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Posts posted by slysniper

  1. I don't believe the dire reports of wargaming dying off, either. Certainly, there needs to be "entry level" games, but I think Combat Mission is exactly that. Check out the popularity of the ASL Starter Kits, Axis and Allies Miniatures, and some of the other easy to play board games for proof that that genre is not dead either.
    Yes, maybe it will not die, but does it have to remain such a small supported hobby as it is presently. I would like to see a game that would bring more to the hobby because of what the game is offering, thus a reason to think how we approach the hobby might require some interventive change.

    I don't fear for the future, but I share your concerns about the proper vehicle for carrying the hobby forward. Will CM:C be the way to go to ensure wargaming carries on into eternity?
    No, I do not fear seeing the hobby die but I wonder at times if the future will produce good products for our use or will we be left with our classic games that are old tech because all the designers will be filling the needs of the market which will not be us because we could not understand how to make true wargaming grow in popularity.

    I think a better question is - does CM:C have to do that? Are we that scared ****less that wargaming will die off tomorrow that every damn product has to shoulder the burden of "saving the hobby"?
    No, no certain game needs to carry the burden, but hopefully one has the magic touch to bring many new players to it and then to open their eyes into this hobby.

    Can't we just design something for fun? Because that is what the basic premise, as I see it, should be for CM:C. Nothing earth shaking, just another way to enjoy what is now a classic.
    That was how it has been in the past, but the future games need to be exceptional. They are judged on realism, graphic, game play, ease of use, substance, correctness and replayability.

    most are done for computers, all these type of things add up to years of work and that by skilled people. The make your own game in the basement is gone as far as making out to the market in mass. If we do not gain numbers to be a market then we will be lost by the times.

  2. Now that was more civil, Michael.

    Most of what you say is likely correct, that for whatever reasons, the majority of players presently are solitare players. There is plenty of clues and reports to that. The question "why" might still be a unanswered issue. The thing that this topic brings up though is that "Is this trend likely to be the same in the future". That is a question that cannot be answered with present facts. The thing to think about is things that help one to predict future events.

    Example, this hobby presently is a dieing hobby in some sence, it is not growing in size, most of those in it today were in it 20,30 and 40 years ago, yes there is a few that find there way into it that are young but not in the numbers that reflect even the growth expearenced in the late 60's or 70's.

    Present sell of what works in the market and where future efforts will focus because that is where money is made. The days of making the game you want and finding a way to market it is already sliping away and will likely be hard to ever change in the industry.

    So my point, the games that will be a big success in the future is the ones that attracts a larger share of all them younger gamers, will fit the needs of those that finance them and somehow meets the needs of the consumer.

    It will interesting to see how Shock force does.

    Because one of the facts that might show up is that the younger players might show up within it, not for many reasons thought of in the past but for the simple fact that WW2 or earlier events is not of much interest to that age, but something protraying present day conflicts might be a big plus. The release of this game might be the biggest clue we will have as to the direction of this Hobby in the future

  3. Given that by their nature the "closet players" as you call them (others calls them "core market base" incidentally - guess what, you're not part of it) are incommunicado, the chances of you "teaching" them anything are nil. You just wasted your "breath", or at least, the time it took you to type that.

    Oh, Thank you for typing that Mr Dorosh.

    I Thought for sure that the 10 people who still visits this site were all closet players and that I was directly speaking to them. May I say respectfully " Who spit in your cereal today" what a attitude!!. All that you need to get out of the comment is, Maybe as gamers, we should do more to promote all these closet players in finding the benefits of playing others instead of the AI, thus helping promote the concept of "Do these games really need AI". Yes it was written sarcastically, but I thought some might see the point without having to show their debate skills.

    "You are such a Master of that" thanks once more

  4. I say a campaign against all these closet players needs to be waged. Get them from out of the shadows, make them willing to accept possible defeat by another Human being. Instead of this hidden habit of playing a AI system that almost any fool can beat with a little pratice and time to learn of its flaws. They must learn that they are nothing until they can accept victories or defeats in a honorable manor agaist another Human being.

    By the way, give up hope on CMC, it shall never succeed. You can breed a dog into another breed of dog but you cannot breed a dog into a cat. The same is true with this game, if it does see the light of day it will be a ugly dog, not the cat you were hoping to be breed.

  5. I can state that by the time I have time to think about another tournament it will be more than a few months away, it could be referred to more as a year or so away, thus by then we all could be on to other things. Not the type of news you wanted to hear but it is the facts of my situation.

  6. Way too many high hopes here, With shock force still not out and looking at the company's track record of past performances, even with the same engine being used for a WWII version.

    I will give them a min. of a year and a half to get something out, that is after they get shock force out and their revisions of fixing bugs once it is out.

    Now once the first module is done you might get lucky and start seeing additional modules roll out about every 9 months, of course you will need to keep putting out funds to get a little more of what you want. but for sure they will sell you WWII in small bites this time. They are getting smart.

  7. It will be about 3 years, about $60 dollars to get started with the first cm2 version, Then mod and new mission & theater areas coming out about every 6 months to a year at $30 dollars a pop until they sell you all of world war II for about $400 to $500 dollars or more.

    That is if we are lucky, first if they do not go out of bussiness, second if they can keep enough interest in the product.

    It will be like advance Squad leader was back when,they will get CM2 to pay for itself by giving us small portions instead of all of the west front or east front in one game as they did before.

  8. and why they made it shoot 3 times faster than it could sustain in RealLife™.

    My gut feeling is that it is an imbalanced and imbalancing unit. Fine for the occassional goofy QB but not for anything remotely striving for reality.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    I find the first part of this interesting, I cannot test it right now since the game is not with me, but I remember designing a scenario with one and I recall that it was lucky to see it fire more than once every other turn, I know the real thing had real problems with how a crew could reload it because of layout. But what are you saying the real rate of fire should be.

    As far as QB's, you propably are justified to make house rules against using it but again i have seen some with so many house rules that you might as well get away from QB's and learn to fight with what is given, even if against SturmTigers

  9. Also note: the game does not handle operations well when it comes to selecting set up zones between battles, most players that want realistic game play make up house rules as far as set up from battle to battle to prevent some problems, but not much more can be done other than that.

  10. I am 45, Started back with Squad Leader, then PC games like Close Combat series, Combat Mission series, Panzer Elite,IL2 and so forth.

    interested in historical publications on this period also.

    Also am excited to see the present day stuff about ready to be published in a realistic game by Battlefront.

    You will find that most of this community is not childish or will put up with it either. As far as finding guys that like to play at the level you enjoy, just be willing to play and you will find others that you will enjoy playing against and will have the same taste as you do, when you find them, you make them long term friends and buddies and play against them often, great stuff.

  11. From Bert

    Hey Sly ! When I played this one your Tiger was a Panzer IV !?

    Does that explain perhaps why it was relatively easy killed by your Sherman ?

    You should know better than to question if it was a Tiger, it was, so there must be different versions of these things out there or modified it at some point.

    I had to smile because the Sherman had a 76 gun on it also, thus the reason it killed the tiger, I doubt a 75 would have. but the date they are trying to represent would be like almost impossible to find a 76 Sherman in combat if I remember correct as to when they really started seeing action.

  12. I was surprised also, but I have learned that the best victories are the ones that you know that you have somehow beat the odds. I was expecting a match more like the next battle, it has a king tiger defending a bridge, should be a challenge-not. I had 4 wounded men and 2 killed.

    bagged the king Tiger and routed what men the German had left in about one third of the time the scenario gave. No AAR for that, even against a human I think it should have been pretty easy, the first might have been much more that way if my armor had not had bad luck, but then that luck can turn the other way at times, this time it just happened to be all in one game mixed with some skill also.

  13. I thought it be fun to run through your class scenario's, it is a good concept for getting your student involved in history.

    Just to let you know, the first scenario is not working at your site for download, the rest was fine.

    "spoiler below"

    I want to debrief the first battle I have done.This is taking the bridge that the germans have guarded

    These battles are very small just as you wanted, thus making every event very critical to the outcome. I find that can sometimes be the most fun.

    Battle plan, move infantry platoon up the right flank where some cover is available.

    50 cal to set up in position on the hill to the left to give cover fire, hold tank in reserve until enemy strength is determined, going to position behind hill to use as cover if needed.

    mtr and bazooka team to follow platoon to provide support if needed.

    Troops move to the first tree line but no contact with the enemy as of yet.

    Small amount of enemy fire when the 50 cal exposes itself moving to the hill.

    My tank picks up the pace just incase something can fire on it as he heads for the back side of the hill.

    First major heart break for my units.

    The tank bogs and then within 30 seconds manages to get himself stuck so that he will not be doing much.His support will be minimal, he cannot see the bridge or the high ground that likely might have enemy on it overlooking the objective. He will only be able to fire on a few woods to the left flank of the bridge, if needed.

    Hopefully the enemy is a weak force or I could be in trouble.

    I start sending scouts through the open ground from my platoon to the next available cover, they will likely receive fire but we need to get units within range to be able to get lethal fire to that bridge.

    Oh no, this could be a very bad day for my units.

    a large gun has opened up on my first units and the fire is coming from that hill in the distance, the only thing I have to counter that is my morter crew, but they will have to cross a lot of open ground to get to the tree line near the river to even get within range to try and take out the gun, while I am sweating about how challenging that will be, we hear the distant sound of a tank engine turn over, this is starting to feel really bad. My men look back to see our tankers are waste deep in the mud hole they have created and looks like they have getting back to friendly lines as the only concern they are thinking about. I have no answer for a enemy tank unless he wants to drive on up on top of my bazooka team for me.

    Well with a John Wayne attitude, my men continue pushing towards the Bridge even though they are now starting to receive heavy fire and dug in enemy infantry can now be seen at the bridge.

    My forward units are managing to bring fire on the enemy so I start bringing my rear infantry units up in a leap frog method and I might manage to get units in the woods near the river, then if I stay on the backside of them woods, maybe I can fire on the infantry at the bridge but stay out of site of the supporting fire they have.

    My 50 cal tries to fire on the enemy gun, my men know this is useless, but it might draw fire away from my infantry and morter that are trying to close with the enemy.

    It seems to work but at a heavy cost, the gun returns fire and within a handful of shells three crew men are hurt or dead and the only thing gained was a few spare moments for the rest of the men.

    The 60 mil morter somehow manages to get within range during all this but they have left two of their crew bleeding in the field from small arms fire from the bridge.

    Everyone hopes sore as the first sounds of rounds heading to the gun are heard, hope turns quickly into anger as the gun corrects its target and now duels the morter crew and again quickly begins drawing blood and panic spread through the surviving men of the crew.

    The enemy tank is now visable and it is a dreaded tiger and he has also started opening up on some of my men that have not managed to find cover out of his line of sight.

    If my commander would have let me, it was time to pull back, but this was not a given option.

    The only good thing was, my men seemed to be doing ok in the fire duel with the enemy infantry. I had a great field commander who was presently trying to rally the morter crew, but no clue as to how to take the bridge now.

    My sherman has decided to enter the battle, even though movement is out, he has managed to spot some infantry on the left flank, so he is giving them hell.

    The enemy tiger appears to be moving, it has figured out we have a tank back here and is going to get the drop on it. My men try and signal to the crew but they are too busy trying to spot jerrys on the river bank. Not until the first shell blows by and explodes to their rear do they start looking at the horizon for the tiger.

    I just dont want to look, they will likely go up in flames with their side armor exposed, their war was a short one.

    The tiger pauses, he appears to be lining up for a killing shot. Suddenly a shot is fired, but its from the sherman, that was quick, they must be scared to death. That first shot never hits, not at this range, almost 500 meters.

    but to my own surprise, it finds its way right above the upper track and hits the hull on the side, even with the tiger almost head on, the weak location is penetrated, a mighty explosion ensures and I look up to the heavens and wonder if God is there, caring about this hell.

    I still have no clue as to how my men can take the bridge but one miracle is done, now somehow a second is needed to take out that gun

    The morter crew has managed to rally with the leaders help, they will be given a second chance at the gun, my infantry platoon has managed to get within 150 yards of the bridge, but they need that gun silenced.

    in the meanwhile my units ammo are staring to get low, the enemy gun is having a hay day on any unit that dares expose themselves.My morter crew, what is left of it gets pinned down in open ground trying to get within range of that gun.

    I decide to direct the few rounds the morter crew has left on the infantry that keeps firing on them, at the same time my infantry start assaulting the rubble on the near side of the bridge. The 50 cal opens up to give what support it can, this is going to get ugly, and I will likely get slaughtered.

    One again I am surprised that some of the men make the rubble, they are taking heavy fire, and it appears that the gun will just be allowed to shoot away all its ammo since I have no counter now.

    With men now this close to the enemy on the other side, I try to bring all fire I can on the enemy and send One group of men to try and cross the bridge, 4 men run, they are almost across when a mg opens up and all 4 go down.

    The enemy must be weak also, they did manage to almost cross, so I send another five men, this time most Of the friendly units are firing on the mg position. My men get almost to the same spot, then suddenly a German unit climbs out of its foxhole and hand to hand combat breaks out right on the bridge, with fire coming in on them from both sides. Men start to drop, but no one is winning, it ends as fast as it started with one lone german left standing on the bridge, he turns, starts running back to his fox hole and then a american bullet finds the center of his back. The bridge is empty once more.

    I am down to less then 10 men healthy that can cross the brige, 4 are my command unit. They order the other men across and they give support fire. the enemy appears to only have a few men left in the fox holes and also there is fire coming from the bldg on the left side of the road.

    This time the half squad makes it across the bridge, they head for the bldg, break in and hand to hand fighting is heard.

    My leaders decide to help and also make the dash, 3 make the bldg door, but only one manages to enter without being shot down.

    Within a minute, the bldg is clear, Time is spent, one minute left, there is still a few enemy soilders in them fox holes, my remaining leader will try and pin them down with fire, three so far very lucky men make the last dash for the day across the road to try and make them foxholes. It turns into a point blank fire duel and with mere seconds left. the german men panick, run and get shot down for their efforts.

    And that gun, the complete time it just fired away, thank goodness it did run out of ammo, that was how we silenced it.

    My poor platoon was done, out of 58 men, 13 were dead, 31 more were shot up badly and only 14 walked away from it.

    Though my commander staited it was a major victory, staiting some number of 76 to 24. it sure did not feel like a victory, only a amazing close battle with some devils luck envolved.

    [ March 24, 2007, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

  14. Thought of something else: in the Eyes and Ears of Death scenario the "raison d'etre" fot the 75 mm guns sem to be the AT role. Not the HE role.

    The 50mm AT gun of the germans is just as effective against the Greyhounds as the 75 mm one. Idea to swap them in the scenario ??

    I designed this scenario after I came across a German recon unit showing this was what their organazation was on a certain date, so I used what they had listed, found a location that they could have been in and pitted them against a unit that I thought would be challenging for them to stop but not something that in real life they would have just ran back to a safe location and reported their findings. But in a real battle they would have shot up the Americans as much as possible and kept their distance and themselves alive - But with a game that flags is all that matters, the death struggle begins.
  15. Round Two matches & final scores

    Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

    Allies vs Germans

    JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

    0.5 point to Jonny

    Bert___ vs___ Fiaros

    3 points fiaros

    Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

    1 point Gort

    Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

    0.5 point Walker

    Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

    1 point major Tum

    Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

    Allies vs Germans

    Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

    2.5 points to crow

    Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

    3.5 points to Shell shocked

    Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

    1.5 Points to Jonny

    Fiaros___vs___ Mikado

    no Bonus

    Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

    0.5 points to Gort

    Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

    Germans vs Allies

    Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

    1.5 pointsDinga

    Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked

    0.5 points Shell shocked

    Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

    0.5 points Major Tum

    Walker___ vs___ Mikado

    1 point Mikado

    Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

    1.5 points to Gort

    Round Two scoring

    Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

    Allies vs Germans

    55/37 Bert___ vs___ (Fiaros) McCobbler

    3 points Bert

    53/40 Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

    2 points Crow Warrior

    51/49 Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

    1 point Major Tum

    1 point upset Major Tum

    1 point Shell shock

    46/54 Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

    2 points Dinga

    1 point weak side victory Dinga

    41/59 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

    3 points Mikado

    1 point weak side victory Mikado

    Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

    Allies vs Germans

    67/33 Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

    3 points Dinga

    63/33 (Fiaros) McCobbler__vs___ Mikado

    2 points McCobbler

    59/37 Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

    1 point Shell shock &

    3 ½” points for upset (Best upset result anyone has ever received so far)

    1 point Bert

    51/46 Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

    3 points Major Tum (I felt he deserves three instead of 2 with the highest German score)

    42/42 Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

    3 points JonnyEnglish &

    1 ½” points for upset

    (just one more point & jonny could have had 2 points for the only weak side victory – so close)

    Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

    Germans vs Allies

    74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

    3 points Dinga

    2 points weak side victory Dinga

    1 ½ points upset Dinga

    38/62 Walker vs Mikado

    2 points Walker

    1 point Mikado

    1 points upset Mikado

    32/51 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

    1 point Crow

    30/70 (Fiaros) McCobbler__ vs___ Shell Shocked

    2 points Shell shocked

    ½ point upset Shell shocked

    16/84 Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

    3 points Jonny English

    Round one & two total accumulated scoring so far.

    19½ points Dinga 44

    14 points Bert

    11 points Shell Shocked

    10½ points Jonny English

    10 point Mikado

    8 points Walker

    6 points McCobbler (Fiaros)

    6 point Major Tum

    5 point Crow Warrior

    scoreless Gort

    Dinga had 3-best finishes and 3-2nd best

    by far the best performance

    Bert also had 3 best scores, a 2nd and 3rd best finish.

    Now the scoring system from this point on brings some interesting results

    Shell shock takes third place with 2-2nds and 3- thirds but was lifted up because of who he won in the second round

    Jonny has forth with 2-1st, 1-2nd, and 1-3rd

    Mikado has 5th with a 1st, a 2nd and 2-3rds

    and Walker only takes 6th with 2-best and a 2nd.

    So from a more traditional scoring system the difference is Shell Shock moved up a few spots and Walker was lowered. Just awarding scores for position of finish would have resulted thus

    Dinga, Bert, Jonny, Walker, Mikado & Shell shock would have tied for 5th. I like the fact that Shell shock was rewarded for consistant play and playing well against good players.

    Walkers results is the only one that might be questionable to the scoring system, but if looking at consistancy, he did only score in three matches compared to everyone else having at least 4 match scores.

    Dinga, email your address and info to me so I can see what it will take to get a little something down there to you for a reward of your accomplishment.

    [ March 09, 2007, 06:10 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

  16. Eyes and Ears was superb, maybe the best-designed scenario I’ve ever played. All it needs, I think, is an earlier arrival of the ‘lost’ German company. The map is breathtakingly well thought-out, the embankment running down its breadth, the hills on one edge, the road leading over two elevated railway crossings, the fact that you can’t really be quite sure how far the LOS from the road leading into the town extends into the terrain through which the Hounds are approaching…absolutely nerve-wracking!
    Ouch, that hurts. My head is getting so big, dont get carried away with the praise.

    I had fun coming up with this scenario, thought it would play well.

    When I post it at the scenario depot, yes the german reinforcements will be arriving sooner and not as they do location wise either.

    I will not be able to get to this until the next time I am home, so about 3-4 weeks from now.

    Remember to save your praise for the scenario depot and rate it, that will be a nice Thank you.

  17. Scoring for ten men tournament is thus

    3 points for best score

    2 points for second best score

    1 point for third best score

    (for each side)

    Weak side victory

    2 points if you are the only winner playing the weak side out of the 5 matches

    1 point if two out of the 5 matches

    and upset points available after first round

    Round one final scoring

    Scenario A - Should have blown that Bridge

    Germans vs Allies

    74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___Major Tum

    Dinga 3 points

    70/30 JonnyEnglish __ vs __ Shell shocked

    jonny 2 points

    49/43 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Mikado

    crow warrior & Mikado 1 point

    27/63 Walker___ vs___ Bert

    Bert 3 point (one point for being the weak side)

    26/74 Gort___ vs___ Fiaros

    fiaros 4 points (one point for being the weak side)

    Scenario B - Unlucky Company B

    Allies vs Germans

    80/20 Walker ___ vs___ Fiaros

    Walker 3 points

    74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Mikado

    Dinga 2 points

    68/32 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Major Tum

    Jonny & Major Tum 1 point each

    55/35 Gort___ vs___ Shell Shocked

    Shell shocked 2 points

    62/38 Crow Warrior___ vs___ Bert

    Bert 3 points

    Scenario C - Brick & Mortar forest

    Germans vs Allies

    87/13 Walker___ vs___ Major Tum

    Walker 3 points

    76/24 Dinga 44___ vs___ Fiaros

    Dinga 2 points

    50/42 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Shell Shocked

    Crow warrior & Shell Shocked 1 point each

    35/58 Gort___ vs ___ Mikado

    Mikado 3 point (one point for being the weak side)

    26/74 Jonny English ___ vs___ Bert

    Bert 4 points (one point for being the weak side)

    Round one total accumulated scores

    10 points Bert

    7 points Dinga 44

    6 points Walker

    4 points Fiaros

    4 point Mikado

    3 points Jonny English

    3 points Shell Shocked

    2 point Crow Warrior

    1 point Major Tum

    scoreless Gort

    Round Two matches also have upset scoring, keep in mind if you win your battle by better than your sides adv. and are the lower rated player you will receive this Bonus scoring

    Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

    Allies vs Germans

    JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

    0.5 point to Jonny

    Bert___ vs___ Fiaros

    3 points fiaros

    Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

    1 point Gort

    Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

    0.5 point Walker

    Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

    1 point major Tum

    Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

    Allies vs Germans

    Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

    2.5 points to crow

    Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

    3.5 points to Shell shocked

    Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

    1.5 Points to Jonny

    Fiaros___vs___ Mikado

    no Bonus

    Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

    0.5 points to Gort

    Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

    Germans vs Allies

    Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

    1.5 pointsDinga

    Fiaros___ vs___ Shell Shocked

    0.5 points Shell shocked

    Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

    0.5 points Major Tum

    Walker___ vs___ Mikado

    1 point Mikado

    Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

    1.5 points to Gort

    Round Two scoring

    Scenario D - Bluecoat Surprise

    Allies vs Germans

    55/37 Bert___ vs___ (Fiaros) McCobbler

    3 points Bert

    53/40 Crow Warrior___ vs___Gort

    2 points Crow Warrior

    51/49 Major Tum___ vs ___Shell Shocked

    1 point Major Tum

    1 point upset Major Tum

    1 point Shell shock

    46/54 Walker___ vs___Dinga 44

    2 points Dinga

    1 point weak side victory Dinga

    41/59 JonnyEnglish ___ vs ___ Mikado

    3 points Mikado

    1 point weak side victory Mikado

    Scenario E - One Last Hurrah

    Allies vs Germans

    67/33 Dinga 44___ vs ___ Crow Warrior

    3 points Dinga

    63/33 (Fiaros) McCobbler__vs___ Mikado

    2 points McCobbler

    59/37 Shell Shocked ___ vs___ Bert

    1 point Shell shock &

    3 ½” points for upset (Best upset result anyone has ever received so far)

    1 point Bert

    51/46 Gort___ vs___ Major Tum

    3 points Major Tum (I felt he deserves three instead of 2 with the highest German score)

    42/42 Walker___ vs___ JonnyEnglish

    3 points JonnyEnglish &

    1 ½” points for upset

    (just one more point & jonny could have had 2 points for the only weak side victory – so close)

    Scenario F - Eyes and Ears of Death

    Germans vs Allies

    74/26 Dinga 44___ vs___ Bert

    3 points Dinga

    2 points weak side victory Dinga

    1 ½ points upset Dinga

    38/62 Walker vs Mikado

    2 points Walker

    1 point Mikado

    1 points upset Mikado

    32/51 Crow Warrior___ vs ___Major Tum

    1 point Crow

    30/70 (Fiaros) McCobbler__ vs___ Shell Shocked

    2 points Shell shocked

    ½ point upset Shell shocked

    16/84 Gort___ vs ___ JonnyEnglish

    3 points Jonny English

    Round one & two total accumulated scoring so far.

    19½ points Dinga 44

    14 points Bert

    11 points Shell Shocked

    10½ points Jonny English

    10 point Mikado

    8 points Walker

    6 points McCobbler (Fiaros)

    6 point Major Tum

    5 point Crow Warrior

    scoreless Gort

    [ March 09, 2007, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

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