the bridge that can take them, or my AT to cover it etc etc.

    The more important bones will affect the way the game plays much more than a bridge. Im thinking, proper foxholes, defensive works, trenches, hand to hand fighting, close armour assaults etc etc etc......

    So being able to drive under a bridge, while being absolutely fantastic, doesn't really get my juices flowing.......

  6. NATO is being worked on now and should be out before Normandy. Steve could give a better time frame. As you can guess, Charles is working almost full time on Normandy and CMSF is feeling a bit neglected. :)

    Is this where the one man show slows things down a wee bit? Cant be easy to try and stay on track with the games when there are more than one going on at a time. Kind of reinforces what Steve was saying in another thread about limited resources and not trying to overextend. Is CM2 overextending? is this why we are seeing these massive over runs on games and modules from those announced?

  7. Time to kick open the gates of the new CMN forums too. :D

    Since you guys are obviously not gonna get this out in late 09 like you were hoping to. Is it safe to say first quarter 2010? :eek:

    June 2010 is my estimate. From the snippets I read here Im not even sure its been started yet let alone have a forum opened for it.

    I think the reason that they arent creating a new forum is that when they do the CMSF one will just about stop.

  8. Where do you see this information?

    Well to play at WaW you have to join and then post at the open battlegrounds part of the site. Or if you joing the English site, post in the forum there. We also play CMSF and have an active community there too, we are even about to kick off another SF tourney.

    back to CMBB, wise choice and you will find plenty of opponents....

  9. And here I am thinking something was being discussed about the game.

    But no, just another day at the zoo.

    I needed this game to be out yesterday.

    I think the original plan was before Xmas this year, which has slipped to sometime next year now.

    My prediction is around June 10, possibly to co-incide with the Normandy landing anniversary. Before then though we might have the CMSF NATO module.

  10. A lot of BoB members have joined WaW specifically to play CMSF. There is a very active CMSF PBEM community.

    Id like to add to this. CMSF IS played by more than a few at WaW and we have a sizeable and active ladder, though admitedly not as big as the CM-1 parts.

    However, the ladder exists, our guys there have even made a couple of results calculators so that if you wish you can use them to make the game more even for both sides (Blue casualties gain more Red points for example).

    We are also running another CMSF tournament, due to start mid September, this only requires the base game to play and is team based too.

    And finally, returning to DARs/AARs, WaW does have some and the facility to do one over there is better than any other sites (you have to try it to appreciate it). But we have suffered from too many patches, which due to the nature of the games meant that DARs would be left unfinished as games were abandoned mid-stream.

    In sum, we at WaW fully support CMSF more than any other site out there and to us it certainly may not be our most popular game, but neither is it dead.


  11. The problem appears to be that players call in airstrikes too close to friendlies. A distance of 500-600 meters between "target area" and friendlies appears to be required to ensure friendlies are safe. YMMV

    This is the trouble with a lot of CMSF stuff. A lot of players seem to think that Hi Tech militaries can drop a thousand pound bomb 23 feet from their own forces. When in reality it just aint so. So in game, it shouldnt be so either.

    I think this problem with CMSF is not solely game or map size related but also a factor of knowledge. Joe average doesnt know much about modern warfare other than what he sees. This is often combat footage of smart weapons hitting a target etc.

    The reality is that it often takes a lot of effort to ensure that munitions get to the right place and sometimes things can go wrong and this is why you need to keep your guys as far back as possible. In real life one of the best CAS assets is the A-10, why, because it flies slower and the pilot has often more time to get it right, heck, they even fly with binos in the cockpit.

    Im always very careful with air support and never, repeat never give them an area target order. Always point targets.

  12. Heh... yeah, deleting the Peng Thread would be like throwing all the lunatics out of the asylum to save a few bucks in the social services budget! Having had to walk around San Francisco in the early 90s after they did it... let's just say it's not a good idea. Either that or having a guy with Tourette Syndrome spit on me and call me Snow Bunny was some moron's idea of a great way to attract more business to the downtown district :)

    And when we did delete the General Forum it was a complete removal or lack of migration, depending on how one looks at it. It wasn't a selective deletion based on something someone said or did.


    I dont Peng and so never usually visit the threads. However, I just did and found a few surprises.

    1. I still dont like it.

    2. No one with under about 200 posts seems to go there.

    3. The most interesting thing I got was that there are guys in there with literally 1000's of posts that Ive never heard of. Seemingly they only use the site to Peng.

    And no, I dont really object to it, they are simply observations on it. If it keeps all the guys that do it from spamming the site its a good thing.

  13. Couldn't you have deleted all the Peng threads instead? I understand your willingness to keep it as a place where all new users can feel welcome, but I'd estimate ~60% of posts on this board go to Cesspool and maybe 10% to GDF. Alternatively you could charge a sewage fee from its users. Although I don't know if they have anything to pay with..?

    I'm in complete agreement with that. You should delete the Peng challenge threads about 20 minutes after you close them. They are absolutely useless and date back to a time that most guys know or care nothing about. In fact I know some guys who only come here to Peng and are disinterested in anything else.

  14. I beg to differ ... at least with the wording.

    Maybe we should say "operationally capable" instead of "available", because for sure Typhoons were available in the Air-to-Surface role (11 Sqn) by July 2008. They just finished a final exercise deployment to the US (Nellis), where they specifically practised Close Air Support and Precision Strike capabilities.

    Given the rather pragamtic approach to operational employment in the UK forces, I think it is entirely imaginable (without suspending any disbelief) that the RAF would have used Typhoons in this hypothetical conflict. Typhoons were/are certainly not 100% capable yet, but by July 2008 especially the british Typhoons had a basic CAS capability which could have been employed.

    My bold, which is readily available info I presume?

    As it hasnt actually happened, the Tornado GR4 being the primary air asset in Aghanistan, then I dont think it could have last year. Reaching an operational capability in a Jet isnt the same as buying an extra bit of kit and slapping it on under a UOR (Urgent Operational Requirement). There is a certain amount of working up for the aircrew etc which is why you wont see the Typhoon in action even this or next year I suspect.

    However,as you dont actually see the Jets in the game, any old plane can drop a bomb....

  15. Sure, to my knowledge there are no (confirmed) plans for giving the Syrians additional kit. But the Blue forces haven't been furnished with anything they don't (or wouldn't) have.

    I'm sorry Detrich but this is just not true. The battle in Syria takes place in 2008. Some of the kit the Brits use, specifically the Typhoon aircraft were not available then.

    As someone else pointed out, where did the Syrians get all those T-90s from.

    If its fictitional anyway, why not have a bit of licence to make it a bit more interesting, within the bounds of reality.

  16. Plenty of british TV progs tackle the issues, if not movies as such. This has been a case since the late 70's where a lot of the time the IRA were the enemy. Programmes like harry's game etc. There have been a few powerful dramas centered around Mid East terrorists/Pakistan etc. Although they tend to be a wee bit more accurate than Holywood some of them are pretty OTT when it comes to actual militaries and how they really operate.

    The military ethos is caution when there is no call for rapid thinking or action. If it takes 3 days to clear an IED, then so be it if there are no other reasons to do so. This would be very boring to the average movie audience.

  17. Do I want an improved campaign system, the answer is a definite yes, I would like more control of my force comosition going into battles etc. I have no idea of the difficulties involved in this but other games seem to have solved it.

    Do I want a CMC type of game, actually I dont. I think CMC would have been interesting for a wee while and then forgotten about by me. CMC looked and felt like it was for about 30 specific types of game player. Its a lot to do for a very small number of people to be happy and to be quite honest here, I'd rather have infantry formations than a campaign system like CMC.

    Make the game more realistic before any of the other stuff is what I say.

  18. I will tell you something that makes me laugh, well giggle a bit.

    Every time someone comes here and says, 'why not add more Syrian kit', someone else says, ah but the Syrians dont actually have that kit and wouldnt be using it then.

    Every time someone says,'Seriously, why would NATO be involved in a war with Syria', the reply is, 'Ah but this is a fictitional game and its set in an alternative reality that can be anything'.

    Somehow, the two dont sit well together. Syria cant have certain things because they dont have them, but the West can have everything because its a sci-fi game?

    Now I for one dont want Syrians armed with Rocket-sleds and robo-dogs, so Im not looking for any weapons that dont actually exist.

    Just a wee observation I thought I'd share.

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